Gloo Platform

Option Type Description Default Value
common struct
common struct Common values shared across components. When applicable, these can be overridden in specific components.
common.addonNamespace string Namespace to install add-on components into, such as the Gloo external auth and rate limiting services. gloo-mesh-addons
common.adminNamespace string Namespace to install control plane components into. The admin namespace also contains global configuration, such as Workspace, global overrides WorkspaceSettings, and KubernetesCluster resources.
common.cluster string Name of the cluster. Be sure to modify this value to match your cluster's name.
common.clusterDomain string The local cluster domain suffix this cluster is configured with. Defaults to ‘cluster.local’.
common.devMode bool Set to true to enable development mode for the logger, which can cause panics. Do not use in production. false
common.insecure bool Permit unencrypted and unauthenticated communication between Gloo control and data planes. Do not use in production. false
common.leaderElection bool Enable leader election for the high-availability deployment. true
common.prometheusUrl string Prometheus server address. http://prometheus-server
common.readOnlyGeneratedResources bool If true, the deployment only reads Istio resource outputs that are created by Gloo Platform, and filters out Istio resource fields that Gloo Mesh cannot properly unmarshal. These other resource outputs are not visible in the Gloo UI. false
common.verbose bool Enable verbose/debug logging. false
demo struct Demo-specific features that improve quick setups. Do not use in production.
demo.manageAddonNamespace bool Automatically create the add-on namespace set in ‘common.addonNamespace’. false
experimental struct Experimental features for Gloo Platform. Disabled by default. Do not use in production.
experimental.ambientEnabled bool Allow Gloo Mesh to create Istio Ambient Mesh resources. false
experimental.asyncStatusWrites bool Enable asynchronous writing of statuses to Kubernetes objects. false
extAuthService struct Configuration for the Gloo external authentication service.
extAuthService.enabled bool Enable the Gloo external authentication service. false
extAuthService.extAuth struct Configuration for the extauth service.
extAuthService.extAuth.headersToRedact[] []string Headers that will be redacted in the server logs. [“authorization”]
extAuthService.extAuth.healthCheckFailTimeout int When receiving a termination signal, the pod waits this amount of seconds for a request that it can use to notify Envoy that it should fail the health check for this endpoint. If no request is received within this interval, the server will shutdown gracefully. The interval should be greater than the active health check interval configured in Envoy for this service. 15
extAuthService.extAuth.healthCheckHttpPath string Path for Envoy health checks. /healthcheck
extAuthService.extAuth.healthLivenessCheckHttpPath string Path for liveness health checks. /livenesscheck
extAuthService.extAuth.image struct Values for the extauth image.
extAuthService.extAuth.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
extAuthService.extAuth.image.registry string Image registry.
extAuthService.extAuth.image.repository string Image name (repository). ext-auth-service
extAuthService.extAuth.image.tag string Version tag for the container. 0.36.2-gp-patch0
extAuthService.extAuth.logLevel string Severity level to collect logs for. INFO
extAuthService.extAuth.namespacedRbac[] []struct Scopes watches and RBAC policies for the given set of GVKs to the given set of namespaces. Currently, ‘secrets’ are the only supported resource. [{“resources”:[],“namespaces”:[]}]
extAuthService.extAuth.namespacedRbac[].namespaces[] []string
extAuthService.extAuth.namespacedRbac[].resources[] []string
extAuthService.extAuth.pluginDirectory string Directory in which the server expects Go plugin .so files. /auth-plugins/
extAuthService.extAuth.replicas int Number of replicas to create 1
extAuthService.extAuth.resources struct Values for the container resource requests.
extAuthService.extAuth.resources.requests struct Minimum amount of compute resources required. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
extAuthService.extAuth.resources.requests.cpu string Amount of CPU resource. 125m
extAuthService.extAuth.resources.requests.memory string Amount of memory resource. 256Mi
extAuthService.extAuth.service struct Configuration for the deployed extauth service.
extAuthService.extAuth.service.annotations map[string, string] Kubernetes service annotations. {}
extAuthService.extAuth.service.annotations.<MAP_KEY> string Kubernetes service annotations.
extAuthService.extAuth.service.debugNodePort int Only relevant if the service is of type NodePort. 32001
extAuthService.extAuth.service.debugPort int Port on the extauth server to pull logs from. 9091
extAuthService.extAuth.service.grpcNodePort int Only relevant if the service is of type NodePort. 32000
extAuthService.extAuth.service.grpcPort int Port the extauth server listens on for gRPC requests. 8083
extAuthService.extAuth.service.healthNodePort int Only relevant if the service is of type NodePort. 32002
extAuthService.extAuth.service.healthPort int Port the extauth server listens on for health checks. 8082
extAuthService.extAuth.service.type string Kubernetes service type. ClusterIP
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKey string Provide the server's secret signing key. If empty, a random key is generated.
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile struct Mount the secret as a file rather than pass the signing key as a environment variable. To ensure maximum security by default, the file is limited to 0440 permissions and the fsGroup matches the runAsGroup.
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.enabled bool Mount the secret as a file. false
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.fileMode int File permission. 288
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.fsGroup int Group ID for volume ownership. 10101
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.groupSettingEnabled bool Set to true to use a volume group. true
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.runAsGroup int Group ID for the container to run as. 10101
extAuthService.extAuth.signingKeyFile.runAsUser int User ID for the container to run as. 10101
extAuthService.extAuth.userIdHeader string User ID header.
extAuthService.extAuth.watchNamespace string Namespaces to watch in your cluster. If omitted or empty, all namespaces are watched.
extAuthService.extraLabels map[string, string] Extra key-value pairs to add to the labels data of the extauth deployment. null
extAuthService.extraLabels.<MAP_KEY> string Extra key-value pairs to add to the labels data of the extauth deployment.
extAuthService.extraTemplateAnnotations map[string, string] Extra annotations to add to the extauth service pods. {“”:"{ "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true }"}
extAuthService.extraTemplateAnnotations.<MAP_KEY> string Extra annotations to add to the extauth service pods. string Extra annotations to add to the extauth service pods. { “holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts”: true }
glooAgent struct
glooAgent struct Configuration for the Gloo agent.
glooAgent struct Configuration for the glooAgent deployment.
glooAgent.accessLogsBufferSize int Number of access logs to buffer per Envoy proxy. 50
glooAgent.deploymentOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's deployment template.
glooAgent.devMode bool Set to true to enable development mode for the logger, which can cause panics. Do not use in production. false
glooAgent.enabled bool Configuration for the Gloo agent. false
glooAgent.enabled bool Deploy a Gloo agent to the cluster. false
glooAgent.enabled bool Enable creation of the deployment/service. true
glooAgent.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“POD_NAMESPACE”,“valueFrom”:{“fieldRef”:{“fieldPath”:“metadata.namespace”}}},{“name”:“K8S_MEM_LIMIT”,“valueFrom”:{“resourceFieldRef”:{“resource”:“limits.memory”,“divisor”:“1”}}}]
glooAgent.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooAgent.floatingUserId bool Allow the pod to be assigned a dynamic user ID. Required for OpenShift installations. false
glooAgent.image struct Container image.
glooAgent.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooAgent.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooAgent.image.registry string Image registry.
glooAgent.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-agent
glooAgent.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooAgent.insecure bool Permit unencrypted and unauthenticated communication between Gloo control and data planes. Do not use in production. false
glooAgent.istiodSidecar struct Configuration for the istiod sidecar deployment.
glooAgent.istiodSidecar.createRoleBinding bool Create the cluster role binding for the istiod sidecar. Set this value to ‘true’ only when using the Vault integration. false
glooAgent.istiodSidecar.istiodServiceAccount struct Object reference for the istiod service account. string istiod
glooAgent.istiodSidecar.istiodServiceAccount.namespace string istio-system
glooAgent.leaderElection bool Enable leader election for the high-availability deployment. false
glooAgent.maxGrpcMessageSize string Maximum message size for gRPC messages sent and received by the management server. 4294967295
glooAgent.metricsBufferSize int Number of metrics messages to buffer per Envoy proxy. 50
glooAgent.namespacedRbac[] []struct Scopes watches and RBAC policies for the given set of GVKs to the given set of namespaces. Currently, ‘secrets’ are the only supported resource. [{“resources”:[],“namespaces”:[]}]
glooAgent.namespacedRbac[].namespaces[] []string
glooAgent.namespacedRbac[].resources[] []string
glooAgent.ports map[string, uint32] Service ports as a map from port name to port number. {“grpc”:9977,“healthcheck”:8090,“http”:9988,“stats”:9091}
glooAgent.ports.<MAP_KEY> uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number.
glooAgent.ports.grpc uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 9977
glooAgent.ports.healthcheck uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 8090
glooAgent.ports.http uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 9988
glooAgent.ports.stats uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 9091
glooAgent.readOnlyGeneratedResources bool If true, the deployment only reads Istio resource outputs that are created by Gloo Platform, and filters out Istio resource fields that Gloo Mesh cannot properly unmarshal. These other resource outputs are not visible in the Gloo UI. false
glooAgent.relay struct Configuration for securing relay communication between the workload agents and the management server.
glooAgent.relay.authority string SNI name in the authority/host header used to connect to relay forwarding server. Must match server certificate CommonName. Do not change the default value. gloo-mesh-mgmt-server.gloo-mesh
glooAgent.relay.clientTlsSecret struct Custom certs: Secret containing client TLS certs used to identify the Gloo agent to the management server. If you do not specify a clientTlssSecret, you must specify a tokenSecret and a rootTlsSecret. string relay-client-tls-secret
glooAgent.relay.clientTlsSecret.namespace string
glooAgent.relay.clientTlsSecretRotationGracePeriodRatio string The ratio of the client TLS certificate lifetime to when the management server starts the certificate rotation process.
glooAgent.relay.rootTlsSecret struct Secret containing a root TLS cert used to verify the management server cert. The secret can also optionally specify a ‘tls.key’, which is used to generate the agent client cert. string relay-root-tls-secret
glooAgent.relay.rootTlsSecret.namespace string
glooAgent.relay.serverAddress string Address and port by which gloo-mesh-mgmt-server in the Gloo control plane can be accessed by the Gloo workload agents.
glooAgent.relay.tokenSecret struct Secret containing a shared token for authenticating Gloo agents when they first communicate with the management server. A token secret is not needed with ACM certs.
glooAgent.relay.tokenSecret.key string Key value of the data within the Kubernetes secret. token string Name of the Kubernetes secret. relay-identity-token-secret
glooAgent.relay.tokenSecret.namespace string Namespace of the Kubernetes secret.
glooAgent.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“50m”,“memory”:“128Mi”}}
glooAgent.runAsUser uint32 Static user ID to run the containers as. Unused if floatingUserId is ‘true’. 10101
glooAgent.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooAgent.serviceOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's service template.
glooAgent.serviceType string Kubernetes service type. Can be either “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, or “ExternalName”. ClusterIP
glooAgent.sidecars map[string, struct] Optional configuration for the deployed containers. {}
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY> struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image struct Container image.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.registry string Image registry.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.repository string Image name (repository).
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooAgent.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooAgent.verbose bool Enable verbose/debug logging. false
glooMgmtServer struct
glooMgmtServer struct Configuration for the Gloo management server.
glooMgmtServer struct Configuration for the glooMgmtServer deployment.
glooMgmtServer.cloudResourcesDiscovery struct Configuration for automatic discovery of CloudResources.
glooMgmtServer.cloudResourcesDiscovery.enabled bool Enable automated discovery of CloudResources, such as AWS Lambda functions, based on CloudProvider configuration. true
glooMgmtServer.cloudResourcesDiscovery.pollingInterval uint16 Polling interval (in seconds) for calling AWS when attempting to discover CloudResources. 10
glooMgmtServer.concurrency uint16 Concurrency to use for translation operations. 10
glooMgmtServer.deploymentOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's deployment template.
glooMgmtServer.devMode bool Set to true to enable development mode for the logger, which can cause panics. Do not use in production. false
glooMgmtServer.enableClusterLoadBalancing bool Experimental: Enable cluster load balancing. The management server replicas attempt to auto-balance the number of registered workload clusters, based on the number of replicas and the number of total clusters. For example, the server might disconnect a workload cluster if the number of connected clusters is greater than the allotted number. false
glooMgmtServer.enabled bool Deploy the gloo-mesh-mgmt-server. false
glooMgmtServer.enabled bool Enable creation of the deployment/service. true
glooMgmtServer.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“POD_NAMESPACE”,“valueFrom”:{“fieldRef”:{“fieldPath”:“metadata.namespace”}}},{“name”:“POD_UID”,“valueFrom”:{“fieldRef”:{“fieldPath”:“metadata.uid”}}},{“name”:“K8S_MEM_LIMIT”,“valueFrom”:{“resourceFieldRef”:{“resource”:“limits.memory”,“divisor”:“1”}}},{“name”:“LICENSE_KEY”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“gloo-mesh-enterprise-license”,“key”:“key”,“optional”:true}}},{“name”:“REDIS_USERNAME”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“redis-auth-secrets”,“key”:“username”,“optional”:true}}},{“name”:“REDIS_PASSWORD”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“redis-auth-secrets”,“key”:“password”,“optional”:true}}}]
glooMgmtServer.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooMgmtServer.floatingUserId bool Allow the pod to be assigned a dynamic user ID. Required for OpenShift installations. false
glooMgmtServer.image struct Container image.
glooMgmtServer.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooMgmtServer.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooMgmtServer.image.registry string Image registry.
glooMgmtServer.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-mgmt-server
glooMgmtServer.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooMgmtServer.insecure bool Permit unencrypted and unauthenticated communication between Gloo control and data planes. Do not use in production. false
glooMgmtServer.leaderElection bool Enable leader election for the high-availability deployment. false
glooMgmtServer.maxGrpcMessageSize string Maximum message size for gRPC messages sent and received by the management server. 4294967295
glooMgmtServer.namespacedRbac[] []struct Scopes watches and RBAC policies for the given set of GVKs to the given set of namespaces. Currently, ‘secrets’ are the only supported resource. [{“resources”:[],“namespaces”:[]}]
glooMgmtServer.namespacedRbac[].namespaces[] []string
glooMgmtServer.namespacedRbac[].resources[] []string
glooMgmtServer.ports map[string, uint32] Service ports as a map from port name to port number. {“grpc”:9900,“healthcheck”:8090}
glooMgmtServer.ports.<MAP_KEY> uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number.
glooMgmtServer.ports.grpc uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 9900
glooMgmtServer.ports.healthcheck uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 8090
glooMgmtServer.readOnlyGeneratedResources bool If true, the deployment only reads Istio resource outputs that are created by Gloo Platform, and filters out Istio resource fields that Gloo Mesh cannot properly unmarshal. These other resource outputs are not visible in the Gloo UI. false
glooMgmtServer.registerCluster bool Set up the management cluster with the Gloo management server and a simple workspace that selects all registered clusters and namespaces by default. This way, you can get started quickly for single cluster or testing setups. For multicluster or production setups, use your own fine-grained workspaces instead. To complete your installation, make sure to enable all other Gloo components that you want, including the Gloo agent. false
glooMgmtServer.relay struct Configuration for certificates to secure server-agent relay communication. Required only for multicluster setups.
glooMgmtServer.relay.disableCa bool To disable relay CA functionality, set to true. Set to true only when you supply your custom client certs to the agents for relay mTLS. The gloo-mesh-mgmt-server pod will not require a token secret or the signing cert secret. The agent pod will not require the token secret, but will fail without a client cert. false
glooMgmtServer.relay.disableCaCertGeneration bool Do not auto-generate self-signed CA certificates. Set to true only when you supply own. false
glooMgmtServer.relay.disableTokenGeneration bool Do not create the relay token Kubernetes secret. Set to true only when you supply own. false
glooMgmtServer.relay.pushRbac bool Push RBAC resources to the management server. Required for multicluster RBAC in the Gloo UI. true
glooMgmtServer.relay.signingTlsSecret struct Secret containing TLS certs used to sign CSRs created by workload agents. string relay-tls-signing-secret
glooMgmtServer.relay.signingTlsSecret.namespace string
glooMgmtServer.relay.tlsSecret struct Secret containing client TLS certs used to secure the management server. string relay-server-tls-secret
glooMgmtServer.relay.tlsSecret.namespace string
glooMgmtServer.relay.tokenSecret struct Secret containing a shared token for authenticating Gloo agents when they first communicate with the management server.
glooMgmtServer.relay.tokenSecret.key string Key value of the data within the Kubernetes secret. token string Name of the Kubernetes secret. relay-identity-token-secret
glooMgmtServer.relay.tokenSecret.namespace string Namespace of the Kubernetes secret.
glooMgmtServer.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“125m”,“memory”:“1Gi”}}
glooMgmtServer.runAsUser uint32 Static user ID to run the containers as. Unused if floatingUserId is ‘true’. 10101
glooMgmtServer.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooMgmtServer.serviceAccount struct Service account configuration to use for the management server deployment.
glooMgmtServer.serviceAccount.extraAnnotations map[string, string] Extra annotations to add to the service account. null
glooMgmtServer.serviceAccount.extraAnnotations.<MAP_KEY> string Extra annotations to add to the service account.
glooMgmtServer.serviceOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's service template.
glooMgmtServer.serviceType string Kubernetes service type. Can be either “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, or “ExternalName”. LoadBalancer
glooMgmtServer.sidecars map[string, struct] Optional configuration for the deployed containers. {}
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY> struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image struct Container image.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.registry string Image registry.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.repository string Image name (repository).
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooMgmtServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooMgmtServer.statsPort uint32 Port on the management server deployment to pull stats from. 9091
glooMgmtServer.verbose bool Enable verbose/debug logging. false
glooNetwork struct Gloo Network configuration options.
glooNetwork.enabled bool Enable translation of network policies to enforce access policies and service isolation. false
glooPortalServer struct
glooPortalServer struct Configuration for the glooPortalServer deployment.
glooPortalServer.apiKeyStorage struct Configure backend storage for API keys.
glooPortalServer.apiKeyStorage.configPath string Path for API key storage config file /etc/redis/config.yaml
glooPortalServer.apiKeyStorage.secretKey string The string value that you want to use to hash API keys before they are stored in the backing database. change this
glooPortalServer.apiKeyStorage.type string Backend storage for API keys. Currently, redis is supported. redis
glooPortalServer.deploymentOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's deployment template.
glooPortalServer.devMode bool Set to true to enable development mode for the logger, which can cause panics. Do not use in production. false
glooPortalServer.enabled bool Deploy the Portal server for Gloo Platform Portal to the cluster. false
glooPortalServer.enabled bool Enable creation of the deployment/service. true
glooPortalServer.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“POD_NAMESPACE”,“valueFrom”:{“fieldRef”:{“fieldPath”:“metadata.namespace”}}},{“name”:“APIKEY_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“portal-storage-secret-key”,“key”:“key”}}}]
glooPortalServer.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooPortalServer.floatingUserId bool Allow the pod to be assigned a dynamic user ID. Required for OpenShift installations. false
glooPortalServer.image struct Container image.
glooPortalServer.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooPortalServer.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooPortalServer.image.registry string Image registry.
glooPortalServer.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-portal-server
glooPortalServer.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooPortalServer.ports map[string, uint32] Service ports as a map from port name to port number. {“http”:8080}
glooPortalServer.ports.<MAP_KEY> uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number.
glooPortalServer.ports.http uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 8080
glooPortalServer.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“50m”,“memory”:“128Mi”}}
glooPortalServer.runAsUser uint32 Static user ID to run the containers as. Unused if floatingUserId is ‘true’. 10101
glooPortalServer.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooPortalServer.serviceOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's service template.
glooPortalServer.serviceType string Kubernetes service type. Can be either “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, or “ExternalName”. ClusterIP
glooPortalServer.sidecars map[string, struct] Optional configuration for the deployed containers. {}
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY> struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image struct Container image.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.registry string Image registry.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.repository string Image name (repository).
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooPortalServer.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooPortalServer.verbose bool Enable verbose/debug logging. false
glooUi struct
glooUi struct Configuration for the glooUi deployment.
glooUi.auth struct Configure authentication for the UI.
glooUi.auth.backend string Authentication backend to use. ‘oidc’ is supported.
glooUi.auth.enabled bool Require authentication to access the UI. false
glooUi.auth.oidc struct Settings for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) backend.
glooUi.auth.oidc.appUrl string URL that the UI for OIDC app is available at, from the DNS and other ingress settings that expose OIDC app UI service.
glooUi.auth.oidc.clientId string OIDC client ID
glooUi.auth.oidc.clientSecret string Plaintext OIDC client secret, which will be encoded in base64 and stored in a secret named the value of ‘clientSecretName’.
glooUi.auth.oidc.clientSecretName string Name for the secret that will contain the client secret.
glooUi.auth.oidc.issuerUrl string Issuer URL from the OIDC provider, such as ‘https://.<provider_url>/'.
glooUi.auth.oidc.session struct Session storage configuration. If omitted, a cookie is used.
glooUi.auth.oidc.session.backend string Backend to use for auth session storage. ‘cookie’ and ‘redis’ are supported.
glooUi.auth.oidc.session.redis struct Redis instance configuration. string Host at which the Redis instance is accessible. To use the default Redis deployment, specify ‘redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379’.
glooUi.auth.requestTimeout int Request timeout for external auth requests in seconds. 2
glooUi.deploymentOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's deployment template.
glooUi.enabled bool Deploy the gloo-mesh-ui. false
glooUi.enabled bool Enable creation of the deployment/service. true
glooUi.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“POD_NAMESPACE”,“valueFrom”:{“fieldRef”:{“fieldPath”:“metadata.namespace”}}},{“name”:“LICENSE_KEY”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“gloo-mesh-enterprise-license”,“key”:“key”,“optional”:true}}},{“name”:“REDIS_USERNAME”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“redis-auth-secrets”,“key”:“username”,“optional”:true}}},{“name”:“REDIS_PASSWORD”,“valueFrom”:{“secretKeyRef”:{“name”:“redis-auth-secrets”,“key”:“password”,“optional”:true}}},{“name”:“K8S_MEM_LIMIT”,“valueFrom”:{“resourceFieldRef”:{“resource”:“limits.memory”,“divisor”:“1”}}}]
glooUi.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooUi.floatingUserId bool Allow the pod to be assigned a dynamic user ID. Required for OpenShift installations. false
glooUi.image struct Container image.
glooUi.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooUi.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooUi.image.registry string Image registry.
glooUi.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-apiserver
glooUi.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooUi.ipVersion string Configure IP version to ipv4, ipv6 or dualStack. Defaults to dualStack. dualStack
glooUi.licenseSecretName string Provide license keys in a secret in the adminNamespace of the management cluster, instead of in the license key fields.
glooUi.namespacedRbac[] []struct Scopes watches and RBAC policies for the given set of GVKs to the given set of namespaces. Currently, ‘secrets’ are the only supported resource. [{“resources”:[],“namespaces”:[]}]
glooUi.namespacedRbac[].namespaces[] []string
glooUi.namespacedRbac[].resources[] []string
glooUi.ports map[string, uint32] Service ports as a map from port name to port number. {“console”:8090,“grpc”:10101,“healthcheck”:8081}
glooUi.ports.<MAP_KEY> uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number.
glooUi.ports.console uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 8090
glooUi.ports.grpc uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 10101
glooUi.ports.healthcheck uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 8081
glooUi.prometheusUrl string Prometheus server address.
glooUi.readOnlyGeneratedResources bool If true, the deployment only reads Istio resource outputs that are created by Gloo Platform, and filters out Istio resource fields that Gloo Mesh cannot properly unmarshal. These other resource outputs are not visible in the Gloo UI. false
glooUi.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“125m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}
glooUi.runAsUser uint32 Static user ID to run the containers as. Unused if floatingUserId is ‘true’. 10101
glooUi.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.serviceOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's service template.
glooUi.serviceType string Kubernetes service type. Can be either “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, or “ExternalName”. ClusterIP
glooUi.settingsName string Name of the UI settings object to use. settings
glooUi.sidecars map[string, struct] Optional configuration for the deployed containers. {“console”:{“image”:{“repository”:“gloo-mesh-ui”,“registry”:“”,“pullPolicy”:“IfNotPresent”},“env”:null,“extraEnvs”:{},“resources”:{“requests”:{“cpu”:“125m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}},“envoy”:{“image”:{“repository”:“gloo-mesh-envoy”,“registry”:“”,“pullPolicy”:“IfNotPresent”},“env”:[{“name”:“ENVOY_UID”,“value”:“0”}],“extraEnvs”:{},“resources”:{“requests”:{“cpu”:“500m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}}}
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY> struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image struct Container image.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.registry string Image registry.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.repository string Image name (repository).
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.sidecars.console struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooUi.sidecars.console.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. null
glooUi.sidecars.console.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooUi.sidecars.console.image struct Container image.
glooUi.sidecars.console.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooUi.sidecars.console.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooUi.sidecars.console.image.registry string Image registry.
glooUi.sidecars.console.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-ui
glooUi.sidecars.console.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooUi.sidecars.console.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“125m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}
glooUi.sidecars.console.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“ENVOY_UID”,“value”:“0”}]
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image struct Container image.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image.registry string Image registry.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image.repository string Image name (repository). gloo-mesh-envoy
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“500m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}
glooUi.sidecars.envoy.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
glooUi.verbose bool Enable verbose/debug logging. false
istioInstallations struct Configuration for deploying managed Istio control plane and gateway installations by using the Istio lifecycle manager.
istioInstallations.controlPlane struct Configuration for the managed Istio control plane instance.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.enabled bool Install the managed Istio control plane instance in the cluster. true
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[] []struct List of Istio control plane installations. [{“revision”:“auto”,“clusters”:null,“istioOperatorSpec”:{}}]
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].clusters[] []ptr Clusters to install the Istio control planes in.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].clusters[].defaultRevision bool When set to true, the installation for this revision is applied as the active Istio installation in the cluster. Resources with the ‘istio-injection=true’ label entry use this revision. You might change this setting for Istio installations during a canary upgrade. For more info, see the upgrade docs.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].clusters[].name string Name of the cluster to install Istio into. Must match the registered cluster name.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].clusters[].trustDomain string Trust domain value for this cluster's Istio installation mesh config. Defaults to the cluster's name.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].istioOperatorSpec struct IstioOperator specification for the control plane. For more info, see the IstioOperatorSpec reference.
istioInstallations.controlPlane.installations[].revision string Istio revision for this installation, such as ‘1-17’. Label workload resources with ‘$REVISION’ to use this installation. Defaults to ‘AUTO’, which installs the default supported version of Gloo Istio.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[] []struct Configuration for the managed east-west gateway. null
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].enabled bool Install the gateway in the cluster.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[] []struct List of Istio gateway installations. For more info, see the GatewayInstallation reference.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].clusters[] []ptr Clusters to install the gateway in.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].clusters[].activeGateway bool When set to true, the installation for this revision is applied as the active gateway through which primary service traffic is routed in the cluster. If the istioOperatorSpec defines a service, this field switches the service selectors to the revision specified in the gatewayRevsion. You might change this setting for gateway installations during a canary upgrade. For more info, see the upgrade docs.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].clusters[].name string Name of the cluster to install the gateway into. Must match the registered cluster name.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].clusters[].trustDomain string Trust domain value for this cluster's Istio installation mesh config. Defaults to the cluster's name.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].controlPlaneRevision string Optional: The revision of an Istio control plane in the cluster that this gateway should also use. If a control plane installation of this revision is not found, no gateway is created.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].gatewayRevision string Istio revision for this installation, such as ‘1-17’. Defaults to ‘AUTO’, which installs the default supported version of Gloo Istio.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].installations[].istioOperatorSpec struct IstioOperator specification for the gateway. For more info, see the IstioOperatorSpec reference.
istioInstallations.eastWestGateways[].name string Name of the gateway. Must be unique.
istioInstallations.enabled bool Enable managed Istio installations. false
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[] []struct Configuration for the managed north-south (ingress) gateway. Requires a Gloo Gateway license. [{“name”:“istio-ingressgateway”,“enabled”:true,“installations”:[{“gatewayRevision”:“auto”,“clusters”:null,“istioOperatorSpec”:{}}]}]
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].enabled bool Install the gateway in the cluster.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[] []struct List of Istio gateway installations. For more info, see the GatewayInstallation reference.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].clusters[] []ptr Clusters to install the gateway in.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].clusters[].activeGateway bool When set to true, the installation for this revision is applied as the active gateway through which primary service traffic is routed in the cluster. If the istioOperatorSpec defines a service, this field switches the service selectors to the revision specified in the gatewayRevsion. You might change this setting for gateway installations during a canary upgrade. For more info, see the upgrade docs.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].clusters[].name string Name of the cluster to install the gateway into. Must match the registered cluster name.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].clusters[].trustDomain string Trust domain value for this cluster's Istio installation mesh config. Defaults to the cluster's name.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].controlPlaneRevision string Optional: The revision of an Istio control plane in the cluster that this gateway should also use. If a control plane installation of this revision is not found, no gateway is created.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].gatewayRevision string Istio revision for this installation, such as ‘1-17’. Defaults to ‘AUTO’, which installs the default supported version of Gloo Istio.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].installations[].istioOperatorSpec struct IstioOperator specification for the gateway. For more info, see the IstioOperatorSpec reference.
istioInstallations.northSouthGateways[].name string Name of the gateway. Must be unique.
legacyMetricsPipeline struct Configuration for the legacy metrics pipeline, which uses Gloo agents to propagate metrics to the management server.
legacyMetricsPipeline.enabled bool Set to false to disable the legacy telemetry pipeline. false
licensing struct Gloo Platform product licenses.
licensing.glooGatewayLicenseKey string Gloo Gateway license key.
licensing.glooMeshLicenseKey string Gloo Mesh Enterprise license key.
licensing.glooNetworkLicenseKey string Gloo Network license key.
licensing.glooTrialLicenseKey string Gloo trial license key, for a trial installation of all products.
licensing.licenseKey string Deprecated: Legacy Gloo Mesh Enterprise license key. Use individual product license fields, the trial license field, or a license secret instead.
licensing.licenseSecretName string Provide license keys in a secret in the adminNamespace of the management cluster, instead of in the license key fields. license-keys
prometheus map Helm values for configuring Prometheus. See the Prometheus Helm chart for the complete set of values.
rateLimiter struct Configuration for the Gloo rate limiting service.
rateLimiter.enabled bool Enable the Gloo rate limiting service. false
rateLimiter.extraLabels map[string, string] Extra key-value pairs to add to the labels data of the rate limiter deployment. null
rateLimiter.extraLabels.<MAP_KEY> string Extra key-value pairs to add to the labels data of the rate limiter deployment.
rateLimiter.extraTemplateAnnotations map[string, string] Extra annotations to add to the rate limiter service pods. {“”:"{ "holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts": true }"}
rateLimiter.extraTemplateAnnotations.<MAP_KEY> string Extra annotations to add to the rate limiter service pods. string Extra annotations to add to the rate limiter service pods. { “holdApplicationUntilProxyStarts”: true }
rateLimiter.rateLimiter struct Configuration for the rate limiter.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.image struct Values for the rate limiter image.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.image.registry string Image registry.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.image.repository string Image name (repository). rate-limiter
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.image.tag string Version tag for the container. 0.10.6
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.installClusterRoles bool If true, use ClusterRoles. If false, use Roles. true
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.logLevel string Severity level to collect logs for. INFO
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.ports struct Ports for the rate limiter service.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.ports.debug uint32 Port on the rate limiter to pull logs from. 9091
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.ports.grpc uint32 Port the rate limiter listens on for gRPC requests. 8083
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.ports.ready uint32 Port the rate limiter listens on for readiness checks. 8084
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.readyPath string Path for readiness checks. /ready
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.resources struct Values for the container resource requests.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.resources.requests struct Minimum amount of compute resources required. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.resources.requests.cpu string Amount of CPU resource. 125m
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.resources.requests.memory string Amount of memory resource. 256Mi
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.service struct Configuration for the deployed rate limiter service.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.service.annotations map[string, string] Kubernetes service annotations. {}
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.service.annotations.<MAP_KEY> string Kubernetes service annotations.
rateLimiter.rateLimiter.watchNamespace string Namespaces to watch in your cluster. If omitted or empty, all namespaces are watched.
rateLimiter.redis struct Configuration for using a Redis instance for authentication.
rateLimiter.redis.auth struct Values for the authentication details.
rateLimiter.redis.auth.enabled bool Use the default Redis instance for authentication. false
rateLimiter.redis.auth.passwordKey string Key that contains the password. redis-password
rateLimiter.redis.auth.secretName string Name of the secret that contains the username and password. redis-secrets
rateLimiter.redis.auth.usernameKey string Key that contains the username. If Redis doesn't have an explicit username, specify ‘default’. redis-username
rateLimiter.redis.certs struct Provide a CA cert for the rate limiter and Redis instance (if enabled) to use.
rateLimiter.redis.certs.caCert string File name that contains the CA cert. redis.crt
rateLimiter.redis.certs.enabled bool Enable the rate limiter and Redis instance (if enabled) to use the CA cert you provide. false
rateLimiter.redis.certs.mountPoint string Mount path for the certs. /etc/tls
rateLimiter.redis.certs.secretName string Name of the secret for the CA cert. redis-certs-keys
rateLimiter.redis.certs.signingKey string File name that contains the signing key. Only relevant for the Redis instance. redis.key
rateLimiter.redis.clustered bool Set to true if your Redis instance runs in clustered mode. false
rateLimiter.redis.enabled bool Install the default Redis instance. true
rateLimiter.redis.floatingUserId bool Set to true to use a floating user ID. false
rateLimiter.redis.hostname string Hostname clients use to connect to the Redis instance. redis
rateLimiter.redis.image struct Values for the Redis image.
rateLimiter.redis.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
rateLimiter.redis.image.registry string Image registry.
rateLimiter.redis.image.repository string Image name (repository). redis
rateLimiter.redis.image.tag string Version tag for the container. 7.2.4-alpine
rateLimiter.redis.resources struct Values for the container resource requests.
rateLimiter.redis.resources.requests struct Minimum amount of compute resources required. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
rateLimiter.redis.resources.requests.cpu string Amount of CPU resource. 125m
rateLimiter.redis.resources.requests.memory string Amount of memory resource. 256Mi
rateLimiter.redis.runAsUser int User ID to run Redis as. 999
rateLimiter.redis.service struct Values for the Redis service.
rateLimiter.redis.service.db int Select the Redis logical database having the specified zero-based numeric index. 0 string Name for the Redis service. redis
rateLimiter.redis.service.port int Port for the Redis service. 6379
rateLimiter.redis.service.socket string 'unix’, ‘tcp’, or ‘tls’ are supported. tcp
redis struct Redis configuration options.
redis.address string Address to use when connecting to the Redis instance. To use the default Redis deployment, specify ‘redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379’. gloo-mesh-redis.gloo-mesh:6379
redis.auth struct Optional authentication values to use when connecting to the Redis instance
redis.auth.enabled bool Connect to the Redis instance with a password false
redis.auth.passwordKey string The secret key containing the password to use for authentication password
redis.auth.secretName string Name of the k8s secret that contains the password redis-auth-secrets
redis.auth.usernameKey string The secret key containing the username to use for authentication username
redis.certs struct Configuration for TLS verification when connecting to the Redis instance
redis.certs.caCertKey string The secret key containing the ca cert
redis.certs.enabled bool Enable a secure network connection to the Redis instance via TLS false
redis.certs.secretName string Name of the k8s secret that contains the certs redis-certs
redis.connection struct Optional connection parameters
redis.connection.dialTimeout string Dial timeout for establishing new connections. Default is 5 seconds. 5s
redis.connection.idleCheckFrequency string Frequency of idle checks made by idle connections reaper. Default is 1 minute. -1 disables idle connections reaper, but idle connections are still discarded by the client if IdleTimeout is set. 1m0s
redis.connection.idleTimeout string Amount of time after which client closes idle connections. Should be less than server's timeout. Default is 5 minutes. -1 disables idle timeout check. 5m0s
redis.connection.maxConnAge string Connection age at which client retires (closes) the connection. Default is to not close aged connections.
redis.connection.maxRetries int Maximum number of retries before giving up. Default is 3. -1 disables retries. 3
redis.connection.maxRetryBackoff string Maximum backoff between each retry. Default is 512 milliseconds. -1 disables backoff. 512ms
redis.connection.minIdleConns int Minimum number of idle connections which is useful when establishing new connection is slow. 0
redis.connection.minRetryBackoff string Minimum backoff between each retry. Default is 8 milliseconds. -1 disables backoff. 8ms
redis.connection.poolFifo bool Type of connection pool. true for FIFO pool. false for LIFO pool. Note that FIFO has higher overhead compared to LIFO. false
redis.connection.poolSize int Maximum number of socket connections. Default is 10 connections per every available CPU as reported by runtime.GOMAXPROCS. 0
redis.connection.poolTimeout string Amount of time client waits for connection if all connections are busy before returning an error. Default is ReadTimeout + 1 second.
redis.connection.readTimeout string Timeout for socket reads. if reached, commands will fail with a timeout instead of blocking. Default is 3 seconds. -1 disables timeout. 0 uses the default value. 3s
redis.connection.writeTimeout string Timeout for socket writes. If reached, commands will fail with a timeout instead of blocking. Default is ReadTimeout.
redis.db int DB to connect to 0
redis.deployment struct
redis.deployment struct Configuration for the deployment deployment.
redis.deployment.addr string Deprecated: Use ‘redis.address’ instead.
redis.deployment.deploymentOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's deployment template.
redis.deployment.enabled bool Deploy the default Redis instance. true
redis.deployment.enabled bool Enable creation of the deployment/service. true
redis.deployment.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. [{“name”:“MASTER”,“value”:“true”}]
redis.deployment.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
redis.deployment.floatingUserId bool Allow the pod to be assigned a dynamic user ID. Required for OpenShift installations. false
redis.deployment.floatingUserId bool Set to true to use a floating user ID. false
redis.deployment.image struct Container image.
redis.deployment.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy. IfNotPresent
redis.deployment.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
redis.deployment.image.registry string Image registry.
redis.deployment.image.repository string Image name (repository). redis
redis.deployment.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
redis.deployment.ports map[string, uint32] Service ports as a map from port name to port number. {“redis”:6379}
redis.deployment.ports.<MAP_KEY> uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number.
redis.deployment.ports.redis uint32 Service ports as a map from port name to port number. 6379
redis.deployment.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“requests”:{“cpu”:“125m”,“memory”:“256Mi”}}
redis.deployment.runAsUser uint32 Static user ID to run the containers as. Unused if floatingUserId is ‘true’. 10101
redis.deployment.runAsUser int User ID to run Redis as. 999
redis.deployment.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation. {“capabilities”:{“drop”:[“ALL”]},“runAsUser”:999,“runAsNonRoot”:true,“readOnlyRootFilesystem”:true,“allowPrivilegeEscalation”:false}
redis.deployment.serviceOverrides struct Arbitrary overrides for the component's service template.
redis.deployment.serviceType string Kubernetes service type. Can be either “ClusterIP”, “NodePort”, “LoadBalancer”, or “ExternalName”. ClusterIP
redis.deployment.sidecars map[string, struct] Optional configuration for the deployed containers. {}
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY> struct Optional configuration for the deployed containers.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.env[] slice Environment variables for the container. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.extraEnvs struct Extra environment variables for the container
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image struct Container image.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullPolicy string Image pull policy.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.pullSecret string Image pull secret.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.registry string Image registry.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.repository string Image name (repository).
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.image.tag string Version tag for the container image.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.resources struct Container resource requirements. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
redis.deployment.sidecars.<MAP_KEY>.securityContext struct Container security context. Set to ‘false’ to omit the security context entirely. For more info, see the Kubernetes documentation.
telemetryCollector struct Configuration for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Collector. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryCollectorCustomization struct Optional customization for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Collector.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.disableDefaultPipeline bool Disables the default pipeline. Useful if you want to create a custom pipeline using ‘extraPipelines’ and to disable the default pipeline. false
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraExporters map[string, interface] Configuration for extra exporters, such as to forward your data to a third-party provider. Exporters forward the data they get to a destination on the local or remote network. null
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraExporters.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra exporters, such as to forward your data to a third-party provider. Exporters forward the data they get to a destination on the local or remote network.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraPipelines map[string, interface] Specify any added receivers, processors, or exporters in an extra pipeline. null
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraPipelines.<MAP_KEY> interface Specify any added receivers, processors, or exporters in an extra pipeline.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraProcessors map[string, interface] Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter. {“batch”:{“send_batch_max_size”:3000,“send_batch_size”:2000,“timeout”:“600ms”},“memory_limiter”:{“check_interval”:“1s”,“limit_percentage”:85,“spike_limit_percentage”:10}}
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraProcessors.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraProcessors.batch interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraProcessors.memory_limiter interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraReceivers map[string, interface] Configuration for extra receivers, such as to scrape extra Prometheus targets. Receivers listen on a network port to receive telemetry data. null
telemetryCollectorCustomization.extraReceivers.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra receivers, such as to scrape extra Prometheus targets. Receivers listen on a network port to receive telemetry data.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.serverName string SNI and certificate subject alternative name used in the collector certificate. gloo-telemetry-gateway.gloo-mesh
telemetryCollectorCustomization.telemetry map[string, interface] Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs. {“metrics”:{“address”:“”}}
telemetryCollectorCustomization.telemetry.<MAP_KEY> interface Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs.
telemetryCollectorCustomization.telemetry.metrics interface Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs.
telemetryGateway struct Configuration for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Gateway. See the OpenTelemetry Helm chart for the complete set of values.
telemetryGatewayCustomization struct Optional customization for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Gateway.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.disableCertGeneration bool Disable cert generation for the Gloo Platform Telemetry Gateway. false
telemetryGatewayCustomization.disableDefaultPipeline bool Disables the default pipeline. Useful if you want to create a custom pipeline using ‘extraPipelines’ and to disable the default pipeline. false
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraExporters map[string, interface] Configuration for extra exporters, such as to forward your data to a third-party provider. Exporters forward the data they get to a destination on the local or remote network. null
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraExporters.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra exporters, such as to forward your data to a third-party provider. Exporters forward the data they get to a destination on the local or remote network.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraPipelines map[string, interface] Specify any added receivers, processors, or exporters in an extra pipeline. null
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraPipelines.<MAP_KEY> interface Specify any added receivers, processors, or exporters in an extra pipeline.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraProcessors map[string, interface] Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter. {“batch”:{“send_batch_max_size”:3000,“send_batch_size”:2000,“timeout”:“600ms”},“memory_limiter”:{“check_interval”:“1s”,“limit_percentage”:85,“spike_limit_percentage”:10}}
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraProcessors.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraProcessors.batch interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraProcessors.memory_limiter interface Configuration for extra processors to drop and generate new data. Processors can transform the data before it is forwarded to another processor and an exporter.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraReceivers map[string, interface] Configuration for extra receivers, such as to scrape extra Prometheus targets. Receivers listen on a network port to receive telemetry data. null
telemetryGatewayCustomization.extraReceivers.<MAP_KEY> interface Configuration for extra receivers, such as to scrape extra Prometheus targets. Receivers listen on a network port to receive telemetry data.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.reloadTlsCertificate struct Interval of time between reloading the TLS certificate of the telemetry gateway.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.reloadTlsCertificate.nanos int32 0
telemetryGatewayCustomization.reloadTlsCertificate.seconds int64 0
telemetryGatewayCustomization.serverName string SNI and certificate subject alternative name used in the telemetry gateway certificate. gloo-telemetry-gateway.gloo-mesh
telemetryGatewayCustomization.telemetry map[string, interface] Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs. {“metrics”:{“address”:“”}}
telemetryGatewayCustomization.telemetry.<MAP_KEY> interface Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs.
telemetryGatewayCustomization.telemetry.metrics interface Configure the service telemetry (logs and metrics) as described in the otel-collector docs.