Features and benefits

Gloo Platform Portal is a key part of managing the API services that you expose via Gloo Gateway. Portal uses Gloo Platform's custom resources (CRs) to provide the tools you need to create a secure developer portal.

Gloo Portal is an alpha feature. Alpha features are likely to change, are not fully tested, and are not supported for production. For more information, see Gloo feature maturity.

Challenges of API portals

Some of the key challenges of API management that Portal helps address are as follows:

Gloo Platform Portal benefits

One of the unique features of Gloo Platform Portal is its architecture. You can use the same Gloo CRs to design and secure your portal as you use for the rest of Gloo Platform. This flexible architecture lets you reuse existing configuration to manage all parts of your API microservices more consistently.

Review the following table to learn more about Gloo Platform's unique approach to solving the key challenges of API management.

Feature Gloo resources Benefit
Self-service API registration Kubernetes labels on deployments, ApiDocs, RouteTables Your developers continue to deploy their apps in Kubernetes as they normally do. They can choose to label their services so that Gloo automatically detects and creates an ApiDoc for their service. Or, if they do not want to change their app configuration, they can manually create an ApiDoc. Similarly, the team can set up the route tables either to automatically include new services as routes via labels or by manually adding the routes. This flexibility lets your team take the best approach for your internal DevOps processes. For more information, see Create your APIs.
Flexible API products RouteTables By separating the API product from the apps, your developers do not necessarily have to know or select which products their apps belong to. Instead, the product owner or portal admin can decide to bundle several apps into one or many API products. By using a Gloo route table, you can automatically add apps via Kubernetes labels or specify them at more fine-grained levels. You also get more advanced networking control, such as matching, redirect, rewrite, direct response, and forwarding actions. This way, you can set up complex rules for how your API products behave under different circumstances. For more information, see Bundle your APIs into API products.
Usage plans for your API products ExtAuthPolicies, RateLimitPolicies, RouteTable, Portal Instead of creating separate usage plan resources, Gloo takes a more flexible approach. You create the same external auth and rate limiting policies that you do to secure your apps in general. Then, you apply these policies to the routes that are in the route table for your API products. You name these usage plans in the Portal resource. This way, you can reuse policies for many plans and portals as needed. Plus, each portal can set its own names and descriptions for the usage plans. This way, even if you reuse the same policies across many usage plans, the usage plans can have their own unique names that fit your portal's use case. For more information, see Prepare usage plans.
Flexible portal deployments Portal You can use the Portal custom resource to create a developer portal that you can share with your users. Each developer portal can be set up to serve only the APIs and usage plans that you want to expose to your users. For more information, see Create a developer portal.
Audience management Portal groups Portal provides multiple layers of authentication to manage your audiences. You might have usage plans that include a free tier that allows unauthorized access to a limited number of APIs. In addition, you can secure the APIs in the developer portal that your users consume by marking APIs as private, and setting up external authentication and authorization for your users. For more information, see Secure the developer portal.
API documentation ApiDocs, sample React app The ApiDoc resource has the OpenAPI spec for your apps. This spec can be used to automatically render your API documentation. You can reuse and customize the sample React app that Gloo provides to display your API documentation in the developer portal. The docs automatically appear when you add new APIs to your portal environment.
Portal web UI and branding Sample React app, Portal metadata You control how your developer portal is displayed to users. Gloo provides a sample React app that you can use as a starting point. Additionally, you can configure metadata in the Portal CR about your API products that shows up in the developer portal. This way, you don't have to update the developer portal app as often after the initial setup. For more information, see Build a developer portal frontend.
Observability Gloo UI, statuses, logs Because Portal is implemented as any other Gloo resource, you get all of the Gloo Platform observability benefits. For example, you can review the backing Gloo portal, routing, and policy for each developer portal in the Gloo UI. Resource statuses are shown globally, for each individual resource, and for related resources. You can also check the management server, agent, and portal server logs for even more detail. For more information, see Monitor health.

Frequently asked questions

What are the Portal components and who configures them?

See the Setup overview.

How many portals can I have?

You can have as many developer portals as you want. You create a separate Portal CR for each portal, but you might choose to reuse API products or usage plans by including the same route tables and policies.

Example uses cases for multiple portals:

What Gloo product is Portal for?

You can use Portal for the following Gloo Platform products: