1.0.0+ Upgrade Notice

We have officially released Gloo Edge 1.0.0! This major version bump comes with a number of breaking changes that you will have to keep in mind as you upgrade from Gloo Edge 0.x to 1.0.0+. While the easiest upgrade process is to just start with a totally fresh installation of Gloo Edge, many users are running Gloo Edge in production on older versions; this guide is provided for users like them who would like to update to our latest and greatest Gloo Edge without any downtime.

Breaking Changes From 0.x to 1.0.0

Breaking Changes Commonly Requiring Manual Action

These breaking changes are common pain points that most users will have to address, and which we specifically would like to draw attention to. For a complete list of all breaking changes, see all breaking changes.

All Breaking Changes
Click to see the complete list of breaking changes from 0.x to 1.0.0

Example Upgrade Process

You should also read our usual upgrade guide (found here) and our upgrade FAQ (found here), both of which may also contain useful tips for performing Gloo Edge upgrades in general.

In this section, we will walk through the process of upgrading a very simple Gloo Edge installation (running in minikube) from 0.21.1 to 1.0.0 without any downtime. While this will not cover everyone’s use case, it will be useful to see how to resolve the most common breakages. We will be routing to an instance of httpbin running in our cluster. Skip to the bottom for all the commands collected in one place.

This guide will assume that you are running Gloo Edge in the gloo-system namespace.

Click to see the YAML used to set up the httpbin deployment and VirtualService

We can see that we are running 0.21.1:

~ > glooctl version
Client: {"version":"0.21.1"}
Server: {"type":"Gateway","kubernetes":{"containers":[{"Tag":"0.21.1","Name":"discovery","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"0.21.1","Name":"gloo-envoy-wrapper","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"0.21.1","Name":"gateway","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"0.21.1","Name":"gloo","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"}],"namespace":"gloo-system"}}

And we can successfully curl httpbin through Envoy:

~ > curl -s $(glooctl proxy url)/status/418 # https://httpstatuses.com/418
        -=[ teapot ]=-
         .'  _ _ `.
        | ."` ^ `". _,
          |       ;/
          \_     _/

Installing 1.0.0 to a New Namespace

Now we start the upgrade process. Before we begin, we may want to dump the current Gloo Edge state to a file.

~ > glooctl debug yaml > gloo-state-backup.yaml

You’ll want to save a copy of your pre-1.0.0 glooctl somewhere locally, then upgrade the binary.

~ > cp $(which glooctl) ./glooctl-v0.21.1
~ > glooctl upgrade --release=v1.0.0
downloading glooctl-darwin-amd64 from release tag v1.0.0
successfully downloaded and installed glooctl version v1.0.0 to /usr/local/bin/glooctl

Create a new namespace for the 1.0.0 installation, and install

~ > kubectl create ns gloo-system-1-0-0
namespace/gloo-system-1-0-0 created

Create a Helm values overrides file to use during the installation:

echo "settings:
  # explicitly setting watch namespaces will prevent the 1.0.0 installation from seeing old resources
  # this assumes that all of your pre-1.0.0 upstreams have been written in gloo-system
  - gloo-system-1-0-0
  - default
    nameSuffix: 1-0-0-installation
" > 1.0.0-upgrade-values.yaml

And use it when installing to the new namespace:

~ > glooctl -n gloo-system-1-0-0 install gateway --values 1.0.0-upgrade-values.yaml # ignore the version warning- we are in the middle of resolving it :)
WARNING: glooctl@v1.0.0 has a different major version than the following server containers: discovery@v0.21.1, gloo-envoy-wrapper@v0.21.1, gateway@v0.21.1, gloo@v0.21.1

Consider running:
./glooctl-1.0.0 upgrade --release=v0.21.1

Starting Gloo Edge installation...
Installing CRDs...
Preparing namespace and other pre-install tasks...

Gloo Edge was successfully installed!

Re-create your Virtual Services in the new namespace. You will have to edit your Virtual Services to accommodate the matcher -> matchers change. An example diff of the Virtual Service in the snippet above is:

~ > diff -u 0.x-vs.yaml 1.0-compliant-vs.yaml
  --- 0.x-vs.yaml
  +++ 1.0-compliant-vs.yaml
  @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
       - '*'
  -    - matcher:
  -        prefix: /
  +    - matchers:
  +      - prefix: /

Let’s run glooctl check to be sure that our new installation is viable:

~ > glooctl -n gloo-system-1-0-0 check
Checking deployments... OK
Checking pods... OK
Checking upstreams... OK
Checking upstream groups... OK
Checking secrets... OK
Checking virtual services... OK
Checking gateways... OK
Checking proxies... OK
No problems detected.

You should now be able to direct traffic to the new deployment:

~ > curl -s $(glooctl proxy url -n gloo-system-1-0-0)/status/418

    -=[ teapot ]=-

     .'  _ _ `.
    | ."` ^ `". _,
      |       ;/
      \_     _/

Let’s verify that the old installation continues to work. You’ll have to use your pre-1.0.0 copy of the glooctl binary:

~ > curl -s $(./glooctl-v0.21.1 proxy url -n gloo-system)/status/418

    -=[ teapot ]=-

     .'  _ _ `.
    | ."` ^ `". _,
      |       ;/
      \_     _/

Now you may tear down the old, pre-1.0.0 namespace at your convenience. Note that once it is torn down, you may change your new installation’s watch namespaces to be whatever you would like, as all pre-1.0.0 resources should be deleted by that point.

Congratulations! You’ve just performed a major Gloo Edge upgrade without incurring any downtime.

Tearing Down Pre-1.0.0 Installation

If you run glooctl uninstall -n gloo-system --all to attempt to clear out all resources including the cluster-scoped resources, you will also delete the resources from your new 1.0.0 installation, and Gloo Edge may experience downtime.

You may delete the deprecated v2 Gateway CRD:

~ > kubectl delete crd gateways.gateway.solo.io.v2
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io "gateways.gateway.solo.io.v2" deleted

And then run the base uninstall, using the saved glooctl binary.

~ > ./glooctl-v0.21.1 uninstall -n gloo-system
Uninstalling Gloo Edge...
Removing gloo, installation ID fuUIUbgiVrUAGur42069
Removing Gloo Edge system components from namespace gloo-system...

Gloo Edge was successfully uninstalled.

Removing Cluster-Scoped RBAC

Older versions of glooctl uninstall will not remove cluster-scoped RBAC. Since we set globals.glooRbac.nameSuffix in our 1.0.0 installation values file, you may remove any ClusterRole or ClusterRoleBinding that DOES have the label app=gloo and whose name does NOT have the suffix we set in that Helm value.

Helm Compatibility

There are several points to consider about Helm compatibility if you are upgrading Gloo Edge (open source or enterprise) across the 0.x to 1.x boundary:

Gloo Edge Enterprise

Gloo Edge Enterprise also had a 1.x.y major release! If you are a Gloo Edge Enterprise user, please consult both this section and the rest of the document (covering open source features), as the entire document will be relevant to you.

Enterprise Versioning

You may notice that Gloo Edge Enterprise has released directly to 1.2.0 from 0.x. This is because we keep the major/minor versions of Open Source Gloo Edge and Gloo Edge Enterprise in sync, and Open Source Gloo Edge has progressed to 1.2.x.

Enterprise Breaking Changes

Since Enterprise is a superset of Open Source Gloo Edge, you should also consult the comprehensive list of all breaking changes within Open Source Gloo Edge if you are upgrading Enterprise from 0.x to >=1.2.0.

In addition to the open source breaking changes, Gloo Edge Enterprise 1.2.0 also includes the following breaking changes: