Admission Control


Gloo Edge can prevent invalid configuration from being written to Kubernetes with the use of a Kubernetes Validating Admission Webhook.

This document explains how to enable and configure admission control in Gloo Edge.

Using the Validating Admission Webhook

Admission Validation provides a safeguard to ensure Gloo Edge does not halt processing of configuration. If a resource would be written or modified in such a way to cause Gloo Edge to report an error, it is instead rejected by the Kubernetes API Server before it is written to persistent storage.

Gloo Edge runs a Kubernetes Validating Admission Webhook which is invoked whenever a custom resource is created or modified. This includes Gateways , Virtual Services , and Route Tables .

The validating webhook configuration is enabled by default by Gloo Edge’s Helm chart and glooctl install gateway. This admission webhook can be disabled by removing the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.

The webhook can be configured to perform strict or permissive validation, depending on the gateway.validation.alwaysAccept setting in the Settings resource.

When alwaysAccept is true (currently the default is true), resources will only be rejected when Gloo Edge fails to deserialize them (due to invalid JSON/YAML).

To enable “strict” admission control (rejection of resources with invalid config), set alwaysAccept to false.

When strict admission control is enabled, any resource that would produce a Rejected status will be rejected on admission. Resources that would produce a Warning status are still admitted.

Enabling Strict Validation Webhook

By default, the Validation Webhook only logs the validation result, but always admits resources with valid YAML (even if the configuration options are inconsistent/invalid).

The webhook can be configured to reject invalid resources via the Settings resource.

If using Helm to manage settings, set the following values:

--set gateway.validation.alwaysAcceptResources=false
--set gateway.validation.enabled=true

If writing Settings directly to Kubernetes, add the following to the spec.gateway block:

kind: Settings
    app: gloo
  name: default
  namespace: gloo-system
  discoveryNamespace: gloo-system
      alwaysAcceptResources: false
  kubernetesArtifactSource: {}
  kubernetesConfigSource: {}
  kubernetesSecretSource: {}
  refreshRate: 60s

Once these are applied to the cluster, we can test that validation is enabled:

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: VirtualService
  name: reject-me
  namespace: gloo-system
    - matchers:
      - headers:
        - name: foo
          value: bar
            name: does-not-exist
            namespace: gloo-system

We should see the request was rejected:

Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "gateway.gloo-system.svc" denied the request: resource incompatible with current Gloo Edge snapshot: [Route Error: InvalidMatcherError. Reason: no path specifier provided]

Great! Validation is working, providing us a quick feedback mechanism and preventing Gloo Edge from receiving invalid config.

Another way to use the validation webhook is via kubectl apply --server-dry-run, which allows users to test configuration before attempting to apply it to their cluster.

We appreciate questions and feedback on Gloo Edge validation or any other feature on the slack channel as well as our GitHub issues page.