
Proto: http_matchers.proto




Specify HTTP request level match criteria. All specified conditions must be satisfied for a match to occur.

Field Description
name (string)

Optional: The name assigned to a match. The match's name will be concatenated with the parent route's name and will be logged in the access logs for requests matching this route.
uri (StringMatch)

Optional: Specify match criteria against the targeted path.
headers (repeated HeaderMatcher)

Optional: Specify a set of headers which requests must match in entirety (all headers must match).
queryParameters (repeated HTTPRequestMatcher.QueryParameterMatcher)

Optional: Specify a set of URL query parameters which requests must match in entirety (all query params must match).
method (string)

Optional: Specify an HTTP method to match against.
port (uint32)

Optional: Specifies ports on the host to match against.


Specify match criteria against the target URL's query parameters.

Field Description
name (string)

Specify the name of a key that must be present in the requested path's query string.
value (string)

Specify the value of the query parameter keyed on name.
regex (bool)

If true, treat value as a regular expression.


Describes a matcher against HTTP request headers.

Field Description
name (string)

Specify the name of the header in the request.
value (string)

Specify the value of the header. If the value is absent a request that has the name header will match, regardless of the header’s value.
regex (bool)

Specify whether the header value should be treated as regex.
invertMatch (bool)

If set to true, the result of the match will be inverted. Defaults to false.
- name=foo, invert_match=true: matches if no header named foo is present - name=foo, value=bar, invert_match=true: matches if no header named foo with value bar is present - name=foo, value=\d{3}, regex=true, invert_match=true: matches if no header named foo with a value consisting of three integers is present.


Describes a matcher against HTTP response status codes.

Field Description
value (uint32)

The status code value to match against.
comparator (StatusCodeMatcher.Comparator)

The comparison type used for matching.


Name Number Description
EQ 0 Strict equality.
GE 1 Greater than or equal to.
LE 2 Less than or equal to.