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Keepalive API reference.
Proto: keepalive.proto
Package: common.gloo.solo.io
Configure TCP keepalive settings.
Field | Description |
probes | (uint32 )Maximum number of TCP keepalive probes to send before determining that connection is dead. Defaults to the OS-level configuration. For Linux, the default is 9, unless overridden. |
time | (google.protobuf.Duration )The time duration a connection needs to be idle before keep-alive probes start being sent. Defaults to the OS-level configuration. For Linux, the default is 7200s (2 hours), unless overridden. Configuration constraints:
interval | (google.protobuf.Duration )The time duration between keep-alive probes. Defaults to the OS-level configuration. For Linux, the default is 75s, unless overridden. Configuration constraints: