OptionTypeDescriptionDefault Value
featureGatesmap[string, bool]Feature gates for Gloo products. Each feature can be enabled or disabled using a boolean value. For a list of supported features, see https://docs.solo.io/gloo-mesh-enterprise/main/reference/version/feature_gates/{}
featureGates.<MAP_KEY>boolFeature gates for Gloo products. Each feature can be enabled or disabled using a boolean value. For a list of supported features, see https://docs.solo.io/gloo-mesh-enterprise/main/reference/version/feature_gates/
installEnterpriseCrdsboolInstall the Enterprise CRDs.true
installIstioOperatorboolInstall the Istio Operator CRD. To manually manage Istio installations, set this option to false.true
installRateLimitConfigCrdboolInstall the RateLimitConfig CRD. When enabled, the RateLimitConfig CRD is applied and owned by the release.true