Kubernetes Services

To allow for optimal performance in Gloo Edge, it is recommended to use Gloo static and discovered Upstreams as your routing destination. However, if you run Gloo Edge in a Kubernetes cluster, you can choose between the following options to route to a Kubernetes service:

Option 1: Route to a Kubernetes service directly

You can configure your VirtualService to route to a Kubernetes service instead of a Gloo Upstream.

Consider the following information before choosing a Kubernetes service as your routing destination:

  • For Gloo Edge to route traffic to a Kubernetes service directly, Gloo Edge requires scanning of all services in the cluster to create in-memory Upstream resources to represent them. Gloo uses these resources to validate that the upstream destination is valid and returns an error if the specified Kubernetes service cannot be found. Note that the in-memory Upstream resources are included in the API snapshot. If you have a large number of services in your cluster, the API snapshot increases which can have a negative impact on the Gloo Edge translation time.
  • When using Kubernetes services as a routing destination, Gloo Edge relies on kube-proxy to perform load balancing which can have further performance impacts. Routing to Gloo Upstreams bypasses kube-proxy as the request is routed to the pod directly.
  • Some Gloo Edge functionality, such as policies, might not be available when using Kubernetes services as a routing destination.

To use Kubernetes services as a routing destination:

  1. Get the default Gloo Edge settings and verify that spec.gloo.disableKubernetesDestinations is set to false. This setting is required to allow Gloo Edge to scan all Kubernetes services in the cluster and to create in-memory Upstream resources to represent them. If it is set to true, follow the upgrade guide and set settings.disableKubernetesDestinations: false in your Helm chart.

    kubectl get settings default -n gloo-system -o yaml
  2. Configure the Kubernetes service as a routing destination in your VirtualService. The following example configuration forwards all requests to /petstore to port 8080 on the petstore Kubernetes service in the default namespace.

    - matchers:
       - prefix: /petstore
              name: petstore
              namespace: default
            port: 8080

    The kube destination type has two required fields:

    • ref is a core.solo.io.ResourceRef to the service that receives the traffic.
    • port is an integer (int) and represents the port the service listens on. Note that this port must be defined in the Kubernetes service.

Option 2: Use Kubernetes Upstream resources

Instead of routing to a Kubernetes service directly, you can create Gloo Kubernetes Upstream resources that represent your Kubernetes workload. With Kubernetes Upstream resources, you can route requests to a specific pod in the cluster. This process bypasses kube-proxy which improves load balancing times for your workloads.

To use Kubernetes Upstream resources:

  1. Create a Kubernetes Upstream resource for your workload. The following configuration creates an upstream resource for the Petstore app that listens on port 8080 in the default namespace.

    apiVersion: gloo.solo.io/v1
    kind: Upstream
      name: petstore
      namespace: gloo-system
        serviceName: petstore
        serviceNamespace: default
        servicePort: 8080
  2. Configure the Kubernetes Upstream as a routing destination in your VirtualService. The following example configuration forwards all requests to /petstore to the Petstore upstream in the gloo-system namespace.

    - matchers:
       - prefix: /petstore
            name: petstore
            namespace: gloo-system