Gloo deploys Redis as a backing instance for several components, such as the Gloo management server, UI, and Gloo portal server. You can also bring your own instance, such as Redis Enterprise or a cloud provider service like AWS ElastiCache. For more information, see Backing databases.

Use the following troubleshooting topics to help debug issues with Redis.

Review data in Redis

To review the data that is stored in Redis, you can connect to the Redis instance. If you bring your own Redis, you must use those connection values. For more information, see your Redis provider docs, such as Amazon ElastiCache or Google Cloud Memorystore.

Debug Redis for the Gloo management server

After debugging the management server and agent pods, you might still see error messages related to reconciling state. Gloo stores the state of its resources in a Redis pod. You can try to restart the pod to resolve these reconciliation issues.

  1. Enable port forwarding on port 9091 of the gloo-mesh-mgmt-server pod to your localhost.

  2. Take snapshots of your current state in case you want to refer to the logs later, such as to open a Support issue.

      curl localhost:9091/snapshots/input -o input_snapshot.json 
    curl localhost:9091/snapshots/output -o output_snapshot.json
  3. Get the gloo-mesh-redis-* pod.

      kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT

    Example output:

      NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-c7cc4dd77-8shdw   1/1     Running   0          4d19h
    gloo-mesh-redis-794d79b7df-28mcr        1/1     Running   0          4d19h
    gloo-mesh-ui-c8cfd5fdd-mdscf            3/3     Running   0          4d19h
    prometheus-server-647b488bb-ns748       2/2     Running   0          4d19h
  4. Restart the Redis deployment.

      kubectl rollout restart deployment/gloo-mesh-redis -n gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
  5. Try checking your Gloo management server and agent logs to see if the reconciliation errors are resolved.