About function calling

Large Language Models (LLMs) are limited by static training data. This limitation can make seemingly simple questions difficult to answer. For example, consider the following question:

What’s the weather today?

The LLM has to know several pieces of real-time information that it was not trained on:

  • The user’s location
  • The current date
  • The weather forecast for that date and location

Function calling is a way for you as a developer to extend the capabilities of the LLM with your own external APIs, apps, and data. First, you create tools that extend the capabilities of the LLM with a function, such as get_weather. These functions can include parameters, or inputs, that are needed to execute the function. For example, the get_weather function needs the date and location to get the current weather forecast. The name and description of the tool function and parameters help the LLM decide when to call the tool.

When calling the LLM, you can include the set of tools that the LLM can leverage to answer the user. Based on the user’s question, the LLM can respond directly or suggest a tool to call to help answer the question. To get the required parameters for the tool call, the LLM might ask the end user or call other functions like get_location or get_date, which in turn might pull that information based on system settings on the end user’s device.

Function calling sequence diagram

Consider the following sequence diagram that shows how function calling works.

Figure: Function calling sequence
Figure: Function calling sequence
Figure: Function calling sequence
Figure: Function calling sequence

  1. The end user asks about the weather in Columbus.
  2. The Gateway routes the request to the App that you set up to handle requests on that host that the end user called.
  3. The App sends the user request to the LLM with a list of available functions that the LLM can use, if needed.
  4. Based on this conversation, the LLM suggests to call the get_weather function and includes the required parameters to use that function. The Gateway returns this suggestion to the App.
  5. The App executes the get_weather function with the required parameters to get the current weather in Columbus.
  6. The App returns the current weather in Columbus through the Gateway back to the LLM.
  7. The LLM uses the real-time function result from the App in a natural language response and returns this response to the Gateway. The Gateway then forwards the response to the end user.

Behavior with other AI features

Keep in mind the following behaviors when using function calling with other AI Gateway features:

  • Streaming responses: You can stream responses that call functions.
  • Semantic caching: Function calls are not cached.
  • Prompt guards: Prompt guards do not apply to function calls.

AI provider differences

Each AI provider has a different way of handling function calling. For more information, consult your AI provider’s documentation.

Before you begin

  1. Install Gloo Gateway with an Enterprise license that includes the AI Gateway add-on.

  2. Set up an AI gateway.

  3. Authenticate to your AI provider.

Example of function calling

Send a function call to an LLM through Gloo AI Gateway. In the following steps, you use an example get_weather function with an OpenAI LLM. Keep in mind that for a real use case, you must develop your own app that is capable of sending requests to the LLM and executing a tool, such as to retrieve the latest weather information for a given location.

  1. Send a request through the AI Gateway to the OpenAI LLM. In your request, include an example get_weather function call. Note that you can include other tools and functions that the app has access to. This way, your LLM can decide on the tool and the function that best answers the user’s question. For more examples of creating a function, consult your AI provider’s documentation.

    curl "$INGRESS_GW_ADDRESS:8080/openai" -H content-type:application/json  -d '{
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "messages": [
          "role": "user",
          "content": "How is the current weather in Columbus?"
      "parallel_tool_calls": false,
      "tools": [
          "type": "function",
          "function": {
            "name": "get_weather",
            "description": "Get the current weather",
            "parameters": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "location": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "description": "The city and country, eg. San Francisco, USA"
                "format": { "type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit", "rankine"] }
              "required": ["location", "format"]
      "stream": false
    $INGRESS_GW_ADDRESS:8080/openaiThe address of the AI Gateway that you set up before you began, along with the path to your AI provider, such as openai.
    modelThe model to use for the function call, such as gpt-3.5-turbo.
    messagesThe messages to send to the model. The example shows a user message asking about the weather in Columbus.
    parallel_tool_callsWhether to call multiple tools at the same time.
    toolsThe tools to use for the function call.
    functionThe information about the function to call.
    nameThe name of the function. Often, this name matches the function in your app. Try to be as descriptive as possible so that the LLM can figure out what the function does.
    descriptionProvide more context about the function that helps the LLM decide when to use this particular function as opposed to other functions.
    parametersInclude the required parameters that your app needs to execute the function. The example sets up two required parameters: location and format.
    streamWhether to stream the response. If you set this to true, the response is streamed token-by-token to the client, which can speed up the response time. The example is set to false, which is better for functions that are part of a batch or have strict formatting response requirements.
  2. Review the response from the LLM. If the LLM decides to call a tool, the response includes the information that your app needs to execute the function.

      "id": "chatcmpl-B7nLgGVMnDpc13CZ8tCBNZ8SPmcV9",
      "object": "chat.completion",
      "created": 1741197692,
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
      "choices": [
          "index": 0,
          "message": {
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": null,
            "tool_calls": [
                "id": "call_iMGPsr4Xx1u0G5sOzFsTCbQU",
                "type": "function",
                "function": {
                  "name": "get_weather",
                  "arguments": "{\"format\":\"celsius\",\"location\":\"Columbus, OH\"}"
            "refusal": null
          "logprobs": null,
          "finish_reason": "tool_calls"
    contentThis field is null because the model did not return a conversation message. Instead, the model suggests a tool call.
    tool_callsThe details of the function to call. Notice that the response includes an ID for the tool call, call_iMGPsr4Xx1u0G5sOzFsTCbQU. Also, the required parameters are part of the arguments.
    finish_reasonThe tool_calls field indicates that the response is not final, but rather a function call that needs further handling.
  3. Set up your app to receive the function call from the LLM and execute the function. For example, assume that your weather app returns the following result:

      "temperature": 15,
      "condition": "cloudy"
  4. From the app, return the result of the function call to the LLM through the AI Gateway. Make sure that the app includes the tool_call_id for each tool call.

    • The following example sends another curl through AI Gateway to the LLM to simulate a response that your app might send. Unlike the first request, this request does not suggest a tool call. Instead, you provide the results from executing the suggested function as part of the message, along with the assistant role that called the tool.
    curl "$INGRESS_GW_ADDRESS:8080/openai" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
      "messages": [
          "role": "user",
          "content": "How is the current weather in Columbus?"
          "role": "assistant",
          "content": null,
          "tool_calls": [
              "id": "call_iMGPsr4Xx1u0G5sOzFsTCbQU",
              "type": "function",
              "function": {
                "name": "get_weather",
                "arguments": "{\"format\":\"celsius\",\"location\":\"Columbus, OH\"}"
          "role": "tool",
          "tool_call_id": "call_iMGPsr4Xx1u0G5sOzFsTCbQU",
          "name": "get_weather",
          "content": "{ \"temperature\": 15, \"condition\": \"Cloudy\" }"
    $INGRESS_GW_ADDRESS:8080/openaiThe address of the AI Gateway that you set up before you began, along with the path to your AI provider, such as openai.
    modelThe model to use for the function call, such as gpt-3.5-turbo.
    messagesThe messages to send to the model.
    "role": "user"This message repeats the initial user query about the weather as context.
    "role": "assistant"This message repeats the suggested tool call from the LLM. Note that the tool_call_id from the previous suggestion is included.
    "role": "tool"This message includes the results of executing the function that the LLM suggested. Note that the tool_call_id matches the ID of the tool call in the previous request.
  5. Review the response from the LLM.

      "id": "chatcmpl-B7opYdxULQAF0xN6SK6jCIZft75xG",
      "object": "chat.completion",
      "created": 1741203388,
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0125",
      "choices": [
          "index": 0,
          "message": {
            "role": "assistant",
            "content": "The current weather in Columbus is 15°C and cloudy.",
            "refusal": null
          "logprobs": null,
          "finish_reason": "stop"
    choices.message.contentThe response includes the content that answers the user’s initial query about the weather.
    choices.finish_reasonThe stop finish reason indicates that the response is complete.