meshctl debug report

To help you debug issues in your environment, you can generate a .tar.gz file of your Gloo and Istio operational information.


The report selectively captures cluster information and logs in an archive to help diagnose problems.

meshctl debug report [flags]


# By default, the current kubeconfig context is used.
# To generate a file for multiple clusters, you can use a comma-delimited notation.
  meshctl debug report --kubecontext cluster1,cluster2,cluster3

# To upload the debug information to a secure repo owned by,
# you can set a folder structure that makes it easy to identify your upload.
  meshctl debug report --upload true --upload-dir <your_name>/<issue_name>
  # Eg. meshctl debug report --upload true --upload-dir my-company/ssl-issues

# To include information from application namespaces in addition
# to the gloo-mesh and Istio namespaces.
  meshctl debug report --include-namespaces app1,app2

# If all applications are deployed to a single namespace,
# you can filter down to specific pod names using a glob pattern.
  meshctl debug report --include-namespaces app1 --include-pods my-deploy*,frontend-54fddd8c77-zwgnl


--gloo-mesh-namespace string        Namespace where Gloo is installed. (default "gloo-mesh")
-h, --help                              help for report
    --include-namespaces strings        List of application namespaces to get proxy logs.Supports glob pattern (default none)
    --include-pods strings              List of k8s pods to get proxy logs. Supports glob pattern (app-namespaces required, default all for the namespace)
    --istio-namespace string            Namespace where Istio control plane is installed. (default "istio-system")
    --output-dir string                 Directory where the output archive will be written. (default current directory)
    --redis-address string              Redis address to be used when connecting to a storage backend
    --summarize-redis --redis-address   Summarize redis contents for debugging. Must either be running on a machine that can connect to redis or provide an address with the --redis-address flag. (default false)
    --upload                            Upload snapshot to secure owned bucket.
    --upload-bucket string              GCS bucket owned by (default "solo-bug-reports")
    --upload-dir string                 Folder in GCS to store snapshot under.

Options inherited from parent commands

--kubeconfig string    Path to the kubeconfig file for the cluster.
    --kubecontext string   Kubernetes context for the cluster to run the command in.
-n, --namespace string     Namespace to run the command in. (default "gloo-mesh")
    --plain                Disable styling for terminal output.
-v, --verbose              Enable verbose logging.