


Source File:


Contains various settings for Envoy’s access logging service. See here for more information:

"accessLog": []

Field Type Description
accessLog []



Field Type Description
fileSink Output access logs to local file. Only one of fileSink or grpcService can be set.
grpcService Send access logs to gRPC service. Only one of grpcService or fileSink can be set.


"path": string
"stringFormat": string
"jsonFormat": .google.protobuf.Struct

Field Type Description
path string the file path to which the file access logging service will sink.
stringFormat string the format string by which envoy will format the log lines Only one of stringFormat or jsonFormat can be set.
jsonFormat .google.protobuf.Struct the format object by which to envoy will emit the logs in a structured way. Only one of jsonFormat or stringFormat can be set.


"logName": string
"staticClusterName": string
"additionalRequestHeadersToLog": []string
"additionalResponseHeadersToLog": []string
"additionalResponseTrailersToLog": []string

Field Type Description
logName string name of log stream.
staticClusterName string
additionalRequestHeadersToLog []string
additionalResponseHeadersToLog []string
additionalResponseTrailersToLog []string



Field Type Description
statusCodeFilter Status code filter. Only one of statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
durationFilter Duration filter. Only one of durationFilter, statusCodeFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
notHealthCheckFilter Not health check filter. Only one of notHealthCheckFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
traceableFilter Traceable filter. Only one of traceableFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
runtimeFilter Runtime filter. Only one of runtimeFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
andFilter And filter. Only one of andFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
orFilter Or filter. Only one of orFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, headerFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
headerFilter Header filter. Only one of headerFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, responseFlagFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
responseFlagFilter Response flag filter. Only one of responseFlagFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, or grpcStatusFilter can be set.
grpcStatusFilter gRPC status filter. Only one of grpcStatusFilter, statusCodeFilter, durationFilter, notHealthCheckFilter, traceableFilter, runtimeFilter, andFilter, orFilter, headerFilter, or responseFlagFilter can be set.


Filter on an integer comparison.


Field Type Description
op Comparison operator.
value Value to compare against. Note that the defaultValue field must be defined unless the runtimeKey matches a key that is defined in Envoy’s runtime configuration layer. Gloo Gateway does not include a key by default. To specify a key-value pair, use the gatewayProxies.NAME.customStaticLayer Helm value or set the key at runtime by using the gateway proxy admin interface.


Name Description
EQ =
GE >=
LE <=


Filters on HTTP response/status code.


Field Type Description
comparison Comparison.


Filters on total request duration in milliseconds.


Field Type Description
comparison Comparison.


Filters for requests that are not health check requests. A health check request is marked by the health check filter.

Field Type Description


Filters for requests that are traceable. See the tracing overview for more information on how a request becomes traceable.

Field Type Description


Filters for random sampling of requests.

"runtimeKey": string
"useIndependentRandomness": bool

Field Type Description
runtimeKey string Runtime key to get an optional overridden numerator for use in the percent_sampled field. If found in runtime, this value will replace the default numerator.
percentSampled The default sampling percentage. If not specified, defaults to 0% with denominator of 100.
useIndependentRandomness bool By default, sampling pivots on the header :ref:x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id> being present. If :ref:x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id> is present, the filter will consistently sample across multiple hosts based on the runtime key value and the value extracted from :ref:x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id>. If it is missing, or use_independent_randomness is set to true, the filter will randomly sample based on the runtime key value alone. use_independent_randomness can be used for logging kill switches within complex nested :ref:AndFilter <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.accesslog.v3.AndFilter> and :ref:OrFilter <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.accesslog.v3.OrFilter> blocks that are easier to reason about from a probability perspective (i.e., setting to true will cause the filter to behave like an independent random variable when composed within logical operator filters).


Performs a logical “and” operation on the result of each filter in filters. Filters are evaluated sequentially and if one of them returns false, the filter returns false immediately.

"filters": []

Field Type Description
filters []


Performs a logical “or” operation on the result of each individual filter. Filters are evaluated sequentially and if one of them returns true, the filter returns true immediately.

"filters": []

Field Type Description
filters []


Filters requests based on the presence or value of a request header.


Field Type Description
header Only requests with a header which matches the specified HeaderMatcher will pass the filter check.


Filters requests that received responses with an Envoy response flag set. A list of the response flags can be found in the access log formatter :ref:documentation<config_access_log_format_response_flags>.

"flags": []string

Field Type Description
flags []string Only responses with the any of the flags listed in this field will be logged. This field is optional. If it is not specified, then any response flag will pass the filter check.


Filters gRPC requests based on their response status. If a gRPC status is not provided, the filter will infer the status from the HTTP status code.

"statuses": []
"exclude": bool

Field Type Description
statuses [] Logs only responses that have any one of the gRPC statuses in this field.
exclude bool If included and set to true, the filter will instead block all responses with a gRPC status or inferred gRPC status enumerated in statuses, and allow all other responses.


Name Description