You can use Gloo Mesh Gateway external auth to authenticate users to your apps with other accounts that they have. In this guide, you set up Gloo Mesh Gateway to authenticate with users’ Microsoft accounts.

As part of your Microsoft setup, you can use Microsoft Entra ID for cloud-based identity and access management across all your Microsoft resources, such as Microsoft 365 and Azure. You can register users and applications in Entra ID to set up OIDC authentication in Gloo Mesh Gateway.

Gloo even supports distributed claims for the identity tokens that are returned. In Azure Active Directory, identity tokens can only support a user’s membership in up to 200 groups. Sometimes, user memberships exceed this limit. In such cases, the authentication fails unless you set up distributed claims. You can give Gloo Mesh Gateway the details of your app in Entra ID. Then, behind the scenes, the Gloo external auth service talks to the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve the complete identity token. You can even set up caching, so that the Graph API does not accidentally become throttled if you have many client requests.

Before you begin

  1. Set up Gloo Mesh Gateway in a single cluster.
  2. Install Bookinfo and other sample apps.
  3. Configure an HTTP listener on your gateway and set up basic routing for the sample apps.

  4. Make sure that the external auth service is installed and running. If not, install the external auth service.

      kubectl get pods -A -l app=ext-auth-service
  5. Get the external address of your ingress gateway. The steps vary depending on the type of load balancer that backs the ingress gateway.

     export INGRESS_GW_ADDRESS=$(kubectl get svc -n gloo-mesh-gateways istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}")

    Note: Depending on your environment, you might see <pending> instead of an external IP address. For example, if you are testing locally in kind or minikube, or if you have insufficient permissions in your cloud platform, you can instead port-forward the service port of the ingress gateway:

      kubectl -n gloo-mesh-gateways port-forward deploy/istio-ingressgateway-1-22 8081

Step 1: Set up Microsoft Entra ID

To use Microsoft Entra ID as an identity provider (IdP), you must set up Entra ID and register your app.

  1. If you have not already, create your user directory. For instructions, see the Microsoft Entra ID docs.

  2. Create and register an app with Microsoft Entra ID. This app is used by the Gloo external auth service for authentication purposes to call the Microsoft Graph API. For instructions, see the Microsoft Entra ID docs. At a minimum, make sure that you set up and note the values of the following fields:

    • Overview > Application (client) ID: The client ID that Microsoft Entra generates. Later, you create a Kubernetes secret for the Gloo external auth service with the client ID.
        export EXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID=<client-id>
    • Overview > Directory (tenant) ID: The tenant ID for when you configure the external auth policy later.
        export EXTAUTH_TENANT_ID=<tenant-id>
    • Manage > Certificates & secrets: The client secret that Microsoft Entra generates. Later, you create a Kubernetes secret for the Gloo external auth service with the client secret.
        export EXTAUTH_SECRET=<secret>
  3. Create and register another app with Microsoft Entra ID. This app represents the backing service that your users want to access, such as an httpbin app. When users access the service, Gloo Mesh Gateway handles the OIDC authorization flow and redirects them to Microsoft to authenticate. The identity token is returned upon successful authentication, per the configuration in this app. For instructions, see the Microsoft Entra ID docs. At a minimum, make sure that you set up and note the values of the following fields:

    • Overview > Application (client) ID: The client ID that Microsoft Entra generates. Later, you create a Kubernetes secret for the Gloo external auth service with the client ID.
        export HTTPBIN_APP_CLIENT_ID=<client-id>
    • Overview > Endpoints: The issuer URL for the app, which is similar to the OpenID Connect metadata document URL without the /.well-known/openid-configuration subpath.
        export HTTPBIN_APP_ISSUER_URL=<tenant-id>/v2.0
    • Manage > Certificates & secrets: The client secret that Microsoft Entra generates. Later, you create a Kubernetes secret for the Gloo external auth service with the client secret.
        export HTTPBIN_APP_SECRET=<secret>
    • Manage > Authentication: A redirect URI to use as part of the OAuth flow that you set up later. To create a redirect URI for your web app, click Add a platform > Web. Typically, the format of the redirect URI looks similar to https://<app-url>/callback. If you do not have a custom domain for your external auth app, you might use the ingress gateway’s address for the <app-url>.
    • Manage > App roles: A default role for the app.
    • Manage > Token configuration: Add the groups claim and any other claim that you want returned in the identity token.
    • Manage > Expose an API: Add an Application ID URI. Then, use this Application ID URI to add a scope.
        export HTTPBIN_APP_SCOPE=api://<app-url>/<scope-name>

Step 2: Prepare routing for your app

Set up the routing for the app that your users want to access. The following example uses the httpbin app. You create an HTTPS listener on a virtual gateway for the httpbin app, which is the same app that you configured an app URL and redirect URI for in Microsoft Entra.

  1. Create an HTTPS listener on a virtual gateway to expose that app that you want to configure external auth for. This app is the same app that you configured an app URL and redirect URI for in Microsoft Entra.

    1. Follow the HTTPS listener guide to create the TLS configuration for the HTTPS listener.

    2. For the virtual gateway, you can use a configuration similar to the following. Make sure to update the secretName if you used a different value.

        kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      kind: VirtualGateway
        name: httpbin-ingress
        namespace: httpbin
        - http: {}
            number: 443
            mode: SIMPLE
            secretName: gw-ssl-1-secret
        - http: {}
          httpsRedirect: true
            number: 80
        - selector:
              istio: ingressgateway
  2. Create a route table for the app that sets up routing rules for the app URL and redirect URI that you configured in Microsoft Entra.

    • The app URL is the ingress gateway address with the /ip matcher that is set up in the following route table.

        export APP_URL=${INGRESS_GW_IP}/ip
    • The /callback matcher is set up to match the redirect URI that you previously configured in your Microsoft Entra app.

        kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
      kind: RouteTable
        name: httpbin-ingress
        namespace: httpbin
          expose: "true"
          - '*'
        - forwardTo:
            - port:
                number: 8000
                name: httpbin
                namespace: httpbin
          - uri:
              exact: /ip
          name: httpbin
        - forwardTo:
            - port:
                number: 8000
                name: httpbin
                namespace: httpbin
          - uri:
              exact: /callback
          name: httpbin-callback
          - name: httpbin-ingress
            namespace: httpbin
            cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
        workloadSelectors: []

Step 3: Create the secrets for the external auth service

Configure the Gloo external auth service to handle the OAuth flow for you. To do so, you create secrets for the external auth service based on the information that you configured in Microsoft Entra.

  1. Store the client secret for the external auth service. This way, the external auth service can talk to the MS Graph API to retrieve distributed claims for users that are members of more than 200 groups. Create the Kubernetes secret in the workload cluster that you want to create the external auth policy in.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: microsoft-extauth
      namespace: gloo-mesh
      client-secret: ${EXTAUTH_SECRET}
  2. Store the client secret of the second Microsoft app that represents the backing service such as httpbin. This way, the external auth service can handle the OIDC flow for requests to the httpbin app in Microsoft Entra. Create the Kubernetes secret in the workload cluster that you want to create the external auth policy in.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: microsoft-httpbin
      namespace: gloo-mesh
      client-secret: ${HTTPBIN_APP_SECRET}

Step 4: Configure authentication policies

Create a Rego policy to evaluate requests for user membership in a particular group. Then, create an external auth policy that has two modules. One module sets up Microsoft as an OIDC provider, including distributed claims. The other module sets up OPA to enforce a Rego policy on the identity token that is returned from the OIDC provider.

  1. Create an external auth server to use for your policies.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: ExtAuthServer
      name: ext-auth-server
      namespace: httpbin
          number: 8083
          cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
          name: ext-auth-service
          namespace: gloo-mesh
  2. Create a config map with the Rego policy that you want to enforce. For more information, see the OPA docs. The following Rego policy:

    • Sets the input state key to azure_claims. The azure_claims setting gets the groups claim values from the Microsoft OIDC claims in the token, along with any distributed claims. This way, the user can be a member of less than or more than 200 groups.
    • Iterates through all of the groups claim values.
    • Allows requests if the user is a member of the group with ID 12345-67-89-10111213. You can update this group ID value accordingly. To find your group IDs in Microsoft Entra, go to Identity > Groups > All groups, search for your group, and copy the Object Id value.
      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: httpbin-rego
      namespace: httpbin
      policy.rego: |
       package test
       default allow = false
       allow {
          # Allow group with ID 12345-67-89-10111213
          count({i | input.state["azure_claims"]["groups"][i] == "12345-67-89-10111213"}) > 0
  3. Create an external auth policy that uses Microsoft for OIDC and enforces the Rego policy. The policy also enables distributed claims and caching for OIDC with Microsoft. You only need distributed claims if the users that authenticate are members in more than 200 groups. If not, you can remove the azure section from the external auth policy.

      kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: ExtAuthPolicy
      name: httpbin-test
      namespace: httpbin
      - selector:
            app: httpbin
          cluster: $CLUSTER_NAME
          name: ext-auth-server
          namespace: httpbin     
          - oauth2:
                appUrl: $APP_URL
                    host: redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379
                  clientId: $EXTAUTH_CLIENT_ID
                    name: microsoft-extauth
                    namespace: gloo-mesh
                  tenantId: $EXTAUTH_TENANT_ID
                callbackPath: /callback
                clientId: $HTTPBIN_APP_CLIENT_ID
                  name: microsoft-httpbin
                  namespace: gloo-mesh
                issuerUrl: $HTTPBIN_APP_ISSUER_URL
                - $HTTPBIN_APP_SCOPE
                - profile
                - email
                - openid
                    cookieName: oidcsession
                      host: redis.gloo-mesh.svc.cluster.local:6379
          - name: opa
              - name: httpbin-rego
                namespace: httpbin
              query: data.test.allow == true

Review the following table to understand this configuration. For more information, see the API reference.

applyToDestinationsUse labels to apply the policy to destinations. Destinations might be a Kubernetes service, VirtualDestination, or ExternalService (if supported by the policy). If you do not specify any destinations or routes, the policy applies to all destinations in the workspace by default. If you do not specify any destinations but you do specify a route, the policy applies to the route but to no destinations. Alternatively, you can apply the policy to a route instead of a destination.
serverThe external auth server to use for the policy.
oauth2Configure the OAuth 2.0 protocol details to use to authenticate requests. The example uses Microsoft as the external identity provider. Gloo Mesh Gateway handles the OIDC flow by validating the contents of an ID token based on the configuration details that you configure in oidcAuthorizationCode.
appUrlThe public URL of the app that you want to set up external auth for. This setting is used in combination with the callbackPath attribute. If your app does not have a custom domain, you can use the address of the ingress gateway and the path that your app is exposed on, such as
azureThe configuration details for the external auth service to authenticate with the Microsoft Graph API for distributed claims and caching. You use distributed claims for cases where users are members of more than 200 groups. If you do not need distributed claims, you can omit this section.
  • claimsCachingOptions: Enable caching to avoid performance issues of accessing the Microsoft Graph API too many times. In this example, the cache is set to the Redis instance that you get when you enable the Gloo external auth service. You can also use your own Redis instance. The cache key name is in the format tenant-id/client-id/user-id/claim-name. The cache key expires roughly at the same time as the token from the IdP, or you can clear the cache manually in your Redis instance.
  • clientId: The client ID of the first app that you configured in Azure to access the Graph API.
  • clientSecret: The reference to the Kubernetes secret that you previously created for the first Azure app. The secret must exist on the same cluster as the ExtAuthServer resource that this policy refers to. In this example, you created the secret in an earlier step.
  • tenantId: The tenant ID of the first Azure app that you configured to access the Graph API.
callbackPathThe callback path, relative to the appUrl setting. After a user authenticates, the identity provider redirects the user to this callback URL. Gloo Mesh Gateway intercepts requests with this path, exchanges the authorization code received from the IdP for an ID token, places the ID token in a cookie on the request, and forwards the request to its original destination.
clientIdThe client ID of the Microsoft app that represents the app that serves the requests, such as httpbin.
clientSecretRefThe reference to the Kubernetes secret that you previously created for the Microsoft app that represents the app that serves the requests, such as httpbin. The secret must exist on the same cluster as the ExtAuthServer resource that this policy refers to.
issuerUrlThe URL of the OpenID Connect identity provider. Gloo Mesh Gateway automatically discovers OIDC configuration by querying the .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint on the issuer_url. In this example, Gloo Mesh Gateway expects to find OIDC discovery information at the address in Microsoft Entra that you previously retrieved,<tenant-id>/v2.0.
scopesOther OIDC scopes to request. By default, the openid scope is included, which returns the OIDC protocol information that is needed to verify the user’s identity. For Azure, you must also include the api scope, which is the Application ID URI that you previously configured in Microsoft Entra. This example also requests the email and profile scopes. For more information, see the OpenID docs.
sessionDetails on how to store the user session details. In this example, the cookie is stored in Redis.
opaAuthThe configuration details for the OPA policy that you want to enforce.
  • modules: Refer to the name and namespace of the config map that has the OPA policy. Then, Gloo Mesh Gateway can use the OPA policy to resolve the query. This example uses the config map that you previously created.
  • The query that determines the authentication decision. The result of this query must be either a boolean or an array with a boolean as the first element. A value of true means that the request is authorized. Any other value or error means that the request is denied. In this example, data.test.allow is set to true. data is the section in the config map. test is the package name, and allow the name of the Rego rule that you defined in the OPA policy earlier. Access is allowed only if the response meets the allow conditions in the policy.

Step 5: Verify the OAuth policy

  1. In your web browser, open the path to your application, such as the ingress gateway IP address and the path that you configured in the route table. You are redirected to the authentication page from the Microsoft identity provider.

      open $APP_URL
  2. Enter your Microsoft user credentials.

    Figure: Microsoft login page
    Figure: Microsoft login page

    Example output for authorized users: Gloo Mesh Gateway redirects you to the app URL, such as In this example, the httpbin app returns the origin IP address, 10.xx.xx.x.

    Figure: Example response of origin IP address
    Figure: Example response of origin IP address

    Example output for unauthorized users: If you log in as a user that is not authorized to the group, you see a Rejected message similar to the following figure.

    Figure: Example response of rejected unauthorized user
    Figure: Example response of rejected unauthorized user


You can optionally remove the resources that you set up as part of this guide.
  kubectl delete Secret microsoft-extauth -n gloo-mesh
kubectl delete Secret microsoft-httpbin -n gloo-mesh 
kubectl delete ExtAuthServer ext-auth-server -n httpbin 
kubectl delete VirtualGateway httpbin-ingress -n httpbin
kubectl delete RouteTable httpbin-ingress -n httpbin
kubectl delete ConfigMap httpbin-rego -n httpbin 
kubectl delete ExtAuthPolicy httpbin-test -n httpbin