Uninstall Gloo Gateway and related components.
If you no longer need your Gloo Gateway environment, you can uninstall the control plane and all gateway proxies. You can also optionally remove related components such as Prometheus and sample apps.
Uninstall Gloo Gateway
Remove the Gloo Gateway control plane and gateway proxies.
Get all HTTP routes in your environment.
kubectl get httproutes -A
Remove each HTTP route.
kubectl delete -n <namespace> httproute <httproute-name>
Get all reference grants in your environment.
kubectl get referencegrants -A
Remove each reference grant.
kubectl delete -n <namespace> referencegrant <referencegrant-name>
Get all gateways in your environment that are configured by the
gateway class.kubectl get gateways -A | grep gloo-gateway
Remove each gateway.
kubectl delete -n <namespace> gateway <gateway-name>
Uninstall Gloo Gateway.
Remove the Kubernetes Gateway API CRDs.
kubectl delete -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/v1.2.1/standard-install.yaml
Uninstall optional components
Remove any optional components that you no longer need, such as sample apps.
If you no longer need the Prometheus stack to monitor resources in your cluster, uninstall the release and delete the namespace.
helm uninstall kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring kubectl delete namespace monitoring
Remove the httpbin sample app.
kubectl delete namespace httpbin
Remove the Petstore sample app.
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo/v1.13.x/example/petstore/petstore.yaml