Dynamic Forward Proxy

You can set up an HTTP Dynamic Forward Proxy (DFP) filter in Gloo Gateway.

In a highly dynamic environment with services coming up and down and with no service registry being able to list the available endpoints, one option is to somehow “blindly” route the client requests upstream.

Another popular use case is to deploy a forward proxy for all egress traffic. This way, you can observe and control outbound traffic. A common security policy applied here is rate-limiting and, of course, gathering access logs.

So there are two sorts of usage for a forward proxy:

Before implementing a dynamic forward proxy, consider the downsides to such flexibility:

Of course, you might still decide to use a dynamic forward proxy in an API Gateway for benefits such as the following:

Enabling the Dynamic Forward Proxy

First, enable the DFP filter in your Gateway configuration.

kubectl -n gloo-system patch gw/gateway-proxy --type merge -p "
      dynamicForwardProxy: {}

Then, set the actual destination of the client request. The destination can be the Host header in the most basic setup. However, the destination might also be hidden in other client request headers or body parts. In this latter case, you can create the header dynamically by using a transformation template.

Review the following basic example to see how you can apply the dynamic forward option to a route.

apiVersion: gateway.solo.io/v1
kind: VirtualService
  name: test-static
  namespace: gloo-system
      - 'foo'
      - matchers:
         - prefix: /
            autoHostRewriteHeader: "x-rewrite-me" # host header will be rewritten to the value of this header