


Source File:


Certain features such as the AWS Lambda option require the use of secrets for authentication, configuration of SSL Certificates, and other data that should not be stored in plaintext configuration.

Gloo runs an independent (goroutine) controller to monitor secrets. Secrets are stored in their own secret storage layer. Gloo can monitor secrets stored in the following secret storage services:

Gloo’s secret backend can be configured in Gloo’s bootstrap options


Field Type Description
aws AWS credentials. Only one of aws, azure, tls, oauth, apiKey, header, credentials, or extensions can be set.
azure Azure credentials. Only one of azure, aws, tls, oauth, apiKey, header, credentials, or extensions can be set.
tls TLS secret specification. Only one of tls, aws, azure, oauth, apiKey, header, credentials, or extensions can be set.
oauth Enterprise-only: OAuth secret configuration. Only one of oauth, aws, azure, tls, apiKey, header, credentials, or extensions can be set.
apiKey Enterprise-only: ApiKey secret configuration. Only one of apiKey, aws, azure, tls, oauth, header, credentials, or extensions can be set.
header Secrets for use in header payloads (e.g. in the Envoy healthcheck API). Only one of header, aws, azure, tls, oauth, apiKey, credentials, or extensions can be set.
credentials Secrets to authenticate as a service user. Only one of credentials, aws, azure, tls, oauth, apiKey, header, or extensions can be set.
extensions Extensions will be passed along from Listeners, Gateways, VirtualServices, Routes, and Route tables to the underlying Proxy, making them useful for controllers, validation tools, etc. which interact with kubernetes yaml. Some sample use cases: * controllers, deployment pipelines, helm charts, etc. which wish to use extensions as a kind of opaque metadata. * In the future, Gloo may support gRPC-based plugins which communicate with the Gloo translator out-of-process. Opaque Extensions enables development of out-of-process plugins without requiring recompiling & redeploying Gloo’s API. Only one of extensions, aws, azure, tls, oauth, apiKey, header, or credentials can be set.
metadata Metadata contains the object metadata for this resource.


There are two ways of providing AWS secrets:

glooctl create secret aws --name aws-secret-from-glooctl \
    --namespace default \
    --access-key $ACC \
    --secret-key $SEC

will produce a Kubernetes resource similar to this (note the aws field and resource_kind annotation):

apiVersion: v1
  aws: base64EncodedStringForMachineConsumption
kind: Secret
    resource_kind: '*v1.Secret'
  creationTimestamp: "2019-08-23T15:10:20Z"
  name: aws-secret-from-glooctl
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "592637"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/secrets/secret-e2e
  uid: 1f8c147f-c5b8-11e9-bbf3-42010a8001bc
type: Opaque
# a sample aws secret resource-file.yaml
apiVersion: v1
  aws_access_key_id: some-id
  aws_secret_access_key: some-secret
kind: Secret
  name: aws-secret-abcd
  namespace: default
"accessKey": string
"secretKey": string
"sessionToken": string

Field Type Description
accessKey string provided by glooctl create secret aws.
secretKey string provided by glooctl create secret aws.
sessionToken string provided by glooctl create secret aws.


"apiKeys": map<string, string>

Field Type Description
apiKeys map<string, string> provided by glooctl create secret azure.


"certChain": string
"privateKey": string
"rootCa": string

Field Type Description
certChain string provided by glooctl create secret tls.
privateKey string provided by glooctl create secret tls.
rootCa string provided by glooctl create secret tls.


"headers": map<string, string>

Field Type Description
headers map<string, string> A collection of header name to header value mappings, each representing an additional header that could be added to a request. Provided by glooctl create secret header.


"username": string
"password": string

Field Type Description
username string
password string