About Solo Support

Learn what is included in Solo’s product support and how to communicate with Solo Engineers in case of an issue.

Solo Support scope

Solo Support offers technical assistance in English for Solo products. We are committed to helping you successfully utilize our software in your production environment by:

All Solo customers have access to various channels for obtaining technical assistance for our software:

For more information, see the following resources:

Not within Solo Support’s scope

Solo Support is not accountable for providing assistance with custom code, third-party tools, or unsupported technologies. Your request is likely out of Solo Support’s scope if it is primarily about:

Reach out to your Solo Account Executive or Customer Success Manager if you have questions or require assistance with any of the following:

For guidance on what products may be right for you, to request a demo, and to learn more about pricing options, contact Solo Sales or reach out to your Account Executive.

Support for Legacy Software

Solo recommends using the latest version of our software to ensure you have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

If you are a few versions behind, you have access to Solo’s support for legacy software as shown in the following table:

Software Details
Solo products, including Gloo Gateway Support for N-3 versions