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[#next-free-field: 7]


Field Type Description
requestHeaderMode How to handle the request header. Default is “SEND”.
responseHeaderMode How to handle the response header. Default is “SEND”.
requestBodyMode How to handle the request body. Default is “NONE”.
responseBodyMode How do handle the response body. Default is “NONE”.
requestTrailerMode How to handle the request trailers. Default is “SKIP”.
responseTrailerMode How to handle the response trailers. Default is “SKIP”.


Control how headers and trailers are handled

Name Description
DEFAULT The default HeaderSendMode depends on which part of the message is being processed. By default, request and response headers are sent, while trailers are skipped.
SEND Send the header or trailer.
SKIP Do not send the header or trailer.


Control how the request and response bodies are handled

Name Description
NONE Do not send the body at all. This is the default.
STREAMED Stream the body to the server in pieces as they arrive at the proxy.
BUFFERED Buffer the message body in memory and send the entire body at once. If the body exceeds the configured buffer limit, then the downstream system will receive an error.
BUFFERED_PARTIAL Buffer the message body in memory and send the entire body in one chunk. If the body exceeds the configured buffer limit, then the body contents up to the buffer limit will be sent.