


Source File:


[#next-free-field: 10]

"protoDescriptor": string
"protoDescriptorBin": bytes
"services": []string
"matchIncomingRequestRoute": bool
"ignoredQueryParameters": []string
"autoMapping": bool
"ignoreUnknownQueryParameters": bool
"convertGrpcStatus": bool

Field Type Description
protoDescriptor string Supplies the filename of the proto descriptor set for the gRPC services. Only one of protoDescriptor, protoDescriptorBin, or protoDescriptorConfigMap can be set.
protoDescriptorBin bytes Supplies the binary content of the proto descriptor set for the gRPC services. Note: in yaml, this must be provided as a base64 standard encoded string; yaml can’t handle binary bytes. Only one of protoDescriptorBin, protoDescriptor, or protoDescriptorConfigMap can be set.
protoDescriptorConfigMap A reference to a ConfigMap containing the base64-encoded binary content of the proto descriptor set for the gRPC services. Only one of protoDescriptorConfigMap, protoDescriptor, or protoDescriptorBin can be set.
services []string A list of strings that supplies the fully qualified service names (i.e. “package_name.service_name”) that the transcoder will translate. If the service name doesn’t exist in proto_descriptor, Envoy will fail at startup. The proto_descriptor may contain more services than the service names specified here, but they won’t be translated.
printOptions Control options for response JSON. These options are passed directly to JsonPrintOptions < google.protobuf.util.json_util#JsonPrintOptions>_.
matchIncomingRequestRoute bool Set this value to true to keep the incoming request route after the outgoing headers are transformed to match the upstream gRPC service. Note that you cannot set this value to true with routes for gRPC services that are not transcoded. When set to false, Envoy does not match against the incoming request path. For more information, see the Envoy docs
ignoredQueryParameters []string A list of query parameters to be ignored for transcoding method mapping. By default, the transcoder filter will not transcode a request if there are any unknown/invalid query parameters. Example : .. code-block:: proto service Bookstore { rpc GetShelf(GetShelfRequest) returns (Shelf) { option (google.api.http) = { get: “/shelves/{shelf}” }; } } message GetShelfRequest { int64 shelf = 1; } message Shelf {} The request /shelves/100?foo=bar will not be mapped to GetShelf``` because variable binding for foois not defined. Addingfootoignored_query_parameterswill allow the same request to be mapped toGetShelf``.
autoMapping bool Whether to route methods without the google.api.http option. Example : .. code-block:: proto package bookstore; service Bookstore { rpc GetShelf(GetShelfRequest) returns (Shelf) {} } message GetShelfRequest { int64 shelf = 1; } message Shelf {} The client could post a json body {"shelf": 1234} with the path of /bookstore.Bookstore/GetShelfRequest to call GetShelfRequest.
ignoreUnknownQueryParameters bool Whether to ignore query parameters that cannot be mapped to a corresponding protobuf field. Use this if you cannot control the query parameters and do not know them beforehand. Otherwise use ignored_query_parameters. Defaults to false.
convertGrpcStatus bool Whether to convert gRPC status headers to JSON. When trailer indicates a gRPC error and there was no HTTP body, take google.rpc.Status from the grpc-status-details-bin header and use it as JSON body. If there was no such header, make google.rpc.Status out of the grpc-status and grpc-message headers. The error details types must be present in the proto_descriptor. For example, if an upstream server replies with headers: .. code-block:: none grpc-status: 5 grpc-status-details-bin: CAUaMwoqdHlwZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9nb29nbGUucnBjLlJlcXVlc3RJbmZvEgUKA3ItMQ The grpc-status-details-bin header contains a base64-encoded protobuf message google.rpc.Status. It will be transcoded into: .. code-block:: none HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found content-type: application/json {“code”:5,“details”:[{"@type":“”,“requestId”:“r-1”}]} In order to transcode the message, the google.rpc.RequestInfo type from the google/rpc/error_details.proto should be included in the configured :ref:proto descriptor set <config_grpc_json_generate_proto_descriptor_set>.


"addWhitespace": bool
"alwaysPrintPrimitiveFields": bool
"alwaysPrintEnumsAsInts": bool
"preserveProtoFieldNames": bool

Field Type Description
addWhitespace bool Whether to add spaces, line breaks and indentation to make the JSON output easy to read. Defaults to false.
alwaysPrintPrimitiveFields bool Whether to always print primitive fields. By default primitive fields with default values will be omitted in JSON output. For example, an int32 field set to 0 will be omitted. Setting this flag to true will override the default behavior and print primitive fields regardless of their values. Defaults to false.
alwaysPrintEnumsAsInts bool Whether to always print enums as ints. By default they are rendered as strings. Defaults to false.
preserveProtoFieldNames bool Whether to preserve proto field names. By default protobuf will generate JSON field names using the json_name option, or lower camel case, in that order. Setting this flag will preserve the original field names. Defaults to false.


Allows the user to store the binary content of a proto descriptor set in a ConfigMap.

"key": string

Field Type Description
configMapRef A reference to a ConfigMap containing the base64-encoded binary content of a proto descriptor set. The ConfigMap must be in a namespace watched by Gloo Edge.
key string The ConfigMap data key whose value contains the proto descriptor set. If the ConfigMap contains multiple key-value pairs, this field is required. If the ConfigMap contains exactly one key-value pair, this field is optional.