Getting Started

To jump right in with Gloo Gateway, the quickest way is with your own Kubernetes cluster. Your cluster might be on your local workstation or in a cloud environment. For more details, see the Preparation guide and Kubernetes cluster setup.

Quick start installation

After you have a cluster, you can install Gloo Gateway through the command line with the glooctl CLI or Helm.

  1. Install glooctl. The steps vary by operating system.
    • Linux or macOS
      curl -sL | sh
      export PATH=$HOME/.gloo/bin:$PATH
    • Windows
      (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex
      $env:Path += ";$env:userprofile/.gloo/bin/"
  2. Install Gloo Gateway.
    glooctl install gateway
  1. Add the Helm repository for Gloo Gateway.
    helm repo add gloo
    helm repo update
  2. Install the Helm chart. This command creates the gloo-system namespace and installs the Gloo Gateway components into it.
    helm install gloo gloo/gloo --namespace gloo-system --create-namespace

That’s it! Now, you can try the Hello World example to get an idea of how Gloo Gateway can be used.

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