On this page
Use the meshctl
command line interface (CLI) tool to set up and manage Gloo products in your environment.
-h, --help help for meshctl
--kubeconfig string Path to the kubeconfig file for the cluster.
--kubecontext string Kubernetes context for the cluster to run the command in.
-n, --namespace string Namespace to run the command in. (default "gloo-mesh")
--plain Disable styling for terminal output.
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging.
- meshctl check - Perform health checks on your Gloo setup.
- meshctl cluster - Manage workload clusters that you register with the Gloo management server.
- meshctl dashboard - Access the Gloo UI by port forwarding to your cluster.
- meshctl debug - Commands for debugging your Gloo environment.
- meshctl experimental - Experimental commands that are subject to change.
- meshctl external-workload - Operations on external workloads that are onboarded to the service mesh.
- meshctl generate - Generate Gloo custom resources.
- meshctl hubble - Base command for hubble array of tooling.
- meshctl install - Install a Gloo product by using a valid license key.
- meshctl license - Commands for managing Gloo product licenses.
- meshctl logs - Print all Gloo logs or logs for a specific component.
- meshctl migrate - Gloo migration tools.
- meshctl precheck - Check existing Gloo installations for compatibility before upgrading to the latest version.
- meshctl proxy - Forward a local port to a Gloo component.
- meshctl uninstall - Uninstall your Gloo components, and optionally all Gloo-related resources.
- meshctl version - Display the Gloo version of the meshctl client and of each installed Gloo component.