System requirements

Review the following minimum requirements and other recommendations for your Gloo Gateway setup.

Number of clusters

Single-cluster: Gloo Gateway is fully functional when the control plane (management server) and data plane (agent and gateway proxy) both run within the same cluster. You can easily install both the control and data plane components by using one installation process. If you choose to install the components in separate processes, ensure that you use the same name for the cluster during both processes. Many guides throughout the documentation use one cluster as an example setup.

Multicluster: A multicluster Gloo Gateway setup consists of one management cluster that the Gloo Gateway control plane (management server) is installed in, and one or more workload clusters that serve as the data plane (agent and gateway proxies). By running the control plane in a dedicated management cluster, you can ensure that no workload pods consume cluster resources that might impede management processes. Because many guides throughout the documentation use one cluster as an example setup instead of a multicluster environment, consider applying resources in your management cluster instead of individual workload clusters. For more information, see Workspace configuration in the management plane.

Cluster details

Review the following recommendations and considerations when creating clusters for your Gloo environment.


For any clusters that you plan to register as workload clusters: The cluster name must be alphanumeric with no special characters except a hyphen (-), lowercase, and begin with a letter (not a number).

Additionally, cluster context names cannot include underscores. The context name is used as a SAN specification in the generated certificate that connects workload clusters to the management cluster, and underscores in SAN are not FQDN compliant. You can rename a context by running kubectl config rename-context "<oldcontext>" <newcontext>.

Throughout the guides in this documentation, a single-cluster setup and a three-cluster setup are used as examples.

Size and memory

For a minimum or testing Gloo Gateway setup, the following compute sizes are recommended:

For a more robust Gloo Gateway setup, the following compute sizes are recommended:


Solo supports n-3 versions for Gloo Platform. Within each Gloo Platform version, different open source project versions are supported, including Gloo Istio n-4 version support.

Gloo Platform

The following versions of Gloo Platform are supported with the compatible open source project versions of Istio and Kubernetes. Later versions of the open source projects that are released after Gloo Platform might also work, but are not tested as part of the Gloo Platform release.

Gloo Platform Release date Supported Solo distributions of Istio and related Kubernetes versions tested by Solo Supported Solo Cilium versions tested by Solo
2.5 09 Jan 2024
  • Istio 1.20 on Kubernetes 1.25 - 1.28
  • Istio 1.19 on Kubernetes 1.25 - 1.28
  • Istio 1.18 on Kubernetes 1.24 - 1.27
  • Istio 1.17 on Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.26
  • Istio 1.16 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.25
Cilium 1.12 - 1.14 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.28
2.4 28 Aug 2023
  • Istio 1.18 on Kubernetes 1.24 - 1.27
  • Istio 1.17 on Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.26
  • Istio 1.16 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.25
  • Istio 1.15 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.25
  • Istio 1.14 on Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.24
Cilium 1.12 or 1.13 on Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.27
2.3 17 Apr 2023
  • Istio 1.18 on Kubernetes 1.24 - 1.27
  • Istio 1.17 on Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.26
  • Istio 1.16 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.25
  • Istio 1.15 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.25
  • Istio 1.14 on Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.24
Cilium 1.12 on Kubernetes 1.20 - 1.25
2.2 20 Jan 2023
  • Istio 1.18 on Kubernetes 1.24
  • Istio 1.17 on Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.24
  • Istio 1.16 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.24
  • Istio 1.15 on Kubernetes 1.22 - 1.24
  • Istio 1.14 on Kubernetes 1.21 - 1.24
Cilium 1.12 on Kubernetes 1.19 - 1.24

Gloo Istio

Keep in mind that Gloo Platform offers n-4 security patching support only with Gloo Istio versions, not community Istio versions. Gloo Istio versions support the same patch versions as community Istio. You can review community Istio patch versions in the Istio release documentation. You must run the latest Gloo Platform patch version to get the backported Istio support.

Supported Istio versions by Kubernetes or OpenShift version

The supported version of Istio, and Kubernetes or OpenShift are dependent on each other. For example, if you plan to use Gloo Platform with Istio 1.15, you must make sure that you use a Kubernetes or OpenShift version that is compatible with Istio 1.15. The same is true if you decided on a specific Kubernetes or OpenShift version, and you must find an Istio version that is compatible.

To find a list of supported Kubernetes versions in Istio, see the Istio docs. For supported OpenShift, go to the OpenShift knowledgebase (requires login).

Known Istio issues

Gloo features

Additionally, the following Gloo Platform features require specific versions.

Gloo Platform feature Required versions
Gloo-managed Istio installations (Istio and gateway lifecycle manager) Gloo Platform 2.1.0 or later, and Istio version 1.15.4 or later
Verification of Gloo Platform Helm charts Gloo Platform 2.3.1 or later
GraphQL add-on Gloo Platform version 2.1.0 or later, and Istio version 1.16.1 or later
AWS Lambda default request and response transformations Istio version 1.15.1 or later

For more information, see Supported versions.

Load balancer connectivity

To test access to the ingress gateway proxy in your Gloo Gateway environment, ensure that your cluster setup enables you to externally access LoadBalancer services on the workload clusters.

Port and repo access from cluster networks

If you have restrictions for your cluster networks in your cloud infrastructure provider, you must open ports, protocols, and image repositories to install Gloo and Gloo Gateway, and to allow your Gloo installation to communicate with the Gloo Gateway APIs. For example, you might have firewalls set up on the public network of your clusters so that they do not have default access to all public endpoints. The following sections detail the required and optional ports and repositories that your management and workload clusters must access.

Management cluster

Required: In your firewall or network rules for the management cluster, open the following required ports and repositories.

Name Port Protocol Source Destination Network Description
Management server images - - IP addresses of management cluster nodes Public Allow the gloo-mesh-mgmt-server image to be installed and updated in the management cluster.
Redis image - - IP addresses of management cluster nodes Public Allow the Redis image to be installed in the management cluster to store OIDC ID tokens for the Gloo UI.
Agent communication 9900 TCP ClusterIPs of agents on workload clusters IP addresses of management cluster nodes Cluster network Allow the gloo-mesh-agent on each workload cluster to send data to the gloo-mesh-mgmt-server in the management cluster.

Optional: In your firewall or network rules for the management cluster, open the following optional ports as needed.

Name Port Protocol Source Destination Network Description
Healthchecks 8090 TCP Check initiator IP addresses of management cluster nodes Public or cluster network, depending on whether checks originate from outside or inside the cluster Allow healthchecks to the management server.
Prometheus 9091 TCP Scraper IP addresses of management cluster nodes Public Scrape your Prometheus metrics from a different server, or a similar metrics setup.
Other tools - - - - Public For any other tools that you use in your Gloo Gateway environment, consult the tool's documentation to ensure that you allow the correct ports. For example, if you use tools such as cert-manager to generate and manage the Gloo certificates for your setup, consult the cert-manager platform reference.

Workload clusters

Required: In your firewall or network rules for the workload clusters, open the following required ports and repositories.

Name Port Protocol Source Destination Network Description
Agent image - - IP addresses of workload cluster nodes Public Allow the gloo-mesh-agent image to be installed and updated in workload clusters.
Ingress gateway 80 and/or 443 HTTP, HTTPS - Gateway load balancer IP address Public or private network Allow incoming traffic requests to the ingress gateway proxy.
East-west gateway 15443 TCP Node IP addresses of other workload clusters Gateway load balancer IP address on one workload cluster Cluster network Only applicable if Gloo Gateway is used in combination with Gloo Mesh Enterprise: Allow services in one workload cluster to access the east-west gateway for services in another cluster. Repeat this rule for the east-west gateway on each workload cluster. Note that you can customize this port in the spec.options.eastWestGatewaySelector.hostInfo.port setting of your workspace settings resource.

Optional: In your firewall or network rules for the workload clusters, open the following optional ports as needed.

Name Port Protocol Source Destination Network Description
Agent healthchecks 8090 TCP Check initiator IP addresses of workload cluster nodes Public or cluster network, depending on whether checks originate from outside or inside the cluster Allow healthchecks to the Gloo agent.
Istio Pilot 15017 HTTPS IP addresses of workload cluster nodes - Public Depending on your cloud provider, you might need to open ports for Istio to be installed. For example, in GKE clusters, you must open port 15017 for the Pilot discovery validation webhook. For more ports and requirements, see Ports used by Istio.
Istio healthchecks 15021 HTTP Check initiator IP addresses of workload cluster nodes Public or cluster network, depending on whether checks originate from outside or inside the cluster Allow healthchecks on path /healthz/ready.
Envoy telemetry 15090 HTTP Scraper IP addresses of workload cluster nodes Public Scrape your Prometheus metrics from a different server, or a similar metrics setup.

Port and repo access from local systems

If corporate network policies prevent access from your local system to public endpoints via proxies or firewalls:

Reserved ports and pod requirements

Review the following platform docs that outline what ports are reserved, so that you do not use these ports for other functions in your apps. You might use other services such as a database or application monitoring tool that reserve additional ports.

Request size limit

The maximum request payload size that can be sent to the Gloo Gateway proxy is 1MiB.