
Package: envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2


Source File:


"transformations": []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.TransformationRule

Field Type Description
transformations []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.TransformationRule Specifies transformations based on the route matches. The first matched transformation will be applied. If there are overlapped match conditions, please put the most specific match first.


"routeTransformations": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RouteTransformations

Field Type Description
match The route matching parameter. Only when the match is satisfied, the “requires” field will apply. For example: following match will match all requests. .. code-block:: yaml match: prefix: /.
routeTransformations .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RouteTransformations transformation to perform.


"requestTransformation": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation
"clearRouteCache": bool
"responseTransformation": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation
"onStreamCompletionTransformation": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation

Field Type Description
requestTransformation .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation
clearRouteCache bool clear the route cache if the request transformation was applied.
responseTransformation .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation
onStreamCompletionTransformation .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Transformation Apply a transformation in the onStreamComplete callback (for modifying headers and dynamic metadata for access logs).


"dlpTransformation": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.DlpTransformation

Field Type Description
dlpTransformation .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.DlpTransformation


"actions": []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action
"enableHeaderTransformation": bool
"enableDynamicMetadataTransformation": bool

Field Type Description
actions []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action list of actions to apply.
enableHeaderTransformation bool If true, headers will be transformed. Should only be true for the on_stream_complete_transformation route transformation type.
enableDynamicMetadataTransformation bool If true, dynamic metadata will be transformed. Should only be used for the on_stream_complete_transformation route transformation type.


"name": string
"regex": []string
"regexActions": []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RegexAction
"shadow": bool
"maskChar": string
"matcher": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.DlpMatcher

Field Type Description
name string Identifier for this action. Used mostly to help ID specific actions in logs. If left null will default to unknown.
regex []string Deprecated in favor of DlpMatcher List of regexes to apply to the response body to match data which should be masked They will be applied iteratively in the order which they are specified.
regexActions []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RegexAction Deprecated in favor of DlpMatcher List of regexes to apply to the response body to match data which should be masked. They will be applied iteratively in the order which they are specified. If this field and regex are both provided, all the regexes will be applied iteratively in the order provided, starting with the ones from regex.
shadow bool If specified, this rule will not actually be applied, but only logged.
percent The percent of the string which should be masked. If not set, defaults to 75%.
maskChar string The character which should overwrite the masked data If left empty, defaults to “X”.
matcher .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.DlpMatcher The matcher used to determine which values will be masked by this action.


List of regexes to apply to the response body to match data which should be masked. They will be applied iteratively in the order which they are specified.

"regexActions": []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RegexAction

Field Type Description
regexActions []envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.RegexAction


List of headers for which associated values will be masked. Note that enable_header_transformation must be set for this to take effect. Note that if enable_dynamic_metadata_transformation is set, proto struct dynamic metadata (i.e., the values matching any JSON keys specified in keys; primarily for json-formatted WAF audit logs) will also be masked accordingly.

"keys": []string

Field Type Description
keys []string


"regexMatcher": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.RegexMatcher
"keyValueMatcher": .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.KeyValueMatcher

Field Type Description
regexMatcher .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.RegexMatcher Only one of regexMatcher or keyValueMatcher can be set.
keyValueMatcher .envoy.config.filter.http.transformation_ee.v2.Action.KeyValueMatcher Only one of keyValueMatcher or regexMatcher can be set.


"regex": string
"subgroup": int

Field Type Description
regex string The regex to match for masking.
subgroup int If provided and not 0, only this specific subgroup of the regex will be masked.