Use Vault to generate the root and intermediate CA certificates, and use cert-manager
to automatically generate client and server TLS certificates.
About this approach
Vault is a popular open source secret management tool that you can use to set up a secure, private key infrastructure (PKI) and manage TLS certificates. In this setup, you install a Vault instance in the Gloo management cluster and use that instance to generate root and intermediate CA certificates. The intermediate CA certificate is used to sign and issue the server and client TLS certificates for the management server and agents. To manage the lifecycle of the server and client certificates, you also install cert-manager
. Cert-manager is a Kubernetes controller that helps you automate the process of obtaining and renewing certificates from various PKI providers, such as AWS Private CA, Gloo Cloud CA, or Vault.
With this approach, you get the following benefits:
- Secure storage of root and intermediate CA certificates and keys.
- Automatically obtain and renew server and client TLS certificates with
Although this Vault setup is more secure than using the self-signing default setup, the certificates are still stored within the management cluster. You might restrict access to the management cluster, or you might need to use a different setup to meet your production security requirements.
Architecture overview
The following figure depicts an example architecture for using cert-manager
and Vault to set up the relay certificates for multiple clusters.
- After installing
and Vault in your management cluster, you set up a root of trust for the CA chain. - Next, you create an intermediate CA that is used to sign the relay server and client certificates.
- After creating the relay server and client certificates in your clusters, Gloo
deployments use the certificates to secure gRPC protocol communication between the deployments by using the mutual TLS (mTLS) that is provided by the signed certificate.
Before you begin
Save the kubeconfig contexts for your clusters. Runkubectl config get-contexts
, look for your cluster in the CLUSTER
column, and get the context name in the NAME
column. Note: Do not use context names with underscores. The generated certificate that connects workload clusters to the management cluster uses the context name as a SAN specification, and underscores in SAN are not FQDN compliant. You can rename a context by running kubectl config rename-context "<oldcontext>" <newcontext>
export MGMT_CLUSTER=<mgmt-cluster-name>
export REMOTE_CLUSTER=<remote-cluster-name>
export MGMT_CONTEXT=<management-cluster-context>
export REMOTE_CONTEXT=<remote-cluster-context>
Step 1: Install cert-manager
In your management cluster, install
. For more information about installation options and versions, see the cert-manager documentation.kubectl
installation:kubectl apply --context $MGMT_CONTEXT -f
- Helm installation:
helm repo add jetstack helm repo update helm install \ cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --namespace cert-manager \ --create-namespace \ --version v1.5.4 \ --set installCRDs=true
Verify that
was successfully installed.kubectl get pod -n cert-manager --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
Example output:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE cert-manager-7c6f78c46d-247br 1/1 Running 0 17s cert-manager-cainjector-668d9c86df-7cqb8 1/1 Running 0 17s cert-manager-webhook-764b556954-2m4zf 1/1 Running 0 17s
Step 2: Set up Vault and generate the root and intermediate CAs
Create and securely store the relay root CA in HashiCorp Vault. Although this Vault setup is more secure than using the self-signing default setup, you might need to use a different setup to meet your production security requirements.
- If it doesn’t already exist, create the
namespace.kubectl create namespace gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
- If not added already, add and update the HashiCorp Helm repository in your management cluster.
helm repo add hashicorp helm repo update
- Install Vault in your management cluster.
helm install vault hashicorp/vault -n vault \ --kube-context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} \ --set "injector.enabled=false" \ --set "" \ --set "server.service.type=LoadBalancer" \ --create-namespace
- Enable Vault for root CA certificates along the
path.kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault secrets enable pki'
- Set up the root of trust. The following example uses, but replace these values with your own CA provider.
kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write -format=json pki/root/generate/internal \ common_name=" Root CA" organization="" ttl=187600h'
- Create an intermediate CA that is used for the relay server operations, along the
path. The key is kept internally, and a certificate signing request is created.kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault secrets enable -path pki_relay pki' CSR_INPUT=$(kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write \ -format=json pki_relay/intermediate/generate/internal \ common_name="gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca" organization="" ttl=43800h') CSR=$(echo $CSR_INPUT | tr '\r\n' ' ' | jq ' .data.csr' | sed 's/ /\\n/g' | sed 's/BEGIN\\nCERTIFICATE\\nREQUEST/BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST/g' |sed 's/END\\nCERTIFICATE\\nREQUEST/END CERTIFICATE REQUEST/g')
- Copy the
value, including the double quotes. You use this value later to sign and generate the certificate.Example output:echo $CSR
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIICtTCCAZ0CAQAwOjEVMBMGA1UEChMMbWVzaC5zb2xvLmlvMSEwHwYDVQQDExhl bnRlcnByaXNlLW5ldHdvcmtpbmctY2EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAw ggEKAoIBAQDA7o31x9auoUNqz2LpB1GkIkHD/VT09tnenkT9ldph56ysWLL681XU KqUKkTTZxof9Evi5DrpnetXH7WQYwLXDixcm78qGXEzYi2bnAHAYuoJWdnbWSNZW FJ5VOlYJm51zTMsxk5bQ5UrkjJvX3inbYASNBUMrlRgLWsLYe0avTc/EwpDMZ9XK gHMnJb/VyFg4mHrEwTLxKVtWmBxC9AflEcg6Zm5KZPkJX2v3iF+XOQw/63RIMwAG 9MNU+pDkasOKdqtdX1HWURLf8vnHVpWvFWCxNCa6OojTpntBNH8wrpLhbnqoeKPL xyAXOdnaBTt+5DdAg4k4+1lSrUM8+bERAgMBAAGgNjA0BgkqhkiG9w0BCQ4xJzAl MCMGA1UdEQQcMBqCGGVudGVycHJpc2UtbmV0d29ya2luZy1jYTANBgkqhkiG9w0B AQsFAAOCAQEAMhpY0vrihMIpYxaFBuJFX6FRDIhoiPiYgklwOwAijfrrC/68DlRl KOG+1RsK03tCjFHNkvTpAHZ2UbOfkd54SIEbRjadroN5SubG2XQb9pg73gk7XqOP g3Koss8SEdF3RU4swWKSNCV370mpJPY8QNvjpj+nbT2W9LzmnXpU26LtTUrOfGJj wf89VlquVRRgi6KF5ewQu/c2Ov1iN0SZOSBBELqi8dIaT8ZaWgXcwtgTueLHfvQf mYrjJAoy0FmdFhMN6zYs9EfacjRXuoHoTzqSad3i5A6ofmAnGuLwlZVmSC85xUpm VQW87mr/cWLm6se36ZPmQDzGUn6yVHOWIg== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"
- Sign and generate the certificate. Replace
with the value that you copied in the previous step.CERT_INPUT=$(kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write -format=json pki/root/sign-intermediate \ csr=$CSR format=pem_bundle ttl=43800h') CERT=$(echo $CERT_INPUT | tr '\r\n' ' ' | jq ' .data.certificate' | sed 's/ /\\n/g' | sed 's/BEGIN\\nCERTIFICATE/BEGIN CERTIFICATE/g' |sed 's/END\\nCERTIFICATE/END CERTIFICATE/g')
- Copy the
, including the double quotes. You use this value later to set the signed certificate.Example output:echo $CERT
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDZzCCAk+gAwIBAgIULGGnrdUSautQsOPDSYiPwdm3uUowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwLDEQMA4GA1UEChMHc29sby5pbzEYMBYGA1UEAxMPU29sby5pbyBSb290IENB MB4XDTIxMTEwMTE1MjQxOFoXDTIxMTIwMzE1MjQ0OFowIzEhMB8GA1UEAxMYZW50 ZXJwcmlzZS1uZXR3b3JraW5nLWNhMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIB CgKCAQEAwO6N9cfWrqFDas9i6QdRpCJBw/1U9PbZ3p5E/ZXaYeesrFiy+vNV1Cql CpE02caH/RL4uQ66Z3rVx+1kGMC1w4sXJu/KhlxM2Itm5wBwGLqCVnZ21kjWVhSe VTpWCZudc0zLMZOW0OVK5Iyb194p22AEjQVDK5UYC1rC2HtGr03PxMKQzGfVyoBz JyW/1chYOJh6xMEy8SlbVpgcQvQH5RHIOmZuSmT5CV9r94hflzkMP+t0SDMABvTD VPqQ5GrDinarXV9R1lES3/L5x1aVrxVgsTQmujqI06Z7QTR/MK6S4W56qHijy8cg FznZ2gU7fuQ3QIOJOPtZUq1DPPmxEQIDAQABo4GJMIGGMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIB BjAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MB0GA1UdDgQWBBR9rVq8QaXUIrRVecwMeuAbCdMa wjAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBTn8wKJK3TBLAyJ7V29jou0CCcx0jAjBgNVHREEHDAaghhl bnRlcnByaXNlLW5ldHdvcmtpbmctY2EwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAAWuzxz8 wlvXIbGft8GX9pt/FXOZfedm1AJGP2zQELuWUk7J6p2QfEqQPKntvykCP3xlfgAH BVqWrNSv1DfV6+QTACzGG83muUtGuX0/Av6VtjHfwoFgC0y8A3XH6P3vrwHx6heI 7tkT2GbCXq5Br0Mne6uTvYskMskuwAuZyglz8XK7bKerfD8Z4w2O7Fu41t9Mlirx LireTJEKR4ggVfPITyECkBJ9TFaj0T83qupFwrw4K60xLmHs2akKxm69tofcH1ZQ Z9a96zY0x3GPVuAU1WApf64roaofH4Vbk/gzbChKhsV6vX16jzwwWrjFQvS0Rn59 hUNB9r37cXzuaJM= -----END CERTIFICATE-----"
- Set the signed certificate value. Replace
with the value that you copied in the previous step.kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write -format=json pki_relay/intermediate/set-signed certificate=$CERT' kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write pki_relay/roles/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca allow_any_name=true max_ttl="720h"'
- Get the External IP address of the
service for Vault.VAULT_IP=$(kubectl get svc -n vault vault --context $MGMT_CONTEXT \ -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}") echo $VAULT_IP
- Create a
issuer for the CA, replacing$VAULT_IP
with the external IP address that you previously retrieved.kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} create secret generic vault-token --from-literal=token=root -n gloo-mesh kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} apply -f- <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: vault-issuer namespace: gloo-mesh spec: vault: path: pki_relay/sign/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca server: http://$VAULT_IP:8200 auth: tokenSecretRef: name: vault-token key: token EOF
Step 3: Create the server TLS certificate for the management server
Generate the server TLS certificate that the Gloo management server uses for mutual TLS connections with Gloo agents.
kubectl --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} apply -f- <<EOF
kind: Certificate
name: relay-server-tls
namespace: gloo-mesh
commonName: "gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca"
- "gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca"
- "gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca.gloo-mesh"
- "gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca.gloo-mesh.svc"
- "*.gloo-mesh"
secretName: relay-server-tls-secret
duration: 24h
renewBefore: 30m
rotationPolicy: Always
algorithm: RSA
size: 2048
- digital signature
- key encipherment
- server auth
- client auth
name: vault-issuer
kind: Issuer
Step 4: Create the client TLS certificate for the Gloo agent
In each workload cluster, generate a client TLS certificate for the Gloo agent.
Configure the
installation on the workload cluster to authenticate with the Vault installation on the management cluster. The secret contains the Vault token to use for authentication.kubectl --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} create namespace gloo-mesh kubectl --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} create secret generic vault-token --from-literal=token=root -n gloo-mesh kubectl --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} apply -f- <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Issuer metadata: name: vault-issuer namespace: gloo-mesh spec: vault: path: pki_relay/sign/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca server: http://$VAULT_IP:8200 auth: tokenSecretRef: name: vault-token key: token EOF
Create a
certificate that refers to the issuer that you set up in the previous step.kubectl apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} -f- <<EOF apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: relay-client-tls namespace: gloo-mesh spec: commonName: "gloo-mesh-mgmt-server-ca" dnsNames: - "$REMOTE_CLUSTER1" secretName: relay-client-tls-secret duration: 24h renewBefore: 30m privateKey: rotationPolicy: Always algorithm: RSA size: 2048 issuerRef: name: vault-issuer kind: Issuer group: EOF
Verify the cert-manager resources
For clusters that have cert-manager
installed, verify that your cert-manager
issuer and certificate resources are ready. If the READY column says False for any of the following resources, describe the resource for more details and resolve the issue before continuing.
kubectl get issuer -n gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
kubectl get certificates -n gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
Now that your custom certificates are created, continue to the next section to modify your Gloo Mesh deployment to use these certificates.
Step 5: Install the Gloo management server and agent
Set up Gloo Network to use the client and server TLS certificates that you created earlier.
Prepare the Helm installation settings for the Gloo management server.
glooMgmtServer: relay: disableCa: true disableCaCertGeneration: true disableTokenGeneration: true # Secret containing server TLS certs used to secure the management server. tlsSecret: name: relay-server-tls-secret
Install a new or upgrade an existing or upgrade an existing Gloo management server with the Helm settings from the previous step.
Prepare the Helm installation settings for the Gloo agent.
glooAgent: relay: # gloo-mesh-mgmt-server IP address serverAddress: $MGMT_SERVER_NETWORKING_ADDRESS # Custom certs: Secret containing client TLS certs used to identify the Gloo agent to the management server. If you do not specify a clientTlssSecret, you must specify a tokenSecret and a rootTlsSecret. clientTlsSecret: name: relay-client-tls-secret tokenSecret: # Key value of the data within the Kubernetes secret. key: token # Name of the Kubernetes secret. name: relay-identity-token-secret # Namespace of the Kubernetes secret. namespace: ""
Register the workload cluster or upgrade an existing Gloo agent with the Helm settings from the previous step.
Verifying your relay certificate setup
- Check that the relay connection between the management server and workload agents is healthy.
- Forward port 9091 of the
pod to your localhost.kubectl port-forward -n gloo-mesh --context $MGMT_CONTEXT deploy/gloo-mesh-mgmt-server 9091
- In your browser, connect to http://localhost:9091/metrics.
- In the metrics UI, look for the following lines. If the values are
, the agents in the workload clusters are successfully registered with the management server. If the values are0
, the agents are not successfully connected.relay_pull_clients_connected{cluster="cluster1"} 1 relay_pull_clients_connected{cluster="cluster2"} 1 # HELP relay_push_clients_connected Current number of connected Relay push clients (Relay Agents). # TYPE relay_push_clients_connected gauge relay_push_clients_connected{cluster="cluster1"} 1 relay_push_clients_connected{cluster="cluster2"} 1
- Forward port 9091 of the
- Review the Gloo UI. Check that the Overall Mesh Status is healthy and that your remote clusters are registered without any configuration issues.
meshctl dashboard --kubecontext $MGMT_CONTEXT
- If the setup is unsuccessful, continue to Troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting relay certificates
Review the health of your Gloo pods in the management and remote clusters.
Check that the
pods are running.kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
If the pods are not running, describe the pods and check the State and Last State sections for error messages and reasons why the pod might not be healthy. For example, the following error messages in the
pods indicate that the secret is misnamed or missing. Check the secrets and names, upgrade your Helm installation, and try again.- Example error message for
Message: 3 errors occurred: * no tls secret found for grpc server: Secret "relay-server-tls-secret" not found * could not find forwarding server token: no token secret found: Timeout: failed waiting for *v1.Secret Informer to sync * no tls secret found for grpc server: Secret "relay-server-tls-secret" not found
- Example error message for
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal Created 84m (x25 over 3h28m) kubelet Created container gloo-mesh-agent Normal Pulled 84m (x24 over 3h28m) kubelet Container image "" already present on machine Normal Started 84m (x25 over 3h28m) kubelet Started container gloo-mesh-agent Warning FailedMount 84m kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-zlr9b" : [failed to fetch token: Post "https://kind2-control-plane:6443/api/v1/namespaces/gloo-mesh/serviceaccounts/gloo-mesh-agent/token": read tcp> use of closed network connection, failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition] Warning FailedMount 84m kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-zlr9b" : [failed to fetch token: Post "https://kind2-control-plane:6443/api/v1/namespaces/gloo-mesh/serviceaccounts/gloo-mesh-agent/token": read tcp> use of closed network connection, failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition] Warning FailedMount 83m kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "kube-api-access-zlr9b" : [failed to fetch token: Post "https://kind2-control-plane:6443/api/v1/namespaces/gloo-mesh/serviceaccounts/gloo-mesh-agent/token": http2: client connection force closed via ClientConn.Close, failed to sync configmap cache: timed out waiting for the condition] Warning BackOff 72s (x522 over 3h28m) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container
- Example error message for
Check the Kubernetes logs for the
pods in each cluster for errors. Look for errors during thegrpc
connection.- For example, the following error message indicates that the
load balancer IP address was set incorrectly for the agent during the Helm installation.
{"level":"warn","ts":"2021-11-02T19:56:42.197Z"caller":"zap/ grpclogger.go:85","msg":"[core]grpcaddrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {34.145.18106:9900:9900 gloo-mesh-mgmt-server.gloo-mesh <nil> <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: address too many colons in address\".
- The following
pod error indicates that you need to follow the steps in ca.crt.
{"level":"fatal","ts":1640102555.6522746,"msg":"secrets \"relay-root-tls-secret\" not found","version":"1.3.0-beta6","stacktrace":"runtime.main\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:255"}
- The following errors indicate that the server or client TLS certificate is expired. Regenerate the certificate, restart the pods, and try again.
{"level":"error","ts":1650047047.6682806,"logger":"translator.reconcile-42","caller":"translator/reconciler.go:195","msg":"translation for parent object failed","parent":", Kind=DiscoveredGateway","err":"Gateway istio-ingressgateway.istio-system in cluster cluster1 not found in snapshot.","errVerbose":"Gateway istio-ingressgateway.istio-system in cluster cluster1 not found in snapshot.\n\ttranslator.(*translator).TranslateOutputs.func1:/src/pkg/translator/translator.go:163\n\ttranslator.(*translator).translateParallel:/src/pkg/translator/translator.go:189\n\tsets.(*discoveredGatewaySet).UnsortedList:/src/pkg/api/\n\tsets.(*resourceSet).UnsortedList:/go/pkg/mod/\n\tsets.(*discoveredGatewaySet).UnsortedList.func1:/src/pkg/api/\n\ttranslator.(*translator).translateParallel.func1:/src/pkg/translator/translator.go:191\n\ttranslator.getValidEastWestIngressGateway:/src/pkg/translator/translator.go:426","stacktrace":"*reconciler).reconcilePrimary.func1\n\t/src/pkg/translator/reconciler.go:195\*workQueue).Execute.func1\n\t/src/pkg/utils/syncutils/parallel.go:52"}
{"level":"info","ts":1650046690.815508,"caller":"grpclog/grpclog.go:37","msg":"[core]pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc00111c9d0, {TRANSIENT_FAILURE connection error: desc = \"transport: authentication handshake failed: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-04-15T18:18:10Z is after 2022-04-15T14:28:30Z\"}","system":"grpc","grpc_log":true}
- For example, the following error message indicates that the
pods, make sure that the cluster name matches the registered cluster name.- Check the KubernetesCluster resources in the management cluster to get registered cluster names.
kubectl get kubernetesclusters --context $MGMT_CONTEXT
- Check that the registered cluster name matches the name in the client certificate that is issued by the root CA, specifically the DNS SAN extension.
- If the cluster names do not match, update the KubernetesCluster to have the same name, or re-issue the client certificate with the same name.
- Check the KubernetesCluster resources in the management cluster to get registered cluster names.
If you still have issues, review the Known issues.
Known issues
Although the ca.crt is included in the gloo-mesh-agent
certificate secret, the gloo-mesh-agent
still expects it to exist separately in the remote cluster. To copy it from the management cluster into the remote clusters, you can run the following command. Make sure to update $CLUSTER_NAME
with your remote cluster name.
kubectl get secret gloo-mesh-agent-$CLUSTER_NAME-tls-cert \
--namespace gloo-mesh \
--output json \
--context $CLUSTER_CONTEXT \
| jq 'del(.metadata.creationTimestamp,.metadata.resourceVersion,.metadata.uid,.data."tls.key",.data."tls.crt",.metadata.annotations)' \
| sed 's/gloo-mesh-agent-$CLUSTER_NAME-tls-cert/relay-root-tls-secret/' \
| kubectl apply --context $CLUSTER_CONTEXT -f -