
Package: jwt.options.gloo.solo.io


Source File: github.com/solo-io/gloo/projects/gloo/api/v1/enterprise/options/jwt/jwt.proto


"beforeExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension
"afterExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension

Field Type Description
beforeExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension JWT Virtual host config for the JWT filter that runs before the extauth filter.
afterExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension JWT Virtual host config for the JWT filter that runs after the extauth filter.


"beforeExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension
"afterExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension

Field Type Description
beforeExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension Per-route JWT config for the JWT filter that runs before the extauth filter.
afterExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension Per-route JWT config for the JWT filter that runs before the extauth filter.


"beforeExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RouteExtension
"afterExtAuth": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RouteExtension

Field Type Description
beforeExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RouteExtension Per-route JWT config for the JWT filter that runs before the extauth filter.
afterExtAuth .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RouteExtension Per-route JWT config for the JWT filter that runs before the extauth filter.


"providers": map<string, .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.Provider>
"allowMissingOrFailedJwt": bool
"validationPolicy": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension.ValidationPolicy

Field Type Description
providers map<string, .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.Provider> Map of JWT provider name to Provider. If specified, multiple providers will be OR-ed together and will allow validation to any of the providers.
allowMissingOrFailedJwt bool Allow pass through of JWT requests for this virtual host, even if JWT token is missing or JWT auth failed. If this is false (default false), requests that fail JWT authentication will fail authorization immediately. For example, if a request requires either JWT auth OR another auth method, this can be enabled to allow a failed JWT auth request to pass through to the other auth method. Deprecated: use validation_policy instead.
validationPolicy .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.VhostExtension.ValidationPolicy Optional: Configure how JWT validation works, with the flexibility to handle requests with missing or invalid JWTs. By default, after applying JWT policy to a route, only requests that authenticate with a valid JWT succeed.


Name Description
REQUIRE_VALID Default value. Allow only requests that authenticate with a valid JWT to succeed. Note that the allowMissingOrFailed=true setting takes precedence. In such a case, even if you explicitly set validationPolicy=REQUIRE_VALID, this field is ignored.
ALLOW_MISSING Allow requests to succeed even if JWT authentication is missing, but fail when an invalid JWT token is presented. You might use this setting when later steps depend on input from the JWT. For example, you might add claims from the JWT to request headers with the claimsToHeaders field. As such, you may want to make sure that any provided JWT is valid. If not, the request fails, which informs the requester that their JWT is not valid. Requests without a JWT, however, still succeed and skip JWT validation.
ALLOW_MISSING_OR_FAILED Allow requests to succeed even when a JWT is missing or JWT verification fails. For example, you might apply multiple policies to your routes so that requests can authenticate with either a JWT or another method such as external auth. Use this value to allow a failed JWT auth request to pass through to the other authentication method.


"disable": bool

Field Type Description
disable bool Disable JWT checks on this route.


"jwks": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.Jwks
"audiences": []string
"issuer": string
"tokenSource": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.TokenSource
"keepToken": bool
"claimsToHeaders": []jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.ClaimToHeader
"clockSkewSeconds": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value

Field Type Description
jwks .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.Jwks The source for the keys to validate JWTs.
audiences []string An incoming JWT must have an ‘aud’ claim and it must be in this list.
issuer string Issuer of the JWT. the ‘iss’ claim of the JWT must match this.
tokenSource .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.TokenSource Where to find the JWT of the current provider.
keepToken bool Should the token forwarded upstream. if false, the header containing the token will be removed.
claimsToHeaders []jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.ClaimToHeader What claims should be copied to upstream headers.
clockSkewSeconds .google.protobuf.UInt32Value Optional: ClockSkewSeconds is used to verify time constraints, such as exp and npf. Default is 60s.


"remote": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RemoteJwks
"local": .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.LocalJwks

Field Type Description
remote .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.RemoteJwks Use a remote JWKS server. Only one of remote or local can be set.
local .jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.LocalJwks Use an inline JWKS. Only one of local or remote can be set.


"url": string
"upstreamRef": .core.solo.io.ResourceRef
"cacheDuration": .google.protobuf.Duration
"asyncFetch": .solo.io.envoy.extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwksAsyncFetch

Field Type Description
url string The url used when accessing the upstream for Json Web Key Set. This is used to set the host and path in the request.
upstreamRef .core.solo.io.ResourceRef The Upstream representing the Json Web Key Set server.
cacheDuration .google.protobuf.Duration Duration after which the cached JWKS should be expired. If not specified, default cache duration is 5 minutes.
asyncFetch .solo.io.envoy.extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwksAsyncFetch Fetch Jwks asynchronously in the main thread before the listener is activated. Fetched Jwks can be used by all worker threads. If this feature is not enabled: * The Jwks is fetched on-demand when the requests come. During the fetching, first few requests are paused until the Jwks is fetched. * Each worker thread fetches its own Jwks since Jwks cache is per worker thread. If this feature is enabled: * Fetched Jwks is done in the main thread before the listener is activated. Its fetched Jwks can be used by all worker threads. Each worker thread doesn’t need to fetch its own. * Jwks is ready when the requests come, not need to wait for the Jwks fetching.


"key": string

Field Type Description
key string Inline key. this can be json web key, key-set or PEM format.


Describes the location of a JWT token

"headers": []jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.TokenSource.HeaderSource
"queryParams": []string

Field Type Description
headers []jwt.options.gloo.solo.io.TokenSource.HeaderSource Try to retrieve token from these headers.
queryParams []string Try to retrieve token from these query params.


Describes how to retrieve a JWT from a header

"header": string
"prefix": string

Field Type Description
header string The name of the header. for example, “authorization”.
prefix string Prefix before the token. for example, “Bearer “.


Allows copying verified claims to headers sent upstream

"claim": string
"header": string
"append": bool

Field Type Description
claim string Claim name. for example, “sub”.
header string The header the claim will be copied to. for example, “x-sub”.
append bool If the header exists, append to it (true), or overwrite it (false).