Navigation : Getting Started What is Gloo Gateway? Setup Guides Operations Reference - Open Source Attribution - API Reference - Command Line Reference -- glooctl -- glooctl add -- glooctl add route -- glooctl check -- glooctl check-crds -- glooctl cluster -- glooctl cluster deregister -- glooctl cluster list -- glooctl cluster register -- glooctl completion -- glooctl create -- glooctl create authconfig -- glooctl create secret -- glooctl create secret apikey -- glooctl create secret authcredentials -- glooctl create secret aws -- glooctl create secret azure -- glooctl create secret encryptionkey -- glooctl create secret header -- glooctl create secret oauth -- glooctl create secret tls -- glooctl create upstream -- glooctl create upstream aws -- glooctl create upstream azure -- glooctl create upstream consul -- glooctl create upstream ec2 -- glooctl create upstream kube -- glooctl create upstream static -- glooctl create upstreamgroup -- glooctl create virtualservice -- glooctl dashboard -- glooctl debug -- glooctl debug logs -- glooctl debug yaml -- glooctl delete -- glooctl delete proxy -- glooctl delete upstream -- glooctl delete upstreamgroup -- glooctl delete virtualservice -- glooctl demo -- glooctl demo federation -- glooctl edit -- glooctl edit route -- glooctl edit route externalauth -- glooctl edit route ratelimit -- glooctl edit route ratelimit client-config -- glooctl edit settings -- glooctl edit settings externalauth -- glooctl edit settings ratelimit -- glooctl edit settings ratelimit server-config -- glooctl edit upstream -- glooctl edit virtualservice -- glooctl edit virtualservice ratelimit -- glooctl edit virtualservice ratelimit client-config -- glooctl get -- glooctl get authconfig -- glooctl get proxy -- glooctl get ratelimitconfig -- glooctl get routetable -- glooctl get upstream -- glooctl get upstreamgroup -- glooctl get virtualservice -- glooctl get virtualservice route -- glooctl init-plugin-manager -- glooctl install -- glooctl install gateway -- glooctl install gateway enterprise -- glooctl install ingress -- glooctl istio -- glooctl istio disable-mtls -- glooctl istio enable-mtls -- glooctl istio inject -- glooctl istio uninject -- glooctl license -- glooctl license validate -- glooctl plugin -- glooctl plugin list -- glooctl proxy -- glooctl proxy address -- glooctl proxy dump -- glooctl proxy logs -- glooctl proxy served-config -- glooctl proxy stats -- glooctl proxy url -- glooctl remove -- glooctl remove route -- glooctl route -- glooctl route sort -- glooctl uninstall -- glooctl upgrade -- glooctl version - Changelog - Helm Chart Values - Security Updates - Security Posture - Gloo Gateway Port Reference - Release Support - Cheatsheets Contribution Guide Get help and support Command Line Reference The glooctl command line tool. Select a command from the menu for more information.