The LDAP feature was introduced with Gloo Gateway Enterprise, release 0.18.27. If you are using an earlier version, this tutorial will not work.

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, commonly referred to as LDAP, is an open protocol used to store and retrieve hierarchically structured data over a network. It has been widely adopted by enterprises to centrally store and secure organizational information. A common use case for LDAP is to maintain information about members of an organization, assign them to specific user groups, and give each of them access to resources based on their group memberships.

In this guide you deploy a simple LDAP server to your Kubernetes cluster to explore how you can use it together with Gloo Gateway to authenticate users and control access to a target service based on the user’s group memberships.

Check out this excellent tutorial by Digital Ocean to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and components of an LDAP server; although it is not strictly necessary, it will help you better understand this guide.


This guide assumes that you have deployed Gloo to the gloo-system namespace and that the glooctl command line utility is installed on your machine. glooctl provides several convenient functions to view, manipulate, and debug Gloo resources; in particular, it is worth mentioning the following command, which we will use each time we need to retrieve the URL of the Gloo Gateway that is running inside your cluster:

glooctl proxy url

Step 1: Create a simple Virtual Service

Let’s start by creating a simple service that returns “Hello World” when receiving HTTP requests:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: http-echo
  name: http-echo
      app: http-echo
  replicas: 1
        app: http-echo
      - image: hashicorp/http-echo:latest
        name: http-echo
        args: ["-text='Hello World!'"]
        - containerPort: 5678
          name: http
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: http-echo
    service: http-echo
  - port: 5678
    protocol: TCP
    app: http-echo

Now we can create a Virtual Service that routes any requests with the /echo prefix to the http-echo service.

  kubectl apply -f - << EOF
  apiVersion: gateway.solo.io/v1
  kind: VirtualService
    name: echo
    namespace: gloo-system
    displayName: echo
        - '*'
        - matchers:
          - prefix: /echo
                  name: http-echo
                  namespace: default
                port: 5678

To verify that the Virtual Service works, let’s send a request to /echo:

curl $(glooctl proxy url)/echo


'Hello World!'

Step 2: Deploy an LDAP server

We also need to deploy an LDAP server to your cluster and configure it with a simple set of users and groups. This information is used to determine which requests can access the upstream that you created earlier.

We have prepared a shell script that takes care of setting up the necessary resources. It creates:

  1. a configmap with the LDAP server bootstrap configuration
  2. a deployment running OpenLDAP
  3. a service fronting the deployment

The script accepts an optional string argument, which determines the namespace in which the resources are created. If no namespace is provided, the resources are created in the default namespace. After you have downloaded the script to your working directory, you can run the following commands to execute it:

chmod +x setup-ldap.sh

No namespace provided, using default namespace
Creating configmap with LDAP server bootstrap config...
configmap/ldap created
Creating LDAP service and deployment...
deployment.apps/ldap created
service/ldap created
The details of the script are beyond the scope of this guide; if you are interested, you can inspect them by clicking on this paragraph.

To understand the user configuration, it is worth looking at the last two data entries in the config map:

03_people.ldif: |
  # Create a parent 'people' entry
  dn: ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
  ou: people
  description: All solo.io people

  # Add 'marco'
  dn: uid=marco,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  cn: Marco Schmidt
  sn: Schmidt
  uid: marco
  userPassword: marcopwd
  mail: marco.schmidt@solo.io

  # Add 'rick'
  dn: uid=rick,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  cn: Rick Ducott
  sn: Ducott
  uid: rick
  userPassword: rickpwd
  mail: rick.ducott@solo.io

  # Add 'scottc'
  dn: uid=scottc,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: inetOrgPerson
  cn: Scott Cranton
  sn: Cranton
  uid: scottc
  userPassword: scottcpwd
  mail: scott.cranton@solo.io
04_groups.ldif: |+
  # Create top level 'group' entry
  dn: ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: organizationalUnit
  ou: groups
  description: Generic parent entry for groups

  # Create the 'developers' entry under 'groups'
  dn: cn=developers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: groupOfNames
  cn: developers
  description: Developers group
  member: uid=marco,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  member: uid=rick,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io
  member: uid=scottc,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

  # Create the 'sales' entry under 'groups'
  dn: cn=sales,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: groupOfNames
  cn: sales
  description: Sales group
  member: uid=scottc,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

  # Create the 'managers' entry under 'groups'
  dn: cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io
  objectClass: groupOfNames
  cn: managers
  description: Managers group
  member: uid=rick,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

We can see that the root of the LDAP directory hierarchy is the dc=solo,dc=io entry, which has two child entries:

The user credentials and memberships are summarized in the following table:

username password member of developers member of sales member of managers
marco marcopwd Y N N
rick rickpwd Y N Y
scott scottpwd Y Y N

To test that the LDAP server has been correctly deployed, let’s port-forward the corresponding deployment:

kubectl port-forward deployment/ldap 8088:389

In a different terminal instance, run the following command (you must have ldapsearch installed):

ldapsearch -H ldap://localhost:8088 -D "cn=admin,dc=solo,dc=io" -w "solopwd" -b "dc=solo,dc=io" -LLL dn

You should see the following output, listing the distinguished names (DNs) of all entries located in the subtree rooted at dc=solo,dc=io:

dn: dc=solo,dc=io

dn: cn=admin,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: uid=marco,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: uid=rick,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: uid=scottc,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: cn=developers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: cn=sales,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io

dn: cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io

Step 3: Set up LDAP authentication for the Virtual Service

The auth configuration format shown on this page was introduced with Gloo Enterprise, release 0.20.1. If you are using an earlier version, please refer to this page to see which configuration formats are supported by each version.

Now that we have all the necessary components in place, let’s use the LDAP server to secure the Virtual Service we created earlier.

LDAP auth flow

Before updating our Virtual Service, it is important to understand how Gloo Gateway interacts with the LDAP server. Let’s first look at the LDAP auth configuration :

To better understand how this configuration is used, let’s go over the steps that Gloo Gateway performs when it detects a request that needs to be authenticated with LDAP:

  1. Look for a Basic Authentication header on the request and extract the username and credentials.
  2. If the header is not present, return a 401 response.
  3. Try to perform a BIND operation with the LDAP server. Gloo Gateway supports the following LDAP binding options:
    • User binding: Gloo Gateway extracts the username from the basic auth header, and substitutes the name with the %s placeholder in the userDnTemplate to build the DN for the BIND operation. Note that special characters are removed from the username before performing the BIND operation to prevent injection attacks. Instead of user binding, you can use an LDAP service account to retrieve group membership information on behalf of the user.
    • Service account binding: Instead of giving each user access to the group membership information, you can use an LDAP service account to look up this information on behalf of the user. To authenticate with the LDAP server, you must store the LDAP service account credentials in a Kubernetes secret in your cluster. Then, you reference that secret in your AuthConfig. Note that you can only verify the user’s group membership in the LDAP server with the service account.
  4. If the BIND operation fails when using user binding, the user is either unknown or their credentials are incorrect, and a 401 response code is returned. If the BIND operations fails for the service account, a 500 response code is returned.
  5. If the BIND operation is successful, issue a search operation using the searchFilter filter for the user entry (with a base scope) and look for an attribute with a name equal to membershipAttributeName on the user entry.
  6. Check if one of the values for the attribute matches one of the allowedGroups; if so, allow the request, otherwise return a 403 response.

Create an LDAP AuthConfig

The steps to create an LDAP AuthConfig vary depending on which LDAP binding option you choose.

  1. Create the LDAP AuthConfig.

    kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
    kind: AuthConfig
      name: ldap
      namespace: gloo-system
      - ldap:
          address: "ldap://ldap.default.svc.cluster.local:389" # Substitute your namespace for `default` here
          userDnTemplate: "uid=%s,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io"
          - "cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io"
          searchFilter: "(objectClass=*)"

    In this AuthConfig you can find the following settings:

    • The configuration points to the Kubernetes DNS name and port of the LDAP service ldap.default.svc.cluster.local:389 that you deployed earlier.
    • Gloo Gateway looks for user entries with DNs in the format uid=<USERNAME_FROM_HEADER>,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io. This is the format of the user entry DNs the LDAP server was bootstrapped with.
    • Only members of the cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io group can access the upstream.

    For simplicity reasons, the following example uses the admin account as the service account. This setup is NOT a recommended security practice. If you plan to use this setup in production, make sure to set up a service account in your LDAP server that has the required permissions to look up group membership information on behalf of a user. Note that you can verify only the user’s group membership in the LDAP server when using service account binding. For all other LDAP queries, user binding is used by default.

    1. Create a secret to store the credentials of the service account.

      glooctl create secret authcredentials --name ldapcredentials --username cn=admin,dc=solo,dc=io  --password solopwd
    2. Create the Gloo Gateway AuthConfig and enable group membership checking for the service account by setting the checksGroupsWithServiceAccount option to true. In addition, you must reference the secret that stores the credentials of the service account in the credentialsSecretRef field.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
      kind: AuthConfig
        name: ldap
        namespace: gloo-system
        - ldap:
            address: "ldap://ldap.default.svc.cluster.local:389" # Substitute the default namespace if the ldap server was deployed to a different namespace
            userDnTemplate: "uid=%s,ou=people,dc=solo,dc=io"
            - "cn=managers,ou=groups,dc=solo,dc=io"
            searchFilter: "(objectClass=*)"
              checkGroupsWithServiceAccount: true
                name: ldapcredentials
                namespace: gloo-system
  2. Edit the Virtual Service and reference the LDAP AuthConfig that you created. This setup configures the Virtual Service to use the ldap AuthConfig in the gloo-system namespace when authenticating requests to /echo.

      kubectl apply -f - << EOF
      apiVersion: gateway.solo.io/v1
      kind: VirtualService
        name: echo
        namespace: gloo-system
        displayName: echo
            - '*'
            - matchers:
              - prefix: /echo
                      name: http-echo
                      namespace: default
                    port: 5678
                name: ldap
                namespace: gloo-system

Step 4: Verify LDAP auth for your Virtual Service

  1. Verify that the Virtual Service behaves as expected. Because the Virtual Service is now enabled for LDAP auth, you must provide the user that you want to authorize in the basic auth header of your request. Note that all credentials in this header must be base64-encoded. You can use the values from the following table to build your basic auth header.

    username password basic auth header comments
    marco marcopwd Authorization: Basic bWFyY286bWFyY29wd2Q= Member of “developers” group
    rick rickpwd Authorization: Basic cmljazpyaWNrcHdk Member of “developers” and “managers” group
    john doe Authorization: Basic am9objpkb2U= Unknown user
  2. Send a request to /echo without any request headers and verify that you get back a 401 response code.

    curl -v "$(glooctl proxy url)"/echo 

    Example output:

    * Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 31940 (#0)
    > GET /echo HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    < date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:14:39 GMT
    < server: envoy
    < content-length: 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact

  3. Send another request to the /echo endpoint. This time, you use an unknown user in the basic auth header. Verify that you get back a 401 response code.

    curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic am9objpkb2U=" "$(glooctl proxy url)"/echo

    Example output:

    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 31940 (#0)
    > GET /echo HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Authorization: Basic am9objpkb2U=
    < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    < date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:25:21 GMT
    < server: envoy
    < content-length: 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact

  4. Send another request and try to authenticate a user that belongs to the developers group. Because your AuthConfig allows only members of the manager group to access the endpoint, you get back a 403 response code.

    curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic bWFyY286bWFyY29wd2Q=" "$(glooctl proxy url)"/echo

    Example output:

    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 31940 (#0)
    > GET /echo HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Authorization: Basic bWFyY286bWFyY29wd2Q=
    < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    < date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:29:12 GMT
    < server: envoy
    < content-length: 0
    * Connection #0 to host left intact

  5. Send another request and try to authenticate a user that belongs to the managers group. Verify that your request now succeeds.

    curl -v -H "Authorization: Basic cmljazpyaWNrcHdk" "$(glooctl proxy url)"/echo

    Example output:

    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 31940 (#0)
    > GET /echo HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Authorization: Basic cmljazpyaWNrcHdk
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < x-app-name: http-echo
    < x-app-version: 0.2.3
    < date: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:30:12 GMT
    < content-length: 15
    < content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
    < x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
    < server: envoy
    'Hello World!'
    * Connection #0 to host left intact

If you use service account binding and get back a 500 response code, make sure that the credentials in your Kubernetes secret are correct.


In this tutorial, you learned how Gloo Gateway can integrate with LDAP to authenticate incoming requests and authorize them based on the group memberships of the user that was provided in the request.

To clean up the resources we created, you can run the following commands:

glooctl uninstall
kubectl delete configmap ldap
kubectl delete deployment ldap http-echo
kubectl delete service ldap http-echo