Navigation : Getting Started What is Gloo Gateway? Setup Guides Operations Reference - Open Source Attribution - API Reference -- address.proto -- address.proto -- advanced_http.proto -- advanced_http.proto -- als.proto -- annotations.proto -- any.proto -- api.proto -- apple_dns_resolver.proto -- artifact.proto -- authority.proto -- aws.proto -- aws_ec2.proto -- azure.proto -- backoff.proto -- base.proto -- base.proto -- buffer.proto -- caching.proto -- cares_dns_resolver.proto -- cidr.proto -- cipher_detection_input.proto -- circuit_breaker.proto -- cluster.proto -- config.proto -- config.proto -- connection.proto -- connection_limit.proto -- consul.proto -- context_params.proto -- core.proto -- cors.proto -- csrf.proto -- custom_tag.proto -- datadog.proto -- deprecation.proto -- descriptor.proto -- discovery.proto -- dlp.proto -- domain.proto -- duration.proto -- dynamic_forward_proxy.proto -- empty.proto -- endpoint.proto -- -- envoy_glooe_solo_io.project -- event_service_config.proto -- ext.proto -- extauth.proto -- extension.proto -- extension.proto -- extensions.proto -- external_options.proto -- extproc.proto -- failover.proto -- failover.proto -- fault.proto -- field_mask.proto -- filter.proto -- gateway.proto -- -- gateway_solo_io.project -- gcp.proto -- -- gloo_solo_io.project -- gloo_validation.proto -- -- glooe_solo_io.project -- graphql.proto -- graphql.proto -- graphql.proto -- grpc.proto -- grpc_json.proto -- grpc_output_sink.proto -- grpc_service.proto -- grpc_web.proto -- gzip.proto -- hcm.proto -- header_validation.proto -- headers.proto -- health_check.proto -- health_check.proto -- healthcheck.proto -- http.proto -- http.proto -- http_gateway.proto -- http_inputs.proto -- http_output_sink.proto -- http_path.proto -- http_uri.proto -- http_uri.proto -- ingress.proto -- instance.proto -- ip.proto -- jwt.proto -- kubernetes.proto -- lbhash.proto -- load_balancer.proto -- local_ratelimit.proto -- matchable_http_gateway.proto -- matchable_tcp_gateway.proto -- matcher.proto -- matchers.proto -- metadata.proto -- metadata.proto -- metrics.proto -- migrate.proto -- migrate.proto -- mutation_rules.proto -- opencensus.proto -- opentelemetry.proto -- options.proto -- orca.proto -- outlier_detection.proto -- parameters.proto -- percent.proto -- percent.proto -- pipe.proto -- placement.proto -- processing_mode.proto -- protocol.proto -- protocol_upgrade.proto -- proxy.proto -- proxy_endpoint.proto -- proxy_protocol.proto -- proxy_protocol.proto -- proxy_protocol.proto -- proxylatency.proto -- proxyprotocol.proto -- query_options.proto -- query_options.proto -- range.proto -- range.proto -- range.proto -- range.proto -- ratelimit.proto -- ratelimit.proto -- ratelimit.proto -- rbac.proto -- ref.proto -- regex.proto -- regex.proto -- resolver.proto -- resource.proto -- resource_locator.proto -- resource_name.proto -- rest.proto -- retries.proto -- route.proto -- route_components.proto -- route_table.proto -- router.proto -- sanitize.proto -- secret.proto -- security.proto -- selectors.proto -- semantic_version.proto -- semantic_version.proto -- sensitive.proto -- sensitive.proto -- server_name_matcher.proto -- service.proto -- service_spec.proto -- settings.proto -- shadowing.proto -- snap.proto -- socket_option.proto -- socket_option.proto -- solo-discovery-service.proto -- solo-kit.proto -- solo_jwt_authn.proto -- solo_xff_offset_filter.proto -- source_context.proto -- ssl.proto -- ssl.proto -- stages.proto -- stateful_session.proto -- statefulsession.proto -- statefulsession.proto -- static.proto -- stats.proto -- status.proto -- status.proto -- status.proto -- status.proto -- stitching.proto -- string.proto -- string.proto -- struct.proto -- subset.proto -- subset_spec.proto -- tap.proto -- tap.proto -- tcp.proto -- timestamp.proto -- tls_cipher_inspector.proto -- trace.proto -- tracing.proto -- transformation.proto -- transformation.proto -- transformation.proto -- type.proto -- typed_struct.proto -- upstream.proto -- upstream_proxy_protocol.proto -- upstream_wait_filter.proto -- version.proto -- versioning.proto -- versioning.proto -- virtual_service.proto -- waf.proto -- waf.proto -- wasm.proto -- wasm.proto -- wasm.proto -- wrappers.proto -- xslt_transformer.proto -- zipkin.proto - Command Line Reference - Changelog - Helm Chart Values - Security Updates - Security Posture - Gloo Gateway Port Reference - Release Support - Cheatsheets Contribution Guide Get help and support proxy_endpoint.proto Package: Types: ProxyEndpointRequest ProxyEndpointResponse Source File: ProxyEndpointRequest "namespace": string "name": string "selector": map<string, string> "expressionSelector": string Field Type Description namespace string Optional. The namespace to look for proxies. If this is omitted, all namespaces will be considered. name string Optional. The name of the proxy to look up. If this is provided, a namespace must be included as well. selector map<string, string> Optional. Equality-based selector to use to filter returned proxies. This will be ignored if a name is provided. See If both selector and expressionSelector are defined, then expressionSelector is used. expressionSelector string Optional. Set-based selector to use to filter returned proxies. This will be ignored if a name is provided. See If both selector and expressionSelector are defined, then expressionSelector is used. ProxyEndpointResponse "proxies": [] Field Type Description proxies [] List of proxies returned from the gloo pod.