Global rate limiting

Why Rate Limit in API Gateway Environments

API Gateways act as a control point for the outside world to access the various application services (monoliths, microservices, serverless functions) running in your environment. In microservices or hybrid application architecture, any number of these workloads will need to accept incoming requests from external end users (clients). Incoming requests can be numerous and varied – protecting backend services and globally enforcing business limits can become incredibly complex being handled at the application level. Using an API gateway we can define client request limits to these varied services in one place.

Rate Limiting in Gloo Gateway

Gloo Gateway exposes Envoy’s rate-limit API, which allows users to provide their own implementation of an Envoy gRPC rate-limit service. Lyft provides an example implementation of this gRPC rate-limit service here. To configure Gloo Gateway to use your rate-limit server implementation, install Gloo Gateway gateway and then modify the settings to use your rate limit server upstream:

Open editor to modify the settings:

kubectl --namespace gloo-system edit settings default

Update the highlighted portion to point to your rate limit server:

kind: Settings
    app: gloo
    gloo: settings
  name: default
  namespace: gloo-system
  discoveryNamespace: gloo-system
      name: extauth
      namespace: gloo-system
      alwaysAccept: true
      proxyValidationServerAddr: gloo:9988
  kubernetesArtifactSource: {}
  kubernetesConfigSource: {}
  kubernetesSecretSource: {}
      name: ...        # rate-limit server upstream name
      namespace: ...   # rate-limit server upstream namespace
    requestTimeout: ...      # optional, default 100ms
    denyOnFail: ...          # optional, default false
    rateLimitBeforeAuth: ... # optional, default false
    enableXRatelimitHeaders: ... # optional, default false
  refreshRate: 60s

Setting the value rateLimitBeforeAuth to true will cause the rate limiting filter to run before the Ext Auth filter. This necessarily means the loss of extauth-aware rate limiting features, like providing different rate limits for authenticated vs non-authenticated users.

Gloo Gateway Enterprise provides an enhanced version of Lyft’s rate limit service that supports the full Envoy rate limit server API (with some additional enhancements, e.g. rule priority), as well as a simplified API built on top of this service. Gloo Gateway uses this rate-limit service to enforce rate-limits. The rate-limit service can work in tandem with the Gloo Gateway external auth service to define separate rate-limit policies for authorized & unauthorized users. The Gloo Gateway Enteprise rate-limit service is enabled and configured by default, no configuration is needed to point Gloo Gateway toward the rate-limit service.


If Gloo Gateway is running on kubernetes, the rate limiting logs can be viewed with:

kubectl logs -n gloo-system deploy/rate-limit -f

When it starts up correctly, you should see a log line similar to:

"caller":"server/server_impl.go:48","msg":"Listening for HTTP on ':18080'"

Rate Limit Configuration

Enabling Envoy’s X-RateLimit Headers

Setting the value enableXRatelimitHeaders to true will configure Envoy to return the headers defined in their rate limit API to the downstream.

Check out the guides for each of the Gloo Gateway rate-limit APIs and configuration options for Gloo Gateway Enterprise’s rate-limit service: