Upgrade managed gateway proxies

In Gloo Gateway 2.3 and later, you can easily manage and update gateway proxies in the gloo-platform Helm chart, instead of managing individual gateway lifecycle manager CRDs. If you installed Gloo Gateway by using the legacy gloo-mesh-enterpise, gloo-mesh-agent, and other included Helm charts, or if you used meshctl version 2.2 or earlier to install Gloo Gateway, migrate your legacy installation to the new gloo-platform Helm chart. Then, you can follow the steps in the gloo-platform upgrade guide to perform in-place and canary upgrades for the gateway proxy.

Use the Gloo management plane to upgrade Gloo-managed gateways in your clusters, as part of Istio lifecycle management.


After you use the lifecycle manager to deploy Istio installations, changes that you make to the IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager resources are automatically propagated to your Istio installations. In some cases, these changes might require updates to your control plane or gateway deployments. Depending on the type of change, you apply updates to the installations in one of the following ways:

Performing a canary upgrade

Update the minor version of Istio, the repository of the Istio image, or the components, profile, values, or namespace of the Istio installations. Note that you can force Gloo to always use canary upgrades by setting the spec.upgradeStrategy.alwaysUseCanaryUpgrade boolean value to true in the IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager resources.

Istio version 1.17 does not support the Gloo legacy metrics pipeline. If you run the legacy metrics pipeline, before you upgrade or deploy gateway proxies with Istio 1.17, be sure that you set up the Gloo OpenTelemetry (OTel) pipeline instead in your new or existing Gloo Gateway installation.

  1. Edit the IstioLifecycleManager resource for the istiod control plane to add another installation entry for the canary revision. For the canary revision, be sure to set defaultRevision to false so that only the existing revision continues to run.

    kubectl edit IstioLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <installation-name>

    For example, if you upgrade to Istio 1.18, add the following 1-18-2 canary revision as a new entry in the installations section:

    apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: IstioLifecycleManager
      name: istiod-control-plane
      namespace: gloo-mesh
        # Existing revision
        - revision: 1-17-4
          - name: cluster1
            # Keep this field set to TRUE so that only the existing revision continues to run
            defaultRevision: true
          - name: cluster2
            defaultRevision: true
            profile: minimal
        # Canary revision
        - revision: 1-18-2
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to FALSE so that only the existing revision continues to run
            defaultRevision: false
          - name: cluster2
            defaultRevision: false
            profile: minimal

    Updating the minor version of Istio? In your canary revision section, be sure to update both the repo key in the hub field, and the Istio version in the tag field. You can get the repo key for the Istio version that you want to install from the Istio images built by Solo.io support article.

  2. If you created GatewayLifecycleManager resources for east-west or ingress gateways, edit those resources to add another installation entry for the canary revision. Be sure to set activeGateway to false so that only the existing revision continues to run.

    kubectl edit GatewayLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <installation-name>

    For example, if you upgrade to Istio 1.18, add the following 1-18-2 canary revision as a new entry in the installations section:

    apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: GatewayLifecycleManager
      name: istio-ingressgateway
      namespace: gloo-mesh
        # Existing revision
        - gatewayRevision: 1-17-4
          - name: cluster1
            # Keep this field set to TRUE so that only the existing revision continues to run
            activeGateway: true
          - name: cluster2
            activeGateway: true
            profile: empty
        # Canary revision
        - gatewayRevision: 1-18-2
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to FALSE so that only the existing revision continues to run
            activeGateway: false
          - name: cluster2
            activeGateway: false
            profile: empty

    For most use cases, you can set the revision for the IstioLifecycleManager and the gatewayRevision for the GatewayLifecycleManager to the same version. However, gateway installations can point to any istiod control plane revision by using the controlPlaneRevision field. For simplicity, if you do not specify controlPlaneRevision, the gateway installation uses a control plane with the same revision as itself.

  3. Verify that Istio resources for the canary installation are created. For example, if you updated the Istio minor version to 1-18-2, verify that resources are created in the gm-iop-1-18-2 namespace, and that resources for 1-18-2 are created alongside the existing resources for the previous version in the istio-system and gloo-mesh-gateways namespaces. Note that the gateway load balancers for the canary revision contain the revision in the name, such as istio-ingressgateway-1-18-2.

    kubectl get all -n gm-iop-1-18-2
    kubectl get all -n istio-system
    kubectl get all -n gloo-mesh-gateways

    Running into issues or seeing a stuck canary upgrade? In testing environments, you can clear your configuration by manually replacing the GatewayLifecycleManager CR.

  4. After performing any necessary testing, switch to the new istiod control plane revision by changing defaultRevision to false for the old revision and to true for the new revision.

    kubectl edit IstioLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh istiod-control-plane


    apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: IstioLifecycleManager
      name: istiod-control-plane
      namespace: gloo-mesh
        # Old revision
        - revision: 1-17-4
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to FALSE
            defaultRevision: false
          - name: cluster2
            defaultRevision: false
            profile: minimal
        # New revision
        - revision: 1-18-2
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to TRUE
            defaultRevision: true
          - name: cluster2
            defaultRevision: true
            profile: minimal

    New load balancers are created for the canary gateways. To instead change the control plane revision in use by the existing gateways, you can set the istio.io/rev label on the gateway deployment, which triggers a rolling restart.

  5. Switch to any new gateways by changing activeGateway to false for the old revision and to true for the new revision.

    kubectl edit GatewayLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <installation-name>


    apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: GatewayLifecycleManager
      name: istio-ingressgateway
      namespace: gloo-mesh
        # Old revision
        - gatewayRevision: 1-17-4
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to FALSE
            activeGateway: false
          - name: cluster2
            activeGateway: false
            profile: empty
        # New revision
        - gatewayRevision: 1-18-2
          - name: cluster1
            # Set this field to TRUE
            activeGateway: true
          - name: cluster2
            activeGateway: ture
            profile: empty

    New load balancers are created for the canary gateways. To instead change the control plane revision in use by the existing gateway load balancers, you can set the istio.io/rev label on the gateway deployment, which triggers a rolling restart.

  6. Verify that the active gateways for the new revision are created, which do not have the revision appended to the name. Note that gateways for the inactive revision that you previously ran also exist in the namespace, in the case that a rollback is required.

    kubectl get all -n gloo-mesh-gateways

    Example output, in which the active gateway (istio-ingressgateway) for the new revision and inactive gateway (such as istio-ingressgateway-1-17-4) for the old revision are created:

    NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)     
    istio-ingressgateway            LoadBalancer   15021:31321/TCP,80:32525/TCP,443:31826/TCP   48s                                                 AGE
    istio-ingressgateway-1-17-4       LoadBalancer   15021:31936/TCP,80:30196/TCP,443:32286/TCP,15443:31851/TCP   45s
  7. To uninstall the previous installation, or if you need to uninstall the canary installation, you can edit the IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager resources to remove the revision's entry from the installations list.

Performing an in-place upgrade

Update the patch version of Istio or update meshConfig values of the Istio installations.

Istio version 1.17 does not support the Gloo legacy metrics pipeline. If you run the legacy metrics pipeline, before you upgrade or deploy gateway proxies with Istio 1.17, be sure that you set up the Gloo OpenTelemetry (OTel) pipeline instead in your new or existing Gloo Gateway installation.

If you also use Gloo Mesh Enterprise alongside Gloo Gateway, follow the steps to upgrade Istio in the Gloo Mesh documentation instead. The Gloo Mesh guide shows you how to upgrade your workload sidecars along with your control planes and gateways.

  1. Upgrade your istiod control plane by editing the IstioLifecycleManager resource. For example, you might update the patch version of Istio by changing the value of istioOperatorSpec.tag. After you save and close the editor, Gloo starts an in-place upgrade of the istiod control planes.

    kubectl edit IstioLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <istiod-installation-name>
  2. If you created GatewayLifecycleManager resources for ingress or east-west gateways, you can upgrade your gateways by editing each resource. For example, if you updated the patch version of the control plane, you can also update your gateway patch versions by changing the value of istioOperatorSpec.tag. After you save and close the editor, Gloo starts an in-place upgrade of the gateways.

    kubectl edit GatewayLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <ingress-gateway-installation-name>
    kubectl edit GatewayLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh <eastwest-gateway-installation-name>
  3. After your Helm upgrade completes, restart your gateway proxy pods. For example, you might use the following command to rollout a restart of the istio-ingressgateway-1-18-2 deployment.

    kubectl rollout restart -n gloo-mesh-gateways deployment/istio-ingressgateway-1-18-2
  4. Verify that your Istio resources are updated.

    kubectl get all -n gm-iop-1-18-2
    kubectl get all -n istio-system
    kubectl get all -n gloo-mesh-gateways

Testing only: Manually replacing the GatewayLifecycleManager CR

In testing or demo setups, you can quickly upgrade your managed gateway proxies by manually deleting the GatewayLifecycleManager CR, and upgrading your Gloo Gateway installation with your updated gateway values in your Helm values file. Note that you can also use this method to clear your managed gateway configurations if a canary upgrade becomes stuck.

This method is supported only for testing scenarios, because your ingress gateway proxies are temporarily removed in this process.

  1. Get the name of your GatewayLifecycleManager resource. Typically, this resource is named istio-ingressgateway.

    kubectl get GatewayLifecycleManager -A
  2. Delete the resource.

    kubectl delete GatewayLifecycleManager istio-ingressgateway -n gloo-mesh
  3. Verify that your gateway proxy is removed.

    kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways istio-ingressgateway
  4. Optional: If you also need to make changes to your Istio control plane, clear the istiod configuration.

    1. Get the name of your IstioLifecycleManager resource. Typically, this resource is named gloo-platform.
      kubectl get IstioLifecycleManager -A
    2. Delete the resource.
      kubectl delete IstioLifecycleManager gloo-platform -n gloo-mesh
    3. Verify that your istiod control plane is removed.
      kubectl get all -n istio-system
  5. Follow the steps in this guide to perform a regular upgrade of your Gloo Gateway installation and include your Istio changes in your Helm values file. After you apply the updates in your Helm upgrade of the gloo-platform chart, Gloo re-creates the ingress gateway proxy, and if applicable, the istiod control plane.

  6. After your Helm upgrade completes, verify that your Istio resources are re-created.

    # Change the revision as needed
    kubectl get all -n gm-iop-1-18-2
    kubectl get all -n istio-system
    kubectl get all -n gloo-mesh-gateways