
Package: gloo.solo.io


Source File: github.com/solo-io/gloo/projects/gloo/api/v1/endpoint.proto


Endpoints represent dynamically discovered address/ports where an upstream service is listening

"upstreams": []core.solo.io.ResourceRef
"address": string
"port": int
"hostname": string
"healthCheck": .gloo.solo.io.HealthCheckConfig
"metadata": .core.solo.io.Metadata

Field Type Description
upstreams []core.solo.io.ResourceRef List of the upstreams the endpoint belongs to.
address string Address of the endpoint (ip or hostname).
port int listening port for the endpoint.
hostname string hostname to use for the endpoint (e.g., auto host rewrite) if provided.
healthCheck .gloo.solo.io.HealthCheckConfig configuration for health checking the endpoint.
metadata .core.solo.io.Metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource.


"hostname": string

Field Type Description
hostname string hostname to use for the endpoint health checks if provided.