Upgrade Steps

Upgrade your Gloo Edge Enterprise or Gloo Edge Open Source installations, such as from one minor version to the latest version.

The basic Gloo Edge upgrade process is not suitable in environments where downtime is unacceptable. You might need to take additional steps to account for other factors such as Gloo Edge version changes, probe configurations, and external infrastructure like the load balancer that Gloo Edge uses. This guide is targeted toward users who are upgrading Gloo Edge while experimenting in development or staging environments.

The general upgrade process involves preparing to upgrade and then upgrading two main components, the glooctl CLI and the gloo components that are deployed in your cluster.

  1. Prepare to upgrade.
    1. Review the version changelogs.
    2. Enterprise-only: Understand the open source dependencies.
    3. Consider settings to avoid downtime.
  2. Upgrade glooctl.
  3. Apply any minor version-specific changes, like adding and removing CRDs.
  4. Upgrade the Gloo Edge server components via Helm.

Step 1: Prepare to upgrade

Prepare to upgrade by reviewing information about the version, dependencies, and deployment environment.

Familiarize yourself with information about the version that you want to upgrade to.

  1. Make sure you understand the Changelog entry types.
  2. Check the changelogs for the type of Gloo Edge deployment that you have. Focus especially on any Breaking Changes that might require a different upgrade procedure. For Gloo Edge Enterprise, you might also review the open source changelogs because most of the proto definitions are open source. For more information, see the following enterprise-only section on understanding the open source dependencies.
  3. If you plan to upgrade to a version that is more than one minor version greater than your current version, such as to version 1.13 from 1.11 or older, you must upgrade incrementally. For example, you must first upgrade from 1.11 to 1.12, and then upgrade from 1.12 to 1.13.
  4. Review the version-specific upgrade docs.
  5. If you still aren’t sure about the version upgrade impact, scan our Frequently-asked questions. Also, feel free to post in the #gloo or #gloo-enterprise channels of our public Slack if your use case doesn’t quite fit the standard upgrade path.

Enterprise-only: Understand the open source dependencies.

Keep in mind that Gloo Edge Enterprise pulls in Gloo Edge Open Source as a dependency. Although the major and minor version numbers are the same for open source and enterprise, their patch versions often differ. For example, open source might use version x.y.a but enterprise uses version x.y.b. Because of the differing patch versions, you might notice different output when checking your version with glooctl version. If you are unfamiliar with these versioning concepts, see Semantic versioning.

Example of differing open source and enterprise versions for Gloo Edge:

~ > glooctl version
Client: {"version":"1.13.25"}
Server: {"type":"Gateway","enterprise":true,"kubernetes":...,{"Tag":"1.13.23","Name":"grpcserver-ee","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},...,{"Tag":"1.13.25","Name":"discovery","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},...}

# The API server runs the Gloo Edge Enterprise version 1.13.23,
# which pulls in Gloo Edge Open Source version 1.13.25 as a dependency.

Consider settings to avoid downtime.

You might deploy Gloo Edge in Kubernetes environments that use the Kubernetes load balancer, or in non-Kubernetes environments. Depending on your setup, you can take additional steps to avoid downtime during the upgrade process.

Try a Canary upgrade to make sure that the newer version works as you expect before upgrading.

Step 2: Upgrade glooctl

Install or upgrade glooctl. When you upgrade, specify the Gloo Edge OSS version that corresponds to the Gloo Edge Enterprise version you want to upgrade to. To find the OSS version that corresponds to each Gloo Edge Enterprise release, see the Gloo Edge Enterprise changelogs.

Because glooctl can create resources in your cluster, such as with commands like glooctl add route, you might have errors in Gloo Edge if you create resources with an older version of glooctl.

You can upgrade glooctl in the following ways:

glooctl upgrade

You can use the glooctl upgrade command to download the latest binary. For more options, run glooctl upgrade --help. For example, you might use the --release flag, which can be useful to control which version you run.

  1. Review the client and server versions of glooctl.

    glooctl version

    Example output: Notice that the the client version is the same as the server components.

    Client: {"version":"1.12.58"}
    Server: {"type":"Gateway","kubernetes":{"containers":[{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"discovery","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gateway","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gloo-envoy-wrapper","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gloo","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"}],"namespace":"gloo-system"}}
  2. Upgrade your version of glooctl.

    glooctl upgrade --release v1.13.25

    Example output:

    downloading glooctl-darwin-amd64 from release tag v1.13.25
    successfully downloaded and installed glooctl version v1.13.25 to /usr/local/bin/glooctl
  3. Confirm that the version is upgraded.

    glooctl version

    Example output: Notice that the client version is now 1.13.25.

    Client: {"version":"1.13.25"}
    Server: {"type":"Gateway","kubernetes":{"containers":[{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"discovery","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gateway","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gloo-envoy-wrapper","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"},{"Tag":"1.12.58","Name":"gloo","Registry":"quay.io/solo-io"}],"namespace":"gloo-system"}}
  4. Check that your Gloo Edge components are OK. If glooctl check reports a problem, Gloo Edge might not work properly or Envoy might not get the updated configuration.

    glooctl check

    Example output:

    Checking deployments... OK
    Checking pods... OK
    Checking upstreams... OK
    Checking upstream groups... OK
    Checking secrets... OK
    Checking virtual services... OK
    Checking gateways... OK
    Checking proxies... OK
    No problems detected.

Download a glooctl release

  1. In your browser, navigate to the Gloo project releases.
  2. Click on the version of glooctl that you want to install.
  3. In the Assets, download the glooctl package that matches your operating system, and follow your operating system procedures for replacing your existing glooctl binary file with the upgraded version.

Step 3: Apply minor version-specific changes

Each minor version might add custom resource definitions (CRDs) that Helm upgrades cannot handle seamlessly. Review the minor version-specific upgrading docs, which might include steps for installing new CRDs and removing outdated CRDs.

Step 4: Upgrade Gloo Edge

The following example upgrade process assumes that Gloo Edge is installed with Helm in a Kubernetes cluster and uses the Kubernetes load balancer.

Using Helm 2 is not supported in Gloo Edge.

The upgrade creates a Kubernetes Job named gateway-certgen to generate a certificate for the validation webhook. The job contains the ttlSecondsAfterFinished value so that the cluster cleans up the job automatically, but because this setting is still in Alpha, your cluster might ignore this value. In this case, you might have an issue while upgrading in which the upgrade attempts to change the gateway-certgen job, but the change fails because the job is immutable. To fix this issue, you can delete the job, which already completed, and re-apply the upgrade.

Helm upgrades for Gloo Edge Enterprise

The process to upgrade Gloo Edge Enterprise is similar to Gloo Edge Open Source. However, you also need to set your license key during the upgrade by using the --set license_key="$license" flag (or include the line license_key: $LICENSE-KEY in your values file).

If you do not have a license key, Request a Gloo Edge Enterprise trial.

Looking to upgrade from an open source to an enterprise deployment? You can use still helm upgrade with a --set license_key flag, but you might need to take additional steps to help avoid downtime. The open source and enterprise Helm chart values differ.

Upgrade steps

The following steps assume that you already installed Gloo Edge as a Helm release in the gloo-system namespace, and have set the Kubernetes context to the cluster.

  1. Upgrade the Helm release.

    • Gloo Edge Open Source example:

      helm repo update
      helm upgrade -n gloo-system gloo gloo/gloo --version=v1.13.25

      Example output:

      Release "gloo" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
      NAME: gloo
      LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 12 12:22:16 2019
      NAMESPACE: gloo-system
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 2
      TEST SUITE: None
    • Gloo Edge Enterprise example:

      helm repo update
      helm upgrade -n gloo-system gloo glooe/gloo-ee --version=v1.13.23

      Example output:

      Release "glooe" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
      NAME: glooe
      LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Dec 12 12:22:16 2019
      NAMESPACE: gloo-system
      STATUS: deployed
      REVISION: 2
      TEST SUITE: None
  2. Verify that Gloo Edge runs the upgraded version.

    kubectl -n gloo-system get pod -l gloo=gloo -ojsonpath='{.items[0].spec.containers[0].image}'

    Example output:

  3. Verify that all server components run the upgraded version.

    glooctl version
  4. Check that your Gloo Edge components are OK. If a problem is reported by glooctl check, Gloo Edge might not work properly or Envoy might not get the updated configuration.

    glooctl check

    Example output:

    Checking deployments... OK
    Checking pods... OK
    Checking upstreams... OK
    Checking upstream groups... OK
    Checking secrets... OK
    Checking virtual services... OK
    Checking gateways... OK
    Checking proxies... OK
    No problems detected.