View metrics

You can view Gloo Platform metrics by using the UI of the built-in Prometheus server. Gloo Platform also sets up automatic alerts for some of the metrics. To find an overview of these alerts, see Explore default alerts.

  1. Open the Prometheus UI.
  2. Explore Gloo Platform metrics.
Metric Description
gloo_mesh_reconciler_time_sec_bucket The time the Gloo management server needs to sync with the Gloo agents in the workload clusters to apply the translated resources. This metric is captured in seconds for the following intervals (buckets): 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 80, 100, 200.
gloo_mesh_redis_sync_err The number of times the Gloo mangement server could not read from or write to the Gloo Redis instance.
gloo_mesh_translation_time_sec_bucket The time the Gloo management server needs to translate Gloo resources into Istio, Envoy, or Cilium resources. This metric is captured in seconds for the following intervals (buckets): 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, and 120.
gloo_mesh_translator_concurrency The number of translation operations that the Gloo management server can perform at the same time.
relay_pull_clients_connected The number of Gloo agents that are connected to the Gloo management server.
relay_push_clients_warmed The number of Gloo agents that are connected to the Gloo management server.
solo_io_gloo_gateway_license The number of minutes until the Gloo Gateway license expires. To prevent your management server from crashing when the license expires, make sure to upgrade the license before expiration.
solo_io_gloo_mesh_license The number of minutes until the Gloo Mesh Enterprise license expires. To prevent your management server from crashing when the license expires, make sure to upgrade the license before expiration.
solo_io_gloo_network_license The number of minutes until the Gloo Network license expires. To prevent your management server from crashing when the license expires, make sure to upgrade the license before expiration.
translation_error The number of translation errors that were reported by the Gloo management server.
translation_warning The number of translation warnings that were reported by the Gloo management server.