Switch from unmanaged to managed gateways

Use the Istio lifecycle manager to switch from your existing, unmanaged Istio gateway installation to a Gloo-managed Istio gateway installation. The takeover process follows these general steps:

  1. Create IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager resources in your cluster that use a different revision than the existing Istio installations. The istiod control plane and Istio ingress gateway for the new installation are deployed, but are not active at deployment time.
  2. Test the new control plane and gateway by deploying workloads with a label for the new revision and generating traffic to those workloads.
  3. Change the new control plane to be active, and rollout a restart to data plane workloads so that they are managed by the new control plane.
  4. Update load balancer service selectors or update internal/external DNS entries to point to the new ingress gateway.
  5. Uninstall the old Istio installations.


Before you follow this takeover process, review the following important considerations.

If you also use Gloo Mesh Enterprise alongside Gloo Gateway, follow the steps in the Gloo Mesh documentation instead. The Gloo Mesh guide shows you how to upgrade your workload sidecars along with your control planes and gateways.

Before you begin

  1. Install Gloo Gateway. When you run the Helm install command, include --set istioInstallations.enabled=false to ensure that the default managed gateway proxy is not created automatically.

  2. Save the names of your clusters from your infrastructure provider as environment variables.
    export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster-name>
  3. To use a Solo distribution of Istio, you must have a Solo account. Make sure that you can log in to the Support Center. If not, contact your account administrator to get the repo key for the Istio version that you want to install from the Istio images built by Solo.io support article.

Deploy the managed gateway installations

Create IstioLifecycleManager and GatewayLifecycleManager resources that use a different revision than your existing Istio installation. The istiod control plane and ingress gateway for the new installation are deployed, but are not active at deployment time.

  1. Save the Istio version information as environment variables.

    • For REPO, use a Solo repo key that you can get by logging in to the Support Center and reviewing the Istio images built by Solo.io support article. For more information, see Get the Solo distribution of Istio that you want to use.
    • For ISTIO_IMAGE, save the version that you downloaded, such as 1.20.5, and append the solo tag, which is required to use many enterprise features. You can optionally append other tags for the Solo distribution of Istio, as described in About the Solo distribution of Istio. If you downloaded a different version than the following, make sure to specify that version instead.
    • For REVISION, specify any name or integer. For example, you can specify the version, such as 1-20. If you currently use a revision for your existing Istio installations, be sure to use a different revision than the existing one.
    export REPO=<repo-key>
    export ISTIO_IMAGE=1.20.5-solo
    export REVISION=1-20
  2. Prepare an IstioLifecycleManager resource to manage the istiod control plane.

    1. Download the gm-istiod.yaml example file.
      curl -0L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-mesh-use-cases/main/gloo-mesh/istio-install/gm-managed/takeover/gm-istiod.yaml > gm-istiod.yaml
      curl -0L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-mesh-use-cases/main/gloo-mesh/istio-install/gm-managed/takeover/gm-istiod-openshift.yaml > gm-istiod.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as gm-istiod-values.yaml.
      • Tip: Instead of updating the file manually, try running a terminal command to substitute values, such as the following command.
        envsubst < gm-istiod.yaml > gm-istiod-values.yaml
        open gm-istiod-values.yaml
    3. Check the settings in the IstioLifecycleManager resource. You can also further edit the file to replicate the settings in your existing Istio installation.
      • Root namespace: If you do not specify a namespace, the root namespace for the installed Istio resources in workload clusters is set to istio-system. If the istio-system namespace does not already exist, it is created for you.
      • Trust domain: By default, the trustDomain value is automatically set by the installer to the name of each workload cluster. To override the trustDomain for each cluster, you can instead specify the override value in the trustDomain field, and include the value in the list of cluster names. For example, if you specify trustDomain: cluster1-trust-override in the operator spec, you then specify the cluster name (cluster1) and the trust domain (cluster1-trust-override) in the list of cluster names. Additionally, because Gloo requires multiple trust domains for east-west routing, the PILOT_SKIP_VALIDATE_TRUST_DOMAIN field is set to "true" by default.
    4. Apply the IstioLifecycleManager resource to your cluster.
      kubectl apply -f gm-istiod-values.yaml
  3. Prepare a GatewayLifecycleManager custom resource to manage the ingress gateway proxy.

    1. Download the gm-ingress-gateway.yaml example file.
      curl -0L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-mesh-use-cases/main/gloo-mesh/istio-install/gm-managed/gm-ingress-gateway.yaml > gm-ingress-gateway.yaml
    2. Update the example file with the environment variables that you previously set. Save the updated file as gm-ingress-gateway-values.yaml.
      • Tip: Instead of updating the file manually, try running a terminal command to substitute values, such as the following command.
        envsubst < gm-ingress-gateway.yaml > gm-ingress-gateway-values.yaml
        open gm-ingress-gateway-values.yaml
    3. Check the settings in the GatewayLifecycleManager resource. You can also further edit the file to replicate the settings in your existing Istio installation.
      • Gateway name and namespace: The default name for the gateway is set to istio-ingressgateway, and the default namespace for the gateway is set to gloo-mesh-gateways. If the gloo-mesh-gateways namespace does not already exist, it is created in each workload cluster for you. Note: To prevent conflicts, be sure to choose a different name or namespace than your existing gateway. For example, if your existing gateway is named istio-ingressgateway and deployed in a namespace such as istio-gateways, you can still name the new gateway istio-ingressgateway, but you must deploy it in a different namespace, such as gloo-mesh-gateways.
    4. Apply the GatewayLifecycleManager resource to your cluster.
      kubectl apply -f gm-ingress-gateway-values.yaml

Verify the new managed installations

Verify that the new control plane and gateway are deployed to your cluster.

  1. Verify that the namespaces for your managed Istio installations are created.

    kubectl get ns

    For example, the gm-iop-1-20 and gloo-mesh-gateways namespaces are created alongside the namespaces you might already use for your existing Istio installations (such as istio-system and istio-gateways):

    NAME               STATUS   AGE
    default            Active   56m
    gloo-mesh          Active   36m
    gm-iop-1-20          Active   91s
    gloo-mesh-gateways Active   90s
    istio-gateways     Active   50m
    istio-system       Active   50m
    kube-node-lease    Active   57m
    kube-public        Active   57m
    kube-system        Active   57m
  2. In each namespace, verify that the Istio resources for the new revision are successfully installed.

    kubectl get all -n gm-iop-1-20

    Example output:

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/istio-operator-1-20-678fd95cc6-ltbvl     1/1     Running   0          4m12s
    NAME                            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/istio-operator-1-20     ClusterIP   <none>        8383/TCP   4m12s
    NAME                                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/istio-operator-1-20     1/1     1            1           4m12s
    NAME                                               DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/istio-operator-1-20-678fd95cc6     1         1         1       4m12s
    kubectl get all -n istio-system

    Example output: Note that your existing Istio control plane pods might be deployed to this namespace too.

    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/istiod-1-20-b65676555-g2vmr     1/1     Running   0          8m57s
    NAME                    TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                 AGE
    service/istiod-1-20     ClusterIP   <none>        15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP   8m56s
    NAME                            READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/istiod-1-20     1/1     1            1           8m57s
    NAME                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/istiod-1-20-b65676555     1         1         1       8m57s
    NAME                                                REFERENCE                  TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
    horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/istiod-1-20     Deployment/istiod-1-20   1%/80%    1         5         1          8m58s
    kubectl get all -n gloo-mesh-gateways

    Example output: Your output might vary depending on which gateways you installed. Note that the gateways might take a few minutes to be created.

    NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/istio-ingressgateway-1-20-77d5f76bc8-j6qkp      1/1     Running   0          2m18s
    NAME                             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                                      AGE
    service/istio-ingressgateway     LoadBalancer   15021:31321/TCP,80:32525/TCP,443:31826/TCP   2m16s
    NAME                                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/istio-ingressgateway-1-20      1/1     1            1           2m18s
    NAME                                                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/istio-ingressgateway-1-20-77d5f76bc8      1         1         1       2m18s
    NAME                                                               REFERENCE                                 TARGETS         MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
    horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/istio-ingressgateway-1-20      Deployment/istio-ingressgateway-1-20      4%/80%          1         5         1          2m19s

Test the new managed installations

Test the new Istio installation by deploying the Istio sample app, Bookinfo, and updating its sidecars from the old revision to the new.

  1. Create the bookinfo namespace.

    kubectl create ns bookinfo
  2. Label the namespace for Istio injection with the old revision so that the services are managed by the old revision's control plane.

    kubectl label ns bookinfo istio.io/rev=<old_revision>
  3. Deploy the Bookinfo app.

    # deploy bookinfo application components for all versions less than v3
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/1.20.5/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml -l 'app,version notin (v3)'
    # deploy an updated product page with extra container utilities such as 'curl' and 'netcat'
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/solo-io/gloo-mesh-use-cases/main/policy-demo/productpage-with-curl.yaml
    # deploy all bookinfo service accounts
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/istio/istio/1.20.5/samples/bookinfo/platform/kube/bookinfo.yaml -l 'account'
  4. Verify that the Bookinfo app is deployed successfully.

    kubectl get pods -n bookinfo
    kubectl get svc -n bookinfo
  5. Verify that your workloads and existing gateways still point to the old revision, and only the new gateway points to the new revision.

    istioctl proxy-status

    In this example output, the Bookinfo apps and existing ingress gateway still point to the existing Istio installation that uses version 1.19.10. Only the new ingress gateway points to the managed Istio installation that uses version 1.20.5-solo and revision 1-20.

    NAME                                                              CLUSTER   ...  ISTIOD                           VERSION
    details-v1-6758dd9d8d-rh4db.bookinfo                              cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
    istio-ingressgateway-575b697f9-49v4c.istio-gateways               cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
    istio-ingressgateway-1-20-575b697f9-49v4c.gloo-mesh-gateways     cluster1  ...  istiod-1-20-5b7b9df586-95sq6     1.20.5-solo
    productpage-v1-b4cf67f67-s5lsh.bookinfo                           cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
    ratings-v1-f849dc6d-wqdc8.bookinfo                                cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
    reviews-v1-74fb8fdbd8-z8bzc.bookinfo                              cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
    reviews-v2-58d564d4db-g8jzr.bookinfo                              cluster1  ...  istiod-66d54b865-6b6zt           1.19.10
  6. Generate traffic through the old ingress gateway to Bookinfo.

    1. Apply a virtual gateway to the ingress gateway for the old revision. For example, if your gateway named istio-ingressgateway exists in the istio-ingress namespace, your virtual gateway might look like the following:
      kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
      apiVersion: networking.gloo.solo.io/v2
      kind: VirtualGateway
        name: old-vg
        namespace: bookinfo
        - http: {}
            number: 80
        - selector:
              istio: ingressgateway
            namespace: istio-ingress
    2. Apply a route table to allow requests to the Bookinfo services.
      kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
      apiVersion: networking.gloo.solo.io/v2
      kind: RouteTable
        name: bookinfo
        namespace: bookinfo
          - '*'
        # Selects the virtual gateway you previously created
          - name: old-vg
            namespace: bookinfo
          # Route for the main productpage app
          - name: productpage
            - uri:
                prefix: /productpage
                - ref:
                    name: productpage
                    namespace: bookinfo
                    cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                    number: 9080
          # Routes all /reviews requests to the reviews-v1 or reviews-v2 apps
          - name: reviews
              route: reviews
            - uri:
                prefix: /reviews
                - ref:
                    name: reviews
                    namespace: bookinfo
                    cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                    number: 9080
          # Routes all /ratings requests to the ratings-v1 app
          - name: ratings-ingress
              route: ratings
            - uri:
                prefix: /ratings
                - ref:
                    name: ratings
                    namespace: bookinfo
                    cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                    number: 9080
    3. Get the external address of the ingress gateway for the old revision. For example, if your gateway named istio-ingressgateway exists in the istio-ingress namespace, you might run a command similar to the following:
      kubectl get svc -n istio-ingress istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
      kubectl get svc -n istio-ingress istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
    4. Test the old ingress gateway by sending a request to the productpage service.
      curl http://<old_gateway_address>:80/productpage
  7. Test the transition to the new installation on Bookinfo by changing the label on the bookinfo namespace to use the new revision.

    kubectl label ns bookinfo istio.io/rev=$REVISION --overwrite
    If you did not previously use revision labels for your apps, you can instead run kubectl label ns bookinfo istio-injection- and kubectl label ns bookinfo istio.io/rev=$REVISION.
  8. Update Bookinfo by rolling out restarts to each of the microservices. The Istio sidecars for each microservice are updated to use the new Istio version. Make sure that you only restart one microservice at a time. For example, in the following commands, 20 seconds elapse between each restart to ensure that the pods have time to start running.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n bookinfo details-v1
    sleep 20s
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n bookinfo ratings-v1
    sleep 20s
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n bookinfo productpage-v1
    sleep 20s
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n bookinfo reviews-v1
    sleep 20s
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n bookinfo reviews-v2
  9. Verify that the Bookinfo pods now use the new revision.

    istioctl proxy-status | grep "\.bookinfo "
  10. Verify that the productpage for Bookinfo is still reachable after the upgrade.

  11. Apply a virtual gateway to the ingress gateway for the new revision.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: networking.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: VirtualGateway
      name: istio-ingressgateway
      namespace: bookinfo
      - http: {}
          number: 80
      - selector:
            istio: ingressgateway
          namespace: gloo-mesh-gateways
  12. Apply a route table to allow requests to the Bookinfo services.

    kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
    apiVersion: networking.gloo.solo.io/v2
    kind: RouteTable
      name: bookinfo
      namespace: bookinfo
        - '*'
      # Selects the virtual gateway you previously created
        - name: istio-ingressgateway
          namespace: bookinfo
        # Route for the main productpage app
        - name: productpage
          - uri:
              prefix: /productpage
              - ref:
                  name: productpage
                  namespace: bookinfo
                  cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                  number: 9080
        # Routes all /reviews requests to the reviews-v1 or reviews-v2 apps
        - name: reviews
            route: reviews
          - uri:
              prefix: /reviews
              - ref:
                  name: reviews
                  namespace: bookinfo
                  cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                  number: 9080
        # Routes all /ratings requests to the ratings-v1 app
        - name: ratings-ingress
            route: ratings
          - uri:
              prefix: /ratings
              - ref:
                  name: ratings
                  namespace: bookinfo
                  cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
                  number: 9080
3. Save the external address of the ingress gateway for the new revision.

export INGRESS_GW_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
export INGRESS_GW_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
4. Verify that you can access Bookinfo through the new gateway. ```sh open http://$INGRESS_GW_IP/productpage ```

Activate the managed installations

After you finish testing, change the new control plane to be active, and rollout a restart to data plane workloads so that they are managed by the new control plane. Then, you can update service selectors or update internal/external DNS entries to point to the new ingress gateway. You can also optionally uninstall the old Istio installations.

  1. In your IstioLifecycleManager resource, switch to the new istiod control plane revision by changing defaultRevision to true.

    kubectl edit IstioLifecycleManager -n gloo-mesh istiod-control-plane


       apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
       kind: IstioLifecycleManager
         name: istiod-control-plane
         namespace: gloo-mesh
           - revision: 1-20
             - name: cluster1
               # Set this field to TRUE
               defaultRevision: true
               profile: minimal

  2. Roll out a restart to your workload apps so that they are managed by the new control plane.

    1. Change the label on any Istio-managed namespaces to use the new revision.
      kubectl label ns <namespace> istio.io/rev=$REVISION --overwrite
      If you did not previously use revision labels for your apps, you can instead run kubectl label ns <namespace> istio-injection- and kubectl label ns <namespace> istio.io/rev=$REVISION.
    2. Update any Istio-managed apps by rolling out restarts. The Istio sidecars for each microservice are updated to use the new Istio version. Make sure that you only restart one microservice at a time.
    3. Verify that your workloads and new gateways point to the new revision.
      istioctl proxy-status
  3. If you use your own load balancer services for the gateway, update the service selectors to point to the gateway for the new revision. Alternatively, if you use the load balancer service that is deployed by default, update any internal or external DNS entries to point to the new gateway IP address.

  4. Uninstall the old Istio installation. The uninstallation process varies depending on your original installation method. For more information, see the Istio documentation.

Next steps

When it's time to upgrade Istio, you can use Gloo Gateway to upgrade Gloo-managed gateways.