


Source File:


A Proxy is a container for the entire set of configuration that will to be applied to one or more Proxy instances. Proxies can be understood as a set of listeners, represents a different bind address/port where the proxy will listen for connections. Each listener has its own set of configuration.

If any of the sub-resources within a listener is declared invalid (e.g. due to invalid user configuration), the proxy will be marked invalid by Gloo.

Proxy instances that register with Gloo are assigned the proxy configuration corresponding with a proxy-specific identifier. In the case of Envoy, proxy instances are identified by their Node ID. Node IDs must match a existing Proxy Node ID can be specified in Envoy with the --service-node flag, or in the Envoy instance’s bootstrap config.

"compressedSpec": string
"listeners": []

Field Type Description
compressedSpec string This field is populated when the proxy compression is turned on.
listeners [] Define here each listener the proxy should create. Listeners define the a set of behaviors for a single bind address/port where the proxy will listen If no listeners are specified, the instances configured with the proxy resource will not accept connections.
namespacedStatuses NamespacedStatuses indicates the validation status of this resource. NamespacedStatuses is read-only by clients, and set by gloo during validation.
metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource.


Listeners define the address:port where the proxy will listen for incoming connections A Listener accepts connections (currently only HTTP is supported) and apply user-defined behavior for those connections, e.g. performing SSL termination, HTTP retries, and rate limiting.

"name": string
"bindAddress": string
"bindPort": int
"sslConfigurations": []
"useProxyProto": .google.protobuf.BoolValue
"metadata": .google.protobuf.Struct

Field Type Description
name string the name of the listener. names must be unique for each listener within a proxy.
bindAddress string the bind address for the listener. both ipv4 and ipv6 formats are supported.
bindPort int the port to bind on ports numbers must be unique for listeners within a proxy.
httpListener contains configuration options for Gloo’s HTTP-level features including request-based routing. Only one of httpListener, tcpListener, hybridListener, or aggregateListener can be set.
tcpListener contains configuration options for Gloo’s TCP-level features. Only one of tcpListener, httpListener, hybridListener, or aggregateListener can be set.
hybridListener contains any number of configuration options for Gloo’s HTTP and/or TCP-level features. Only one of hybridListener, httpListener, tcpListener, or aggregateListener can be set.
aggregateListener contains any number of configuration options for Gloo’s HTTP and/or TCP-level features avoids duplicating definitions by separating resources and relationships between resources. Only one of aggregateListener, httpListener, tcpListener, or hybridListener can be set.
sslConfigurations [] SSL Config is optional for the listener. If provided, the listener will serve TLS for connections on this port. Multiple SslConfigs are supported for the purpose of SNI. Be aware that the SNI domain provided in the SSL Config. This is set to the aggregated list of SslConfigs that are defined on the selected VirtualServices.
useProxyProto .google.protobuf.BoolValue Enable ProxyProtocol support for this listener. Deprecated: prefer setting the listener option. If configured, the listener option (filter config) overrides any setting here.
options top level options.
metadata .google.protobuf.Struct Metadata for the individual route This data is opaque to Gloo, used by controllers to track ownership of routes within a proxy as they are typically generated by a controller (such as the gateway) Deprecated: prefer the any field below. Only one of metadata or metadataStatic can be set.
metadataStatic Inline metadata used by gloo controller to track ownership. See uses of static metadata for specific uses. Only one of metadataStatic or metadata can be set.
routeOptions Route Configuration Options.


"tcpHosts": []
"statPrefix": string
"customNetworkFilters": []

Field Type Description
tcpHosts [] List of filter chains to match on for this listener.
options Options contains top-level configuration to be applied to a listener. Listener config is applied to traffic for the given listener. Some configuration here can be overridden in Virtual Host Options configuration or Route Options configuration.
statPrefix string prefix for addressing envoy stats for the tcp proxy.
customNetworkFilters [] Additional arbitrary network Filters that will be inserted directly into xDS.


"name": string

Field Type Description
name string the logical name of the tcp host. names must be unique for each tcp host within a listener.
sslConfig If provided, the Gateway will serve TLS/SSL traffic for this set of routes.


Name of the destinations the gateway can route to. Note: the destination spec and subsets are not supported in this context and will be ignored.

"forwardSniClusterName": .google.protobuf.Empty

Field Type Description
single Use SingleDestination to route to a single upstream. Only one of single, multi, upstreamGroup, or forwardSniClusterName can be set.
multi Use MultiDestination to load balance requests between multiple upstreams (by weight). Only one of multi, single, upstreamGroup, or forwardSniClusterName can be set.
upstreamGroup Use a reference to an upstream group for routing. Only one of upstreamGroup, single, multi, or forwardSniClusterName can be set.
forwardSniClusterName .google.protobuf.Empty Forwards the request to a cluster name matching the TLS SNI name Note: This filter will only work properly with TLS connections in which the upstream SNI domain is specified. Only one of forwardSniClusterName, single, multi, or upstreamGroup can be set.


Use this listener to configure proxy behavior for any HTTP-level features including defining routes (via virtual services). HttpListeners also contain optional configuration that applies globally across all virtual hosts on the listener. Some traffic policies can be configured to work both on the listener and virtual host level (e.g., the rate limit feature)

"virtualHosts": []
"statPrefix": string
"customHttpFilters": []
"customNetworkFilters": []

Field Type Description
virtualHosts [] the set of virtual hosts that will be accessible by clients connecting to this listener. at least one virtual host must be specified for this listener to be active (else connections will be refused) the set of domains for each virtual host must be unique, or the config will be considered invalid.
options HttpListenerOptions contains optional top-level configuration to be applied to a listener. Listener config is applied to traffic for the given listener. Some configuration here can be overridden in VirtualHostOptions configuration, RouteOptions configuration, or WeightedDestinationOptions configuration.
statPrefix string prefix for addressing envoy stats for the http connection manager.
customHttpFilters [] Additional arbitrary HTTPFilters that will be inserted directly into xDS.
customNetworkFilters [] Additional arbitrary network Filters that will be inserted directly into xDS.


"matchedListeners": []

Field Type Description
matchedListeners []


"sslConfigurations": []

Field Type Description
matcher Matchers are used to define unique matching criteria for each MatchedListener Each MatchedListener within a HybridListener must have a unique Matcher If multiple matchers in a HybridListener are identical, the HybridListener will not be accepted Empty Matchers are effectively catch-alls, and there can be no more than one empty Matcher per HybridListener.
httpListener Only one of httpListener or tcpListener can be set.
tcpListener Only one of tcpListener or httpListener can be set.
sslConfigurations [] SSL Config is optional for the MatchedListener. If provided, the listener will serve TLS for connections. Multiple SslConfigs are supported for the purpose of SNI. Be aware that the SNI domain provided in the SSL Config. This is set to the aggregated list of SslConfigs that are defined on the selected VirtualServices.



Field Type Description
matcher Matchers are used to define unique matching criteria for each MatchedListener These are overridden by tcphost sni mutators.
tcpListener The actual tcp listener to be used for this matcher in the aggregate listener.


"sourcePrefixRanges": []
"prefixRanges": []
"destinationPort": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value
"passthroughCipherSuites": []string

Field Type Description
sslConfig Gloo use SNI domains as matching criteria for Gateway selection The other ssl_config properties will be applied to the outputFilterChain’s transport socket SslConfig from VirtualServices will be ignored in a MatchedGateway.
sourcePrefixRanges [] Source addresses to match. This value is either the actual addresses used to connect, or addresses that are overridden by using PROXY protocol or original_src.
prefixRanges [] Destination addresses to match. This value is either the actual addresses used to connect, or addresses that are overridden by using PROXY protocol or original_dst.
destinationPort .google.protobuf.UInt32Value Optional destination port to consider in determining a filter chain match. Filter chains that specify the destination port of incoming traffic are the most specific match. If no filter chain specifies the exact destination port, the filter chains which do not specify ports are the most specific match.
passthroughCipherSuites []string


An AggregateListener defines a set of Gloo configuration which will map to a unique set of FilterChains on a Listener

"httpFilterChains": []
"tcpListeners": []

Field Type Description
httpResources The aggregate set of resources available on this listener.
httpFilterChains [] The set of HttpFilterChains to create on this listener.
tcpListeners [] The set of TcpListeners to create on this listener.


"virtualHosts": map<string,>
"httpOptions": map<string,>

Field Type Description
virtualHosts map<string,> Set of VirtualHosts available on this Listener, indexed by name.
httpOptions map<string,> Set of HttpListenerOptions available on this Listener, indexed by hash.


"httpOptionsRef": string
"virtualHostRefs": []string
"customHttpFilters": []
"customNetworkFilters": []

Field Type Description
matcher Matching criteria used to generate both the FilterChainMatch and TransportSocket for the Envoy FilterChain.
httpOptionsRef string The ref pointing to HttpListenerOptions which are used to configure the HCM on this HttpFilterChain Corresponds to an entry in the HttpResources.HttpOptions map.
virtualHostRefs []string The set of refs pointing to VirtualHosts which are available on this HttpFilterChain Each ref corresponds to an entry in the HttpResources.VirtualHosts map.
customHttpFilters [] Additional arbitrary HTTPFilters that will be inserted directly into xDS.
customNetworkFilters [] Additional arbitrary network Filters that will be inserted directly into xDS.


Virtual Hosts group an ordered list of routes under one or more domains. Each Virtual Host has a logical name, which must be unique for the http listener. An HTTP request is first matched to a virtual host based on its host header, then to a route within the virtual host. If a request is not matched to any virtual host or a route therein, the target proxy will reply with a 404.

"name": string
"domains": []string
"routes": []
"metadata": .google.protobuf.Struct

Field Type Description
name string the logical name of the virtual host. names must be unique for each virtual host within a listener.
domains []string The list of domains (i.e.: matching the Host header of a request) that belong to this virtual host. Note that the wildcard will not match the empty string. e.g. “” will match “” but not “”. Additionally, a special entry “” is allowed which will match any host/authority header. Only a single virtual host in the entire route configuration can match on “*”. A domain must be unique across all virtual hosts or the config will be invalidated by Gloo Domains on virtual hosts obey the same rules as Envoy Virtual Hosts.
routes [] The list of HTTP routes define routing actions to be taken for incoming HTTP requests whose host header matches this virtual host. If the request matches more than one route in the list, the first route matched will be selected. If the list of routes is empty, the virtual host will be ignored by Gloo.
options Virtual host options contain additional configuration to be applied to all traffic served by the Virtual Host. Some configuration here can be overridden by Route Options.
metadata .google.protobuf.Struct Metadata for the individual route This data is opaque to Gloo, used by controllers to track ownership of routes within a proxy as they are typically generated by a controller (such as the gateway) Deprecated: prefer the any field below. Only one of metadata or metadataStatic can be set.
metadataStatic Inline metadata used by gloo controller to track ownership. Only one of metadataStatic or metadata can be set.


Routes declare the entry points on virtual hosts and the action to take for matched requests.

"matchers": []
"metadata": .google.protobuf.Struct
"name": string

Field Type Description
matchers [] Matchers contain parameters for matching requests (i.e., based on HTTP path, headers, etc.) If empty, the route will match all requests (i.e, a single “/” path prefix matcher).
routeAction This action is the primary action to be selected for most routes. The RouteAction tells the proxy to route requests to an upstream. Only one of routeAction, redirectAction, directResponseAction, or graphqlApiRef can be set.
redirectAction Redirect actions tell the proxy to return a redirect response to the downstream client. Only one of redirectAction, routeAction, directResponseAction, or graphqlApiRef can be set.
directResponseAction Return an arbitrary HTTP response directly, without proxying. Only one of directResponseAction, routeAction, redirectAction, or graphqlApiRef can be set.
graphqlApiRef Deprecated, Enterprise-Only: This feature is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. APIs are versioned as alpha and subject to change. A reference to a GraphQLApi CR. Resolution of the client request to upstream(s) will be delegated to the resolution policies defined in the GraphQLApi CR. If configured, the graphql filter will operate instead of the envoy router filter, so configuration (such as retries) that applies to the router filter will not be applied. Only one of graphqlApiRef, routeAction, redirectAction, or directResponseAction can be set.
options Route Options extend the behavior of routes. Route options include configuration such as retries, rate limiting, and request/response transformation.
metadata .google.protobuf.Struct Metadata for the individual route This data is opaque to Gloo, used by controllers to track ownership of routes within a proxy as they are typically generated by a controller (such as the gateway) Deprecated: prefer the any field below. Only one of metadata or metadataStatic can be set.
metadataStatic Inline metadata used by gloo controller to track ownership. Only one of metadataStatic or metadata can be set.
name string The name provides a convenience for users to be able to refer to a route by name. It includes names of vs, route, and route table ancestors of the route.


RouteActions are used to route matched requests to upstreams.

"clusterHeader": string

Field Type Description
single Use SingleDestination to route to a single upstream. Only one of single, multi, upstreamGroup, clusterHeader, or dynamicForwardProxy can be set.
multi Use MultiDestination to load balance requests between multiple upstreams (by weight). Only one of multi, single, upstreamGroup, clusterHeader, or dynamicForwardProxy can be set.
upstreamGroup Use a reference to an upstream group for routing. Only one of upstreamGroup, single, multi, clusterHeader, or dynamicForwardProxy can be set.
clusterHeader string Envoy will determine the cluster to route to by reading the value of the HTTP header named by cluster_header from the request headers. If the header is not found or the referenced cluster does not exist, Envoy will return a 404 response. Avoid using this whenever possible, it does not allow for custom filter configuration based on Virtual Host. Only one of clusterHeader, single, multi, upstreamGroup, or dynamicForwardProxy can be set.
dynamicForwardProxy Route requests to a custom dynamic forward proxy envoy cluster. Envoy will route based on the DNS response (cached) or pause requests (for a configurable amount of time on the listener) until DNS has resolved for the host header rewrite as provided here. For more, see Only one of dynamicForwardProxy, single, multi, upstreamGroup, or clusterHeader can be set.


Destinations define routable destinations for proxied requests.


Field Type Description
upstream Route requests to a Gloo upstream. Only one of upstream, kube, or consul can be set.
kube Route requests to a kubernetes service. Only one of kube, upstream, or consul can be set.
consul Route requests to a consul service. Only one of consul, upstream, or kube can be set.
destinationSpec Some upstreams utilize options which require or permit additional configuration on routes targeting them. gRPC upstreams, for example, allow specifying REST-style parameters for JSON-to-gRPC transcoding in the destination config. If the destination config is required for the upstream and not provided by the user, Gloo will invalidate the destination and its parent resources.
subset If specified, traffic will only be routed to a subset of the upstream. If upstream doesn’t contain the specified subset, we will fallback to normal upstream routing.


Identifies a port on a kubernetes service to route traffic to.

"port": int

Field Type Description
ref The target service.
port int The port attribute of the service.


Identifies a Consul service to route traffic to. Multiple Consul services with the same name can present distinct sets of tags, listen of different ports, and live in multiple data centers (see an example here). You can target the desired subset of services via the fields in this configuration. Gloo will detect the correspondent IP addresses and ports and load balance traffic between them.

"serviceName": string
"tags": []string
"dataCenters": []string

Field Type Description
serviceName string The name of the target service. This field is required.
tags []string If provided, load balance traffic only between services matching all the given tags.
dataCenters []string If provided, load balance traffic only between services running in the given data centers.


"destinations": []

Field Type Description
destinations [] The destinations that are part of this upstream group.
namespacedStatuses NamespacedStatuses indicates the validation status of this resource. NamespacedStatuses is read-only by clients, and set by gloo during validation.
metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource.


MultiDestination is a container for a set of weighted destinations. Gloo will load balance traffic for a single route across multiple destinations according to their specified weights.

"destinations": []

Field Type Description
destinations [] This list must contain at least one destination with a weight greater than 0. Otherwise, the listener for this route becomes invalid, which causes an error for the parent proxy resource.


WeightedDestination attaches a weight to a single destination.

"weight": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value

Field Type Description
weight .google.protobuf.UInt32Value Weight must be zero or greater -if no weight is passed it will default to 0 - Routing to each destination is balanced according to the ratio of the destination’s weight to the total weight on a route. For example, if the weight for one destination is 2, and the total weight of all destinations on the route is 6, the destination receives 2/6 of the traffic. Note that a weight of 0 routes no traffic to the destination.
options Apply configuration to traffic that is sent to this weighted destination.


Notice: RedirectAction is copied directly from

"hostRedirect": string
"pathRedirect": string
"prefixRewrite": string
"httpsRedirect": bool
"stripQuery": bool
"portRedirect": .google.protobuf.UInt32Value

Field Type Description
hostRedirect string The host portion of the URL will be swapped with this value.
pathRedirect string The path portion of the URL will be swapped with this value. Only one of pathRedirect, prefixRewrite, or regexRewrite can be set.
prefixRewrite string Indicates that during redirection, the matched prefix (or path) should be swapped with this value. This option allows redirect URLs be dynamically created based on the request. Pay attention to the use of trailing slashes as mentioned in RouteAction’s prefix_rewrite. Only one of prefixRewrite, pathRedirect, or regexRewrite can be set.
regexRewrite Indicates that during forwarding, portions of the path that match the pattern should be rewritten, even allowing the substitution of capture groups from the pattern into the new path as specified by the rewrite substitution string. This is useful to allow application paths to be rewritten in a way that is aware of segments with variable content like identifiers. The router filter will place the original path as it was before the rewrite into the :ref:x-envoy-original-path <config_http_filters_router_x-envoy-original-path> header. Only one of :ref:prefix_rewrite <envoy_api_field_config.route.v3.RouteAction.prefix_rewrite> or regex_rewrite may be specified. Examples using Google’s RE2 engine: * The path pattern ^/service/([^/]+)(/.*)$ paired with a substitution string of \2/instance/\1 would transform /service/foo/v1/api into /v1/api/instance/foo. * The pattern one paired with a substitution string of two would transform /xxx/one/yyy/one/zzz into /xxx/two/yyy/two/zzz. * The pattern ^(.*?)one(.*)$ paired with a substitution string of \1two\2 would replace only the first occurrence of one, transforming path /xxx/one/yyy/one/zzz into /xxx/two/yyy/one/zzz. * The pattern (?i)/xxx/ paired with a substitution string of /yyy/ would do a case-insensitive match and transform path /aaa/XxX/bbb to /aaa/yyy/bbb. Only one of regexRewrite, pathRedirect, or prefixRewrite can be set.
responseCode The HTTP status code to use in the redirect response. The default response code is MOVED_PERMANENTLY (301).
httpsRedirect bool The scheme portion of the URL will be swapped with “https”.
stripQuery bool Indicates that during redirection, the query portion of the URL will be removed. Default value is false.
portRedirect .google.protobuf.UInt32Value Which port to redirect to if different than original.


Name Description
MOVED_PERMANENTLY Moved Permanently HTTP Status Code - 301.
FOUND Found HTTP Status Code - 302.
SEE_OTHER See Other HTTP Status Code - 303.
TEMPORARY_REDIRECT Temporary Redirect HTTP Status Code - 307.
PERMANENT_REDIRECT Permanent Redirect HTTP Status Code - 308.


DirectResponseAction is copied directly from

"status": int
"body": string

Field Type Description
status int Specifies the HTTP response status to be returned.
body string Specifies the content of the response body. If this setting is omitted, no body is included in the generated response. Note: Headers can be specified using the Header Modification feature in the enclosing Route, Virtual Host, or Listener options.


SourceMetadata is an internal message used to track ownership of nested proxy objects:

"sources": []

Field Type Description
sources [] A list of sources.


"resourceKind": string
"observedGeneration": int

Field Type Description
resourceRef The resource being referenced.
resourceKind string The resource Kind.
observedGeneration int The observed generation of the resource.


CustomEnvoyFilter contains an arbitrary filter. These may be HTTPFilters or NetworkFilters, depending on the context they’re used.

"name": string
"config": .google.protobuf.Any

Field Type Description
filterStage Determines filter ordering.
name string The name of the filter configuration.
config .google.protobuf.Any Filter specific configuration.