
Proto: ratelimit_policy.proto

Package: trafficcontrol.policy.gloo.solo.io



Field Description
workspaces (repeated RateLimitPolicyReport.WorkspacesEntry)

The status of the resource in each workspace that it exists in.
selectedDestinationPorts (repeated common.gloo.solo.io.DestinationReference)

A list of destination ports selected by the policy.
selectedRoutes (repeated common.gloo.solo.io.RouteReference)

A list of references for all routes selected by the policy.
destinationServer (common.gloo.solo.io.DestinationReference)

The rate limit server specified by the server_settings.


Field Description
key (string)

value (common.gloo.solo.io.Report)


RateLimitPolicy is used to assign ratelimit configuration to specific routes or destinations. Traffic is forwarded to a rate-limited destinations specified in the RatelimitServerSettings. The RatelimitServerSettings is also used to configure connecting settings. If this is not provided, the default connection settings and default gloo mesh ratelimiter server destination will be used. RateLimitPolicies are applied at the Route level and Destination levels. Default is to apply policy to all destinations.

Field Description
applyToRoutes (repeated common.gloo.solo.io.RouteSelector)

Select the routes where the policy will be applied. If left empty, no ratelimits on routes will be applied in the workspace.
applyToDestinations (repeated common.gloo.solo.io.DestinationSelector)

Select the destinations where the policy will be applied. Default behavior if no selectors are specified is to apply to all destinations in the workspace. If left empty and the route selector is set, no ratelimits on destinations will be applied.
config (RateLimitPolicySpec.Config)

The configuration details of the rate limit policy to apply to the selected routes


Field Description
phase (common.gloo.solo.io.PrioritizedPhase)

Specify the phase to indicate where this policy should be applied relative to other policies. If no phase is specified, the default will be post AuthZ.
ratelimitServerConfig (common.gloo.solo.io.ObjectReference)

Reference to the RatelimitServerConfig to use for this policy. If none is provided, no ratelimit will be enforced
serverSettings (common.gloo.solo.io.ObjectReference)

Reference to the RatelimitServerSettings to use for this policy. Currently routes on a single VirtualGateway or destination must share a single RatelimitServerSettings. If none is provided, the default Gloo RatelimitServerSettings will be used.
raw (Raw)

Inline a policy using the raw configuration format used by the ratelimit server.
ratelimitClientConfig (common.gloo.solo.io.ObjectReference)

Select a RatelimitClientConfig policy to apply.


Reflects the status of the RateLimitPolicy

Field Description
common (common.gloo.solo.io.Status)

numSelectedDestinationPorts (uint32)

The number of destination ports selected by the policy.
numSelectedRoutes (uint32)

The number of routes selected by the policy.
destinationServer (common.gloo.solo.io.DestinationReference)

The rate limit server specified by the server_settings.