
  1. Get your Gloo Network version that you run in the management cluster.
      meshctl --kubecontext $MGMT_CONTEXT version
  2. Get the version of Kubernetes that you run in each of your clusters.
      kubectl --context $MGMT_CONTEXT version -o yaml
    kubectl --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT version -o yaml
  3. List the infrastructure provider that hosts your environment, such as AWS or GCP.


Share the installation method that you used to install Gloo Network, such as Helm, meshctl, or Argo CD, and the configuration that you used during the installation.


  1. Provide a detailed description of the issue. Make sure to include the following information:
    • If reproducible, steps to reproduce the issue.
    • Number of workload clusters.
    • Federated trust details, such as self-signed certificates or certificates provided by a certificate management provider.
    • High-level diagram of the clusters showing where Gloo Network components and applications are running.
    • If you use workspaces, details of how the workspaces are configured.
  2. Describe the impact of the issue. For example, the issue might block an update or a demo, or cause the loss of data or an entire system.
  3. Export the relevant configuration files that are related to the issue.
    • Gloo resources: Use the following script to dump all Gloo Network custom resources into a file. Attach the gloo-mesh-configuration.yaml file to your support request.
        for n in $(kubectl --context <cluster context> get crds | grep solo.io | awk '{print $1}'); do kubectl --context <cluster context> get $n --all-namespaces -o yaml >> gloo-mesh-configuration.yaml; echo "---" >> gloo-mesh-configuration.yaml; done

Product-specific details

Gloo Network

  1. Capture the output of the meshctl --kubecontext $MGMT_CONTEXT check command.
    Typically, the command output indicates any license errors or details of unhealthy agents, such as in the following example.

      🟢 License status
    INFO  gloo-mesh Trial license expiration is 02 Nov 32 10:32 GMT
    INFO  gloo-network Trial license expiration is 22 Aug 33 09:53 GMT
    INFO  gloo-gateway Trial license expiration is 11 Nov 32 21:33 GMT
    INFO  Valid GraphQL license module found
    🟢 CRD version check
    🟢 Gloo Platform deployment status
    Namespace | Name                           | Ready | Status
    gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-mgmt-server          | 0/0   | Healthy
    gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-redis                | 1/1   | Healthy
    gloo-mesh | gloo-mesh-ui                   | 1/1   | Healthy
    gloo-mesh | gloo-telemetry-gateway         | 1/1   | Healthy
    gloo-mesh | prometheus-server              | 1/1   | Healthy
    gloo-mesh | gloo-telemetry-collector-agent | 3/3   | Healthy
    🔴 Mgmt server connectivity to workload agents
    ERROR   cluster east-mesh is registered but not connected
    ERROR   cluster west-mesh is registered but not connected
    Cluster   | Registered | Connected Pod
    east-mesh | true       | Not connected
    west-mesh | true       | Not connected
    Connected Pod | Clusters
    Not connected | 2
    ERROR   Encountered failed checks.
  2. Collect the logs for various components that are impacted by the issue, such as gloo-mesh-mgmt-server, gloo-telemetry-gateway, gloo-mesh-redis, or gloo-mesh-ui. The components vary depending on your Gloo Network setup and can be found by default in the gloo-mesh namespace.

    Example: Follow the steps below to get the logs for the mgmt-server controller pod.

    1. Optional: Set the log level to debug.

        kubectl --context $MGMT_CONTEXT patch -n <gloo-namespace> deploy/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--verbose=true"}]'
    2. Capture the logs when reproducing the issue.

        kubectl --context $MGMT_CONTEXT logs -f deploy/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server -n <gloo-namespace> > gloo.log
    3. Optional: After you capture the logs, reset the log level to info.

        kubectl --context $MGMT_CONTEXT patch -n <gloo-namespace> deploy/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-","value":"--verbose=false"}]'
    4. Repeat these steps for all the Gloo Network components in the management cluster.

  3. Get the full debug report for each cluster that is impacted by the issue. The following command creates a tgz file that you can attach to your support ticket.

      meshctl --kubecontext $MGMT_CONTEXT debug report
    meshctl --kubecontext $REMOTE_CONTEXT debug report