
Review some common options that you might want to use in your OAuth external auth policies for authorization codes. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

Basic configuration example

The example configuration snippets on this page are based on the following external auth configuration for Google accounts.

  apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: google-auth
  namespace: httpbin
  - oauth2:
        appUrl: http://extauth.example.com:8080
        callbackPath: /callback
        clientId: ${CLIENT_ID}
          name: google
          namespace: httpbin
        issuerUrl: https://accounts.google.com
        - email
            notSecure: true

Boolean expression for multiple OAuth types

You can use both authorization code and access token validation types of OAuth2 together by using the booleanExpr setting in your auth config.

Example boolean expression policy

The following example sets up two types of OAuth, a jwt config for access token validation and an oidc config for authorization code. It also includes an opa config that refers to a Rego policy that checks the value of a claim in the access token. By setting the boolean expression (glooAuth.booleanExpr: (jwt || oidc) && opa), the request must successfully complete one of those OAuth options. Then, with the token returned from the authentication, the external auth server can use OPA to process the Rego rules to verify that request’s token is authorized before granting access.

This way, you can create modular, reusable auth configs that are only checked when needed. In the example, if the jwt access token validation succeeds, the oidc flow does not start, making the request more efficient.

  kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: httpbin-test
  namespace: httpbin
  # Logical expression to specify how to execute multiple auth configs
  booleanExpr: (jwt || oidc) && opa
  # Auth configs
  # Auth config for JWT access token validation
  - name: jwt
            url: <jwks_url>
          issuer: <issuer_url>
        - claim: groups
          header: x-groups
        # Optional, provider-specific section
        # such as for distributed claims with Microsoft Entra ID
            host: redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379
          clientId: $EXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID
            name: microsoft-extauth
            namespace: gloo-mesh
          tenantId: $EXTAUTH_TENANT_ID      
  # Auth config for authorization code OIDC
  - name: oidc
        appUrl: $APP_URL
        # Optional, provider-specific options such as
        # for Microsoft Entra ID
            host: redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379
          clientId: $EXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID
            name: microsoft-extauth
            namespace: gloo-mesh
          tenantId: $EXTAUTH_TENANT_ID
        callbackPath: /callback
        clientId: $HTTPBIN_APP_CLIENT_ID
          name: microsoft-httpbin
          namespace: gloo-mesh
        issuerUrl: $HTTPBIN_APP_ISSUER_URL
        - profile
        - email
        - openid
            cookieName: oidcsession
              host: redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379
  # Auth config for OPA
  - name: opa
      - name: httpbin-rego
        namespace: httpbin
      query: data.test.allow == true

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

booleanExprSpecify how to combine multiple auth configs by using logical operators such as AND (&&), OR (||), and NOT (!). The example sets (jwt || oidc) && opa, which requires either the jwt or oidc auth config to succeed, and then the opa config to succeed. To understand the possible outcomes of this expression, see the following tables of expected responses.
configs.name: jwtThe auth config section to use to validate access through a provided JWT. The example is named jwt and configures a remote JWKS from an issuer, as well as takes certain claims from the JWT to append as headers to the request for subsequent processing by the OPA policy. For more information, refer to the API docs or any guide that uses access token validation.
configs.name: oidcThe auth config section to use to validate access through a user-initiated SSO flow. The example is named oidc and sets up issuer information such as the issuer app and client ID. For more information, refer to the API docs or any guide that uses authorization codes.
configs.name: opaThe auth config section for OPA that refers to an Rego policy that you previously created, often through a configmap. The example is named opa and refers to an allow rule in a test package in the data of a configmap named httpbin-rego in the httpbin namespace. For more information, refer to the API docs or any OPA guide.

Example responses

The following tables show the expected responses for different authentication scenarios that use the example auth config with the (jwt || oidc) && opa boolean expression.

User authentication from a browser-based SSO via authorization code

ScenarioBoolean expression executionExpected response
  • JWT not provided
  • User authentication succeeds
  • Claims include required fields per OPA policy
  • jwt returns 401
  • oidc returns 200
  • opa returns 200
✅ 200 Success
  • JWT not provided
  • User authentication succeeds
  • Claims do NOT include required fields per OPA policy
  • jwt returns 401
  • oidc returns 200
  • opa returns 403
❌ 403 Forbidden
  • JWT not provided
  • User authentication succeeds
  • No claims returned or claims fail
  • jwt returns 401
  • oidc returns 200
  • opa returns 403
❌ 403 Forbidden
  • JWT not provided
  • User authentication fails
  • No claims because authentication fails
  • jwt returns 401
  • oidc returns 403
  • opa is skipped
❌ 403 Forbidden

Programmatic access from a JWT via access token validation

ScenarioBoolean expression executionExpected response
  • Valid JWT in expected header
  • No user authentication
  • JWT claims include required fields per OPA policy
  • jwt returns 200
  • oidc is skipped
  • opa returns 200
✅ 200 Success
  • Valid JWT in expected header
  • No user authentication
  • JWT claims do NOT include required fields per OPA policy
  • jwt returns 200
  • oidc is skipped
  • opa returns 403
❌ 403 Forbidden
  • JWT not provided
  • No user authentication
  • No claims because no JWT or authentication
  • jwt returns 403
  • oidc returns 403
  • opa is skipped
❌ 403 Forbidden
  • Expired JWT
  • No user authentication
  • Claims are irrelevant because JWT is expired
  • jwt returns 401
  • oidc is skipped
  • opa is skipped
❌ 401 Unauthorized


Store cookies so that your users do not have to authenticate for each subsequent API request. You can customize cookie behavior, such as to change the path, age, or domain.

  apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: google-auth
  namespace: httpbin
  - oauth2:
            notSecure: true
            maxAge: 3600
            path: "/docs"
            domain: "example.com"

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

notSecureSet to true to use an insecure cookie. Insecure cookies can be used for demos and testing purposes, but are not recommended for production.
maxAgeThe max age of the cookie in seconds. Leave unset for a default of 30 days (2592000 seconds). To disable cookie expiry, set to 0.
pathThe path of the cookie. If unset, the path defaults to "/". To avoid setting a path, enter "". If you use a directory separator, subdirectories are matched as well. For example, /docs matches request paths /docs, /docs/, and /docs/gloo-mesh/, but does not match /, /docset/, or /en/docs.
domainThe domain to which the cookie is sent. By default, this value is empty and matches only the domain of the originating request, not including subdomains. The default setting works if the originating request and the redirect target of the identity provider (IdP) match. However, you must set this value if the IdP redirects the request to another subdomain. For example, consider the case where the virtual gateway matches requests to *.example.com, and the IdP redirects the auth requests to subdomain.example.com. If you do not set the domain value, requests fail that come in on subdomains like docs.example.com. The user is still redirected to the IdP login as expected. However, because the request originates from a different subdomain, the token-bearing cookie is not sent back to the proxy. Therefore, authentication fails. In contrast, if you set domain to example.com, authentication succeeds because the cookie is sent to any subdomain of example.com.

Store sessions in Redis

By default, the OIDC tokens are saved in a secure, client-side cookie. Instead, you can set up Gloo Gateway to store the OIDC tokens in Redis. Gloo Gateway generates a random session ID for the user’s cookie that is stored client-side.

  apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: google-auth
  namespace: httpbin
  - oauth2:
            cookieName: session
              host: redis.gloo-system.svc.cluster.local:6379

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

cookieNameThe name of the cookie to set and store the session ID. If unset, the default name is "__session”.
options.hostThe address of the Redis instance to use, in the format address:port or unix://path-to-unix.sock. The example stores sessions in the default Redis instance that runs in the gloo-system namespace.
options.dbThe Redis database to use, indexed to start at 0. This example does not specify a database, so the default 0 is used.
options.poolSizeThe maximum number of connections to establish at once. This example does not specify a pool size, so the default of 10 connections per CPU is used.

Logout URL

You can set a logout URL. When users access this URL, their user session and cookie are deleted. If you don’t set up a logout URL, logout functionality is disabled.

  apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: google-auth
  namespace: httpbin
  - oauth2:
        logoutPath: /logout
        afterLogoutURL: http://localhost:8080/home/

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

logoutPathEnter a path relative to the appUrl for users to log out of an OIDC session. When this URL is accessed, the user session information is deleted, and a 200 OK response is returned.
afterLogoutURLBy default, users are returned to the URL that is set in appURL. To change this behavior, add a full URL in this field, such as http://localhost:8080/home/.

Forward the ID token

Configure Gloo Gateway to forward the ID token to the destination in a header after successful authentication. For example, your app might need the ID token for further processing.

  apiVersion: enterprise.gloo.solo.io/v1
kind: AuthConfig
  name: google-auth
  namespace: httpbin
  - oauth2:
          idTokenHeader: "x-token"

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference in the Gloo Edge docs.

idTokenHeaderThe header name to use to forward the ID token. This example sets the header name to x-token.