


Source File:


"virtualServices": []
"virtualServiceSelector": map<string, string>
"virtualServiceNamespaces": []string

Field Type Description
virtualServices [] Names & namespace refs of the virtual services which contain the actual routes for the gateway. If the list is empty, all virtual services in all namespaces that Gloo watches will apply, with accordance to ssl flag on Gateway above. The default namespace matching behavior can be overridden via virtual_service_namespaces flag below. Only one of virtualServices, virtualServiceExpressions or virtualServiceSelector should be provided. If more than one is provided only one will be checked with priority virtualServiceExpressions, virtualServiceSelector, virtualServices.
virtualServiceSelector map<string, string> Select virtual services by their label. If virtual_service_namespaces is provided below, this will apply only to virtual services in the namespaces specified. Only one of virtualServices, virtualServiceExpressions or virtualServiceSelector should be provided. If more than one is provided only one will be checked with priority virtualServiceExpressions, virtualServiceSelector, virtualServices.
virtualServiceExpressions Select virtual services using expressions. If virtual_service_namespaces is provided below, this will apply only to virtual services in the namespaces specified. Only one of virtualServices, virtualServiceExpressions or virtualServiceSelector should be provided. If more than one is provided only one will be checked with priority virtualServiceExpressions, virtualServiceSelector, virtualServices.
virtualServiceNamespaces []string Restrict the search by providing a list of valid search namespaces here. Setting ‘*’ will search all namespaces, equivalent to omitting this value.
options HTTP Gateway configuration.


Expressions to define which virtual services to select Example: expressions:

"expressions": []

Field Type Description
expressions [] Expressions allow for more flexible virtual service label matching, such as equality-based requirements, set-based requirements, or a combination of both.


"key": string
"values": []string

Field Type Description
key string Kubernetes label key, must conform to Kubernetes syntax requirements
operator The operator can only be in, notin, =, ==, !=, exists, ! (DoesNotExist), gt (GreaterThan), lt (LessThan).
values []string


Virtual Service Selector expression operator, while the set-based syntax differs from Kubernetes (kubernetes: key: !mylabel, gloo: key: mylabel, operator: "!" | kubernetes: key: mylabel, gloo: key: mylabel, operator: exists), the functionality remains the same.

Name Description
Equals =
DoubleEquals ==
NotEquals !=
In in
NotIn notin
Exists exists
DoesNotExist !
GreaterThan gt
LessThan lt