KubernetesCluster API reference.
Proto: kubernetes_cluster.proto
Package: admin.gloo.solo.io
The resources that the applied resource selects.
Field | Description |
state | (common.gloo.solo.io.State ) |
defines a Kubernetes cluster that has been registered with Gloo Mesh for management.
A KubernetesCluster must be created in order to connect the Gloo Mesh Agent
with the Gloo Mesh Server.
KubernetesCluster must be deployed to the management cluster in the gloo-mesh
The name of the KubernetesCluster has to be unique among all managed workload clusters for a
given Gloo Mesh management plane.
The name or/and labels of a KubernetesCluster resource can be used in a Workspace resource to determine
the workload clusters for a given workspace.
The following example show a simple KubernetesCluster resource named cluster1
with cluster.local
as its cluster domain:
apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
kind: KubernetesCluster
name: cluster1
namespace: gloo-mesh
clusterDomain: cluster.local
The following example adds the region label to the KubernetesCluster resource:
apiVersion: admin.gloo.solo.io/v2
kind: KubernetesCluster
name: cluster1
namespace: gloo-mesh
region: us-east
clusterDomain: cluster.local
Field | Description |
clusterDomain | (string )Optional: The cluster domain suffix this Cluster is configured with. Defaults to ‘cluster.local’. |
skipWarming | (bool )Optional: Use this skipWarming option with the glooMgmtServer.safeMode or glooMgmtServer.safeStartWindow options. When safeMode is set to true and skipWarming is set to false: The Gloo management server halts translation. Translation does not resume until the agents in each workload cluster connect and send their input snapshot to the management server to populate the Redis cache. This setting is helpful in multicluster setups. It makes sure that the input snapshots of all clusters are present in Redis before starting translation. This way, the agents only apply and modify your resources based on a complete translation context. When skipWarming is set to true: The Gloo management server does not wait for a cluster’s input snapshot to be populated in Redis to start translation. This setting can lead to incomplete output snapshots. However, you might find this setting useful when registering new clusters. Even if a cluster has an initial connectivity issue, translation can continue for other registered clusters. The default value is false. |
The status of the KubernetesCluster after it is applied to your Gloo environment.
Field | Description |
common | (common.gloo.solo.io.Status )Indicates the state of the Gloo agent that is connected to the Gloo management server. |