Admission control

Prevent invalid Gloo configuration from being applied to your Kubernetes cluster by using the Gloo Gateway validating admission webhook.

About the validating admission webhook

The validating admission webhook configuration is enabled by default when you install Gloo Gateway with the Helm chart or the glooctl install gateway command. By default, the webhook only logs the validation result without rejecting invalid Gloo resource configuration. If the configuration you provide is written in valid YAML format, it is accepted by the Kubernetes API server and written to etcd. However, the configuration might contain invalid settings or inconsistencies that Gloo Gateway cannot interpret or process. This mode is also referred to as permissive validation.

You can enable strict validation by setting the alwaysAcceptResources Helm option to false. Note that only resources that result in a rejected status are rejected on admission. Resources that result in a warning status are still admitted. To also reject resources with a warning status, set alwaysAcceptResources=false and allowWarnings=false in your Helm file.

For more information about how resource configuration validation works in Gloo Gateway, see Resource validation in Gloo Gateway.

Enable strict resource validation

Configure the validating admission webhook to reject invalid Gloo custom resources before they are applied in the cluster.

  1. Enable strict resource validation by updating your Gloo Gateway installation and set the following Helm values.

    --set gateway.validation.alwaysAcceptResources=false
    --set gateway.validation.enabled=true

    To also reject Gloo custom resources that result in a Warning status, include --set gateway.validation.allowWarnings=false.

  2. Verify that the validating admission webhook is enabled.

    1. Create a virtual service that includes invalid Gloo configuration.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      kind: VirtualService
        name: reject-me
        namespace: gloo-system
          - matchers:
            - headers:
              - name: foo
                value: bar
                  name: does-not-exist
                  namespace: gloo-system
    2. Verify that the Gloo resource is rejected. You see an error message similar to the following.

      Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"reject-me"  namespace:"gloo-system": Route Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.does-not-exist } not found
      You can also use the validating admission webhook by running the kubectl apply --dry-run=server command to test your Gloo configuration before you apply it to your cluster. For more information, see Test resource configurations.

Enable full Envoy validation (beta)

In addition to strict resource validation, you can enable full Envoy validation in your Gloo Gateway setup. The full Envoy validation adds another validation layer to the validation webhook by converting the translated xDS snapshot into static bootstrap configuration that can be fed into Envoy. This way, you can validate configuration that is typically accepted by Gloo Gateway, but later rejected by Envoy. For example, you might have a transformation policy in your VirtualService that uses an invalid Inja template. Gloo Gateway cannot validate the Inja template and therefore accepts the configuration. However, with the full Envoy validation enabled, this configuration is checked against Envoy and rejected if Envoy detects invalid configuration.

The full Envoy validation is a beta feature.

Enabling full Envoy validation is a resource-intensive operation that can have a negative performance impact on your environment, especially if the environment has a lot of resources.

  1. Follow the Hello World guide to set up the hello world app and expose it with a VirtualService.

  2. Edit the Settings to enable strict resource validation without the full Envoy validation. Make sure to also set disableTransformationValidation: true to disable the transformation validation. To persist this setting between Gloo Gateway upgrades, add this setting to your Helm values file instead.

    kubectl edit settings default -n gloo-system

    Enter the following values:

          allowWarnings: false
          alwaysAccept: false
          disableTransformationValidation: true
          fullEnvoyValidation: false
  3. Add a transformation policy to the hello world VirtualService that uses an invalid Inja template. The following example does not close the else statement. Verify that this configuration is accepted by Gloo Gateway.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualService
      name: default
      namespace: gloo-system
        - '*'
        - matchers:
          - exact: /all-pets
            prefixRewrite: /api/pets
                - responseTransformation: 
                          text: '{% if default(data.error.message, "") != %}400{% else '
                name: default-petstore-8080
                namespace: gloo-system

  4. Review the logs of the gateway-proxy pod. Verify that although Gloo Gateway accepted the configuration, a warning regarding the malformatted Inja template is reported by Envoy.

    kubectl logs -f -n gloo-system -l gateway-proxy

    Example output:

    [2024-12-13 18:43:12.090][1][warning][config] [external/envoy/source/extensions/config_subscription/grpc/] gRPC config for rejected: Failed to parse response template on response matcher: Failed to parse header template 'test_header': [inja.exception.parser_error] (at 1:42) too few arguments
  5. Restore the old VirtualService again.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF                                      
    kind: VirtualService
      name: default
      namespace: gloo-system
        - '*'
        - matchers:
          - exact: /all-pets
            prefixRewrite: /api/pets
                name: default-petstore-8080
                namespace: gloo-system   
  6. Edit the Settings resource to enable full Envoy validation. Note that you can leave disableTransformationValidation: true, because the transformation validation is included in the full Envoy validation.

    kubectl edit settings default -n gloo-system

    Enter the following values:

          allowWarnings: false
          alwaysAccept: false
          disableTransformationValidation: true
          fullEnvoyValidation: true
  7. Try to apply the invalid VirtualService again. Verify that the resource is now rejected and the Envoy error about the invalid Inja template is surfaced to you.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualService
      name: default
      namespace: gloo-system
        - '*'
        - matchers:
          - exact: /all-pets
            prefixRewrite: /api/pets
                - responseTransformation: 
                          text: '{% if default(data.error.message, "") != %}400{% else '
                name: default-petstore-8080
                namespace: gloo-system

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when applying patch:
    {"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"VirtualService\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"default\",\"namespace\":\"gloo-system\"},\"spec\":{\"virtualHost\":{\"domains\":[\"*\"],\"routes\":[{\"matchers\":[{\"exact\":\"/all-pets\"}],\"options\":{\"prefixRewrite\":\"/api/pets\",\"stagedTransformations\":{\"regular\":{\"responseTransforms\":[{\"responseTransformation\":{\"transformationTemplate\":{\"headers\":{\"test_header\":{\"text\":\"{% if default(data.error.message, \\\"\\\") != %}400{% else \"}}}}}]}}},\"routeAction\":{\"single\":{\"upstream\":{\"name\":\"default-petstore-8080\",\"namespace\":\"gloo-system\"}}}}]}}}\n"}},"spec":{"virtualHost":{"routes":[{"matchers":[{"exact":"/all-pets"}],"options":{"prefixRewrite":"/api/pets","stagedTransformations":{"regular":{"responseTransforms":[{"responseTransformation":{"transformationTemplate":{"headers":{"test_header":{"text":"{% if default(data.error.message, \"\") != %}400{% else "}}}}}]}}},"routeAction":{"single":{"upstream":{"name":"default-petstore-8080","namespace":"gloo-system"}}}}]}}}
    Resource: ", Resource=virtualservices", GroupVersionKind: ", Kind=VirtualService"
    Name: "default", Namespace: "gloo-system"
    for: "STDIN": error when patching "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"default"  namespace:"gloo-system": 1 error occurred:
        * failed gloo validation resource reports: 2 errors occurred:
        * invalid resource gloo-system.gateway-proxy
        * envoy validation mode output: error initializing configuration '/dev/fd/0': Failed to parse response template on response matcher: Failed to parse header template 'test_header': [inja.exception.parser_error] (at 1:42) too few arguments
    , error: command ""/usr/local/bin/envoy" "--mode" "validate" "--config-path" "/dev/fd/0" "-l" "critical" "--log-format" "%v"" failed with error: exit status 1

View the current validating admission webhook configuration

You can check whether strict or permissive validation is enabled in your Gloo Gateway installation by checking the Settings resource.

  1. Get the details of the default settings resource.

    kubectl get settings default -n gloo-system -o yaml
  2. In your CLI output, find the spec.gateway.validation.alwaysAccept setting. If set to true, permissive mode is enabled in your Gloo Gateway setup and invalid Gloo resources are only logged, but not rejected. If set to false, strict validation mode is enabled and invalid resource configuration is rejected before being applied in the cluster. If allowWarnings=false is set alongside alwaysAccept=false, resources that result in a Warning status are also rejected.

Monitor the validation status of Gloo resources

When Gloo Gateway fails to process a resource, the error is reflected in the resource’s Status . You can run glooctl check to easily view any configuration errors on resources that have been admitted to your cluster.

Additionally, you can configure Gloo Gateway to publish metrics that record the configuration status of the resources.

In the observabilityOptions of the Settings CRD, you can enable status metrics by specifying the resource type and any labels to apply to the metric. The following example adds metrics for virtual services and upstreams, which both have labels that include the namespace and name of each individual resource:

        name: '{}'
        namespace: '{.metadata.namespace}'
        name: '{}'
        namespace: '{.metadata.namespace}'

After you complete the Hello World guide to generate some resources, you can see the metrics that you defined at [http://localhost:9091/metrics](http://localhost:9091/metrics). If the port forwarding is directed towards the Gloo pod, the default-petstore-8080 upstream reports a healthy state:

validation_gateway_solo_io_upstream_config_status{name="default-petstore-8080",namespace="gloo-system"} 0

Test resource configurations

You can use the Kubernetes dry run capability to verify your resource configuration or send requests directly to the Gloo Gateway validation API.

The information in this guide assumes that you enabled strict validation, including the rejection of resources that result in a Warning state. To enable these settings, update your Gloo Gateway installation and include --set gateway.validation.alwaysAcceptResources=false, --set gateway.validation.enabled=true, and --set gateway.validation.allowWarnings=false.

Use the dry run capability in Kubernetes

To test whether a YAML file is accepted by the validation webhook, you can use the kubectl apply --dry-run=server command as shown in the following examples.

  1. Try to create an upstream without a valid host address and verify that your resource is denied by the validation API.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f- <<EOF
    kind: Upstream
      name: invalid-upstream
      namespace: gloo-system
          - addr: ~

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.Upstream failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.Upstream failed: validating *v1.Upstream name:"invalid-upstream"  namespace:"gloo-system": failed gloo validation resource reports: 2 errors occurred:
     * invalid resource gloo-system.invalid-upstream
        * WARN: 
      [2 errors occurred:
        * addr cannot be empty for host
        * cluster was configured improperly by one or more plugins: name:"invalid-upstream_gloo-system"  type:STATIC  connect_timeout:{seconds:5}  metadata:{}: cluster type STATIC specified but LoadAssignment was empty
  1. Try to create a gateway resource without a gateway type and verify that your resource is denied by the validation API.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f- <<EOF 
    kind: Gateway
      name: gateway-without-type
      namespace: gloo-system
      bindAddress: '::'

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.Gateway failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.Gateway failed: validating *v1.Gateway name:"gateway-without-type"  namespace:"gloo-system": could not render proxy: 2 errors occurred:
        * invalid resource gloo-system.gateway-without-type
        * invalid gateway: gateway must contain gatewayType
  2. Create another gateway resource that references an upstream that does not exist and verify that the resource is denied by the validation API.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f - <<EOF
    kind: Gateway
      name: tcp
      namespace: gloo-system
      bindAddress: '::'
      bindPort: 8000
        - name: one
                name: gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025
                namespace: gloo-system
      useProxyProto: false

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.Gateway failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.Gateway failed: validating *v1.Gateway name:"tcp"  namespace:"gloo-system": TcpHost Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: listener listener-::-8000: TcpHost error: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025 } not found
  1. Create a valid virtual gateway resource. Note that if you followed the Hello world guide, the virtual service already exists and is denied by the validation API because you cannot use the same domain in multiple virtual services.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualService
      name: default
      namespace: gloo-system
      ownerReferences: []
        - '*'
        - matchers:
          - exact: /all-pets
            prefixRewrite: /api/pets
                name: default-petstore-8080
                namespace: gloo-system

    Example output if the virtual service does not exist:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
     * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"default"  namespace:"gloo-system": Route Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.default-petstore-8080 } not found

    Example output if the virtual service already exists:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"default"  namespace:"gloo-system": could not render proxy: 4 errors occurred:
        * invalid resource gloo-system.default
        * domain conflict: the [*] domain is present in other virtual services that belong to the same Gateway as this one: [gloo-system.default-2]
        * domain conflict: the [*] domain is present in other virtual services that belong to the same Gateway as this one: [gloo-system.default]
        * domain conflict: the following domains are present in more than one of the virtual services associated with this gateway: [*]
  2. Try to create a virtual service that points to an upstream that does not exist and verify that your resource is denied by the validation API.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualService
      name: missing-upstream
      namespace: gloo-system
         - unique1
          - matchers:
            - methods:
               - GET
              prefix: /items/
                  name: does-not-exist
                  namespace: anywhere

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"missing-upstream"  namespace:"default": Route Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: *v1.Upstream { anywhere.does-not-exist } not found
  3. Try to create another virtual service that does not specify any prefix matchers in the delegateAction section and verify that the resource is denied by the validation API.

    kubectl apply --dry-run=server -f- <<EOF
    kind: VirtualService
      name: method-matcher
      namespace: gloo-system
         - unique2
          - matchers:
            - exact: /delegated-nonprefix  # not allowed
              name: does-not-exist # also not allowed, but caught later
              namespace: anywhere

    Example output:

    Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gloo.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:
        * Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:"method-matcher"  namespace:"default": could not render proxy: 2 errors occurred:
        * invalid resource default.method-matcher
        * invalid route: routes with delegate actions must use a prefix matcher

Send requests to the validation API directly

Send a curl request to the validation API to test your resource configurations. For an overview of the fields that you must include as part of your request, see Validation API reference.

If an empty response {} is returned from the validation API, you might need to add or remove a bracket from your request. This response is returned also if the wrong bracket type is used, such as when you used {} instead of [].

The validation API currently assumes that all configuration that is sent to the API passes the Kubernetes object schema validation. For example, if your configuration contains valid Gloo configuration, but you use an API version or kind that does not exist in your cluster, the validation API logs a warning, but accepts the request. To ensure that your resource configuration passes the Kubernetes object schema validation, use the dry run capability in Kubernetes instead.

  1. Port-forward the gloo service on port 8443.

    kubectl -n gloo-system port-forward service/gloo 8443:443
  2. Send a request with your resource configuration to the Gloo Gateway validation API. The following example shows successful and unsuccessful resource configuration validation for the upstream, gateway, and virtual service resources.

    Example YAML file:

    kind: Upstream
      name: json-upstream
      namespace: gloo-system
          - addr:
            port: 80

    1. Send a request to the validation API to create the upstream resource.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"Upstream"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"upstream","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object": { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Upstream", "metadata": { "name": "upstream", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "static": { "hosts": [ { "addr": "", "port": 80 } ]}}} }}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation 

      Example output for successful validation:

    2. Set the hosts.addr field to null and verify that your resource is denied by the validation API.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"Upstream"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"upstream","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object": { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Upstream", "metadata": { "name": "upstream", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "static": { "hosts": [ { "addr": null, "port": 80 } ]}}} }}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation

      Example output:

      {"response":{"uid":"1234","allowed":false,"status":{"metadata":{},"message":"resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.Upstream failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.Upstream failed: validating *v1.Upstream name:\"upstream\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": failed gloo validation resource reports: 2 errors occurred:\n\t* invalid resource gloo-system.upstream\n\t* WARN: \n  [2 errors occurred:\n\t* addr cannot be empty for host\n\t* cluster was configured improperly by one or more plugins: name:\"upstream_gloo-system\"  type:STATIC  connect_timeout:{seconds:5}  metadata:{}: cluster type STATIC specified but LoadAssignment was empty\n\n]\n\n\n\n]","details":{"name":"upstream","group":"","kind":"Upstream","causes":[{"message":"Error Validating *v1.Upstream failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.Upstream failed: validating *v1.Upstream name:\"upstream\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": failed gloo validation resource reports: 2 errors occurred:\n\t* invalid resource gloo-system.upstream\n\t* WARN: \n  [2 errors occurred:\n\t* addr cannot be empty for host\n\t* cluster was configured improperly by one or more plugins: name:\"upstream_gloo-system\"  type:STATIC  connect_timeout:{seconds:5}  metadata:{}: cluster type STATIC specified but LoadAssignment was empty\n\n]\n\n\n\n"}]}}}}%         

    Example YAML file

    kind: Gateway
      name: tcp
      namespace: gloo-system
      bindAddress: '::'
      bindPort: 8000
        - name: one
                name: gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025
                namespace: gloo-system
      useProxyProto: false

    1. Send a request to the validation API to create the gateway resource. Note that because the resource references an upstream that does not exist, the validation API returns a validation error.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"Gateway"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"tcp","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object":{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Gateway", "metadata": { "name": "tcp", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "bindAddress": "::", "bindPort": 8000, "tcpGateway": { "tcpHosts": [ { "name": "one", "destination": { "single": {  "upstream": { "name": "gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025", "namespace": "gloo-system" }} }}]}, "useProxyProto": false }} }}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation

      Example output:

      {"response":{"uid":"1234","allowed":false,"status":{"metadata":{},"message":"resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.Gateway failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.Gateway failed: validating *v1.Gateway name:\"tcp\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": TcpHost Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: listener listener-::-8000: TcpHost error: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025 } not found\n\n]","details":{"name":"tcp","group":"","kind":"Gateway","causes":[{"message":"Error Validating *v1.Gateway failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.Gateway failed: validating *v1.Gateway name:\"tcp\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": TcpHost Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: listener listener-::-8000: TcpHost error: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025 } not found\n\n"}]}}}}
    2. Change the boolean value in useProxyProto from false to "false" and verify that your resource configuration is denied by the validation API.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"Gateway"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"tcp","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object":{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "Gateway", "metadata": { "name": "tcp", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "bindAddress": "::", "bindPort": 8000, "tcpGateway": { "tcpHosts": [ { "name": "one", "destination": { "single": {  "upstream": { "name": "gloo-system-tcp-echo-1025", "namespace": "gloo-system" }} }}]}, "useProxyProto": "false" }} }}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation  

      Example output for failed validation:

      {"response":{"uid":"1234","allowed":false,"status":{"metadata":{},"message":"resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [1 error occurred:\n\t* could not unmarshal raw object: parsing resource from crd spec tcp in namespace gloo-system into *v1.Gateway: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type bool\n\n]","details":{"name":"tcp","group":"","kind":"Gateway","causes":[{"message":"Error 1 error occurred:\n\t* could not unmarshal raw object: parsing resource from crd spec tcp in namespace gloo-system into *v1.Gateway: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type bool\n\n"}]}}}}

    Example YAML file:

    kind: VirtualService
      name: update-response-code
      namespace: gloo-system
          - matchers:
              - prefix: /
                  name: postman-echo
                  namespace: gloo-system
              autoHostRewrite: true
                    text: >-
                      {% if default(data.error.message, "") != "" %}400{% else %}{{
                      header(":status") }}{% endif %}                  

    1. Send a request to the validation API and verify that your resource is denied because you reference an upstream that does not exist.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"VirtualService"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"update-response-code","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object":{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "VirtualService", "metadata": { "name": "update-response-code", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "virtualHost": { "domains": [ "" ], "routes": [ { "matchers": [ { "prefix": "/" } ], "routeAction": { "single": { "upstream": { "name": "postman-echo", "namespace": "gloo-system" } } }, "options": { "autoHostRewrite": true } } ], "options": { "transformations": { "responseTransformation": { "transformationTemplate": { "headers": { ":status": { "text": "{% if default(data.error.message, \"\") != \"\" %}400{% else %}{{ header(\":status\") }}{% endif %}" } } } } } } } } }}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation

      Example output:

      {"response":{"uid":"1234","allowed":false,"status":{"metadata":{},"message":"resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:\"update-response-code\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": Route Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.postman-echo } not found\n\n]","details":{"name":"update-response-code","group":"","kind":"VirtualService","causes":[{"message":"Error Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: 1 error occurred:\n\t* Validating *v1.VirtualService failed: validating *v1.VirtualService name:\"update-response-code\"  namespace:\"gloo-system\": Route Warning: InvalidDestinationWarning. Reason: *v1.Upstream { gloo-system.postman-echo } not found\n\n"}]}}}}%    
    2. Change the options field to optional to force a validation error.

      curl -k -XPOST -d '{"request":{"uid":"1234","kind":{"group":"","version":"v1","kind":"VirtualService"},"resource":{"group":"","version":"","resource":""},"name":"update-response-code","namespace":"gloo-system","operation":"CREATE","userInfo":{},"object":{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "VirtualService", "metadata": { "name": "update-response-code", "namespace": "gloo-system" }, "spec": { "virtualHost": { "domains": [ "" ], "routes": [ { "matchers": [ { "prefix": "/" } ], "routeAction": { "single": { "upstream": { "name": "postman-echo", "namespace": "gloo-system" } } }, "options": { "autoHostRewrite": true } } ], "optional": { "transformations": { "responseTransformation": { "transformationTemplate": { "headers": { ":status": { "text": "{% if default(data.error.message, \"\") != \"\" %}400{% else %}{{ header(\":status\") }}{% endif %}" } } } } } } } } }}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' https://localhost:8443/validation

      Example output:

      {"response":{"uid":"1234","allowed":false,"status":{"metadata":{},"message":"resource incompatible with current Gloo snapshot: [1 error occurred:\n\t* could not unmarshal raw object: parsing resource from crd spec update-response-code in namespace gloo-system into *v1.VirtualService: unknown field \"optional\" in\n\n]","details":{"name":"update-response-code","group":"","kind":"VirtualService","causes":[{"message":"Error 1 error occurred:\n\t* could not unmarshal raw object: parsing resource from crd spec update-response-code in namespace gloo-system into *v1.VirtualService: unknown field \"optional\" in\n\n"}]}}}}

Validation API reference

The Gloo Gateway validation API is implemented as a validating admission webhook in Kubernetes with the following sample JSON structure:

  "request": {
    "uid": "12345",
    "kind": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "VirtualService"
    "resource": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "",
      "resource": ""
    "name": "vs-dry-run",
    "namespace": "gloo-system",
    "operation": "CREATE",
    "userInfo": {
      "username": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:my-serviceaccount",
      "uid": "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:my-serviceaccount"
    "object": {
      // The resource configuration that you want to validate in JSON format.
Parameter Type Required Description
request.uid String No A unique identifier for the validation request. You can use this field to find the validation output for a specific resource more easily.
request.kind Object Yes Information about the type of Kubernetes object that is involved in the validation request. The following fields can be defined:
  • (string): The API group of the resource that you want to validate, such as
  • request.kind.version (string): The API version of the resource that you want to validate, such as v1.
  • request.kind.kind (string): The kind of resource that you want to validate, such as VirtualService.
To find a list of supported group, version, and kind combinations, see the rules section in the Gloo Gateway validating admission webhook configuration.
request.resource Object Yes Information about the resource that is admitted to the webhook. In most cases, the resource defined in request.kind and request.resource is the same. They might differ only when changes in API versions or variations in resource naming were introduced, or if the resource that you admit belongs to a subresource. If this is the case, you must include the request.resource field in your request to the validation API. If request.kind and request.resource are the same, the request.resource section can be omitted.

The following fields can be defined:
  • (string): The API group of the resource that you admit to the validation API.
  • request.resource.version (string): The API version of the resource that you want to admit.
  • request.resource.kind (string): The type of resource that you want to admit. String No The name of the resource that you want to validate.
request.namespace String No The namespace where you want to create, update, or delete the resource.
request.operation String Yes The operation in Kubernetes that you want to use for your resource. The operation that you can set depends on the resource that you want to validate. You can find supported operations in the rules section in the Gloo Gateway validating admission webhook configuration.
request.userInfo Object No Information about the user that sends the validation request. The following fields can be provided:
  • request.userInfo.username (string): The name of the user that sends the validation request, such as my-serviceaccount.
  • request.userInfo.uid (string): The unique identifier of the user.
  • request.userInfo.groups (array of strings): A list of groups that the user belongs to.
request.object Object Yes The resource configuration that you want to validate, such as an upstream, gateway, or virtual service, in JSON format. Refer to the API reference for more information about the fields that you can set for each resource.

Disable resource validation in Gloo Gateway

Because the validation admission webhook is set up automatically in Gloo Gateway, a ValidationWebhookConfiguration resource is created in your cluster. You can disable the webhook, which prevents the ValidationWebhookConfiguration resource from being created. When validation is disabled, any Gloo resources that you create in your cluster are translated to Envoy proxy config, even if the config has errors or warnings.

To disable validation, use the following --set options during installation, or configure your Helm values file accordingly.

--set gateway.enabled=false
--set gateway.validation.enabled=false
--set gateway.validation.webhook.enabled=false

Questions or feedback

If you have questions or feedback regarding the Gloo Gateway resource validation or any other feature, reach out via the Slack or open an issue in the Gloo Gateway GitHub repository.