Deploy sample apps

After you set up Gloo Gateway, deploy sample apps, such as Bookinfo and httpbin, to explore the routing and traffic management capabilities in Gloo Gateway.

The Bookinfo and httpbin app in this example are deployed without Istio sidecars. If you plan to use Gloo Gateway with Gloo Mesh to manage traffic for your service mesh, you can label the bookinfo and httpbin namespaces for Istio sidecar injection by running kubectl label namespace <namespace> istio-injection=enabled.

  1. Create the bookinfo namespace.

    kubectl create ns bookinfo
  2. Deploy the Bookinfo app.

    # deploy bookinfo application components for all versions less than v3
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app,version notin (v3)'
    # deploy an updated product page with extra container utilities such as 'curl' and 'netcat'
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f
    # deploy all bookinfo service accounts
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'account'
  3. Verify that the Bookinfo app is deployed successfully.

    kubectl get pods -n bookinfo
    kubectl get svc -n bookinfo

Install httpbin

The httpbin sample app is a simple tool to test HTTP requests and responses. Unlike curl, you can see not only the response headers, but also the request headers.

  1. Create an httpbin namespace.

    kubectl create ns httpbin
  2. Create the httpbin app.

    kubectl -n httpbin apply -f
  3. Verify that the httpbin app is running.

    kubectl -n httpbin get pods


Create an HTTP listener on your gateway and set up routing for the sample apps.