Forward metrics to Datadog
Set up an extra exporter to forward metrics to your Datadog instance.
If you want to set up an exporter for a different destination, update your configuration in the values file for the installation Helm chart accordingly, and use the same steps as outlined in this topic to update your pipeline. You can find an overview of supported providers in the OpenTelemetry documentation.
Single cluster
Get the URL and the API key to log into your Datadog instance. For more information about setting up an API key, see the Datadog documentation.
Get your current installation Helm values, and save them in a file.
Set up an extra exporter and add the Datadog site and API key information to your Helm values file. When you add this configuration, the default metrics are forwarded to your Datadog instance. You can configure your Gloo telemetry pipeline to collect more metrics, such as by setting up additional receivers, and make these metrics available to the telemetry collector agent so that they can be forwarded to Datadog.
Upgrade your installation by using your updated values file.
Verify that your settings were added to the Gloo telemetry collector configmap.
Perform a rollout restart of the telemetry collector daemon set to force your configmap changes to be applied to the telemetry collector agent pod.
In a multicluster setup, you can decide if you want to add exporters for Datadog to the Gloo telemetry gateway in the management cluster, or to each Gloo telemetry collector agent in the workload cluster. The option that is right for you depends on the size of your environment, the amount of telemetry data that you want to export, and the compute resources that are available to the Gloo telemetry pipeline components.
Gloo telemetry collector agent
Get your current values for the workload clusters.
In the Helm values file, add an extra exporter for Datadog.
Upgrade the workload cluster.
Verify that your settings are applied in the workload cluster.
Verify that your settings were added to the Gloo telemetry collector configmap.
Perform a rollout restart of the telemetry collector daemon set to force your configmap changes to be applied to the telemetry collector agent pods.
Gloo telemetry gateway
Get your current values for the management cluster.
In your Helm values file, add an extra exporter for Datadog.
Upgrade the management cluster.
Verify that your settings are applied in the management cluster.
Verify that your settings were added to the Gloo telemetry gateway configmap.
Perform a rollout restart of the telemetry gateway deployment to force your configmap changes to be applied to the telemetry gateway pod.