Frequently-Asked Questions

If downtime is not a concern for your use case, the easiest upgrade procedure is simply to completely uninstall Gloo Edge and start from scratch, thereby avoiding any annoyances around breaking changes. Use glooctl uninstall --all followed by the normal installation procedure for the version of your choice.

In Gloo Edge 1.2 and newer, we recommend helm upgrade with the proper readiness probes and healthchecks configured (see the 1.3.0+ upgrade guide). For versions prior to Gloo Edge 1.2, enterprise customers have found success performing a blue/green deployment using two simultaneous deployments of Gloo Edge. For a brief example, see the 1.0.0 example upgrade.

If you have concerns not addressed in the docs here, reach out to us on our public Slack.

A normal upgrade of Gloo Edge across minor versions should not cause any disruption to existing Gloo Edge state. In the case of a breaking change, we will communicate through the changelog or other channels if some other adjustment must be made to perform the upgrade.

As of open-source Gloo Edge version 0.21.1, there is a command available in glooctl that can help mitigate some concern about Gloo Edge state: glooctl debug yaml can be used to dump the current Gloo Edge state to one large YAML manifest. While this command is not yet really suitable as a robust backup tool, it is a useful debug tool to have available.

See above; the short answer is that we will try to clearly communicate what, if anything, should be done to accommodate preserving Gloo Edge state during an upgrade.

If you are not an administrator of your cluster, you may have trouble creating both custom resource definitions and other cluster-scoped resources (like RBAC ClusterRoles/ClusterRoleBindings). If you run into trouble with this during an installation, you can disable the creation of these resources by overriding the values:

    create: false

You may also try performing an installation of Gloo Edge that is scoped to a single namespace:

    namespaced: true

See the explanation in the upgrade steps. Helm v2 does not manage CRDs well, so you may have to delete the CRDs and try again, or install using some other method.