Legacy metrics pipeline (Deprecated)

When you follow the get started guide, the legacy metrics pipeline is set up automatically for you.

The legacy pipeline is deprecated and is planned to be removed in Gloo Gateway version 2.4. For a highly available and scalable telemetry solution that is decoupled from the Gloo agent and management server core functionality, migrate to the Gloo OpenTelemetry pipeline. See Gloo OpenTelemetry pipeline for more information.

Istio version 1.17 does not support the Gloo legacy metrics pipeline. If you run the legacy metrics pipeline, before you upgrade or deploy gateway proxies with Istio 1.17, be sure that you set up the Gloo OpenTelemetry (OTel) pipeline instead in your new or existing Gloo Gateway installation.

  1. Check if the Prometheus server is running in your Gloo management cluster.

    kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh | grep prometheus 

    Example output:

    prometheus-server-647b488bb-wxlzh        2/2     Running   0          66m
  2. If no Prometheus server is set up in your management cluster, you can enable the Prometheus server by upgrading your Helm chart with the following command.

    helm upgrade --install gloo-platform gloo-platform/gloo-platform \
       --namespace gloo-mesh \
       --version $GLOO_VERSION \
       --values gloo-gateway-single.yaml \
       --set common.cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \
       --set licensing.glooGatewayLicenseKey=$GLOO_GATEWAY_LICENSE_KEY \
       --set prometheus.enabled=true

    If you installed Gloo Gateway using the gloo-mesh-enterpise, gloo-mesh-agent, and other included Helm charts, or by using meshctl version 2.2 or earlier, these Helm charts are considered legacy. Migrate your legacy installation to the new gloo-platform Helm chart.

    helm upgrade --install gloo-mgmt gloo-mesh-enterprise/gloo-mesh-enterprise \
       --namespace gloo-mesh \
       --version $GLOO_VERSION \
       --values values-mgmt-plane-env.yaml \
       --set glooGatewayLicenseKey=${GLOO_GATEWAY_LICENSE_KEY} \
       --set global.cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \
       --set prometheus.enabled=true

    Make sure to include your Helm values when you upgrade either as a configuration file in the –values flag or with –set flags. Otherwise, any previous custom values that you set might be overwritten. In single cluster setups, this might mean that your Gloo agent and ingress gateways are removed. For more information, see Get your Helm chart values in the upgrade guide.

  3. Open the Prometheus UI.