Sometimes, you might notice errors when you try to access your services over a route.

  1. Try to send a request to your destination with verbose mode and look for error messages. For example, you might curl the path to your app on the ingress gateway.

    Example output:

    MessageDescriptionSteps to resolve
    Connection reset by peerThe destination sent a reset (RST) packet and dropped the connection. No TLS handshake was established. This issue often indicates a TLS issue.Skip to Step 5 to check the virtual gateway configuration for the tls section. Make sure the secret exists with valid credentials.
    Connection refusedYour gateway might not be listening on the right port.Skip to Step 5 to verify that the gateway listens on the correct port for the correct host.
    successfully set certificate...SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connectionYour TLS secrets are set up, but the hostname might not match the hosts in your virtual gateway configuration. For example, the secret might be a wildcard *, but the virtual gateway configuration specifies only sure that the TLS secrets for the gateway are in the same namespace as the ingress gateway. Then, make sure that the hostname that the secret is for matches the hostnames in the virtual gateway configuration.
    403 with message forbidden: User \"system:anonymous\" cannot get pathThe request might be resolving to the IP address of a cluster that is not configured for this domain.Check that your DNS provider resolves the domain to the IP address of the ingress gateway in the correct cluster.
    HTTP 403, HTTPS 404 errorsThe request is received, but you get an unexpected 403 forbidden on HTTP routes and 404 not found on HTTPS. You might have a policy configuration issue.Check the ingress gateway logs to confirm that the request is received. Next, check the host values in the route tables and selected virtual gateway to confirm that the host matches the host that the request calls. Common errors include a mismatch such as vs. in the configuration files or in the request path. Then, check the policies that are applied to your route, such as described in a later command.
  2. Verify that your Gloo setup is working correctly.

    1. Check the management server.
    2. Check the agent for the clusters where your resources run.
    3. Make sure that your management server and agent run the same minor version of Gloo.
        meshctl version
  3. Verify that your Istio gateway pods are in a Running state. Note that the gateways may be deployed in a different namespace.

      kubectl get pods -A -n gloo-mesh-gateways

    Example output:

      NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    istio-eastwestgateway-6559bbc949-xrfz6   1/1     Running   0          4d14h
    istio-ingressgateway-64c544cfff-jgnkp    1/1     Running   0          4d16h

    If not, describe the pods, get the logs, and look for error messages.

      kubectl describe pod -n gloo-mesh-gateways -l istio=ingressgateway
      kubectl logs -n gloo-mesh-gateways $(kubectl get pods -l "app=istio-ingressgateway" -n gloo-mesh-gateways -o jsonpath='{.items[]}') > logs-ingressgateway.txt

    For example, a filter_chain_not_found message indicates that the request does not have a matching SNI in the gateway. Make sure that the TLS secrets for the gateway are in the same namespace as the ingress gateway. Then, make sure that the hostname that the secret is for matches the hostnames in the virtual gateway configuration.

  4. If you are sending a request directly to the gateway and not to a host, check the service details for the IP address that the gateway is exposed on. Verify that you use this IP address in your request to the route.

      kubectl get svc -n istio-system

    In the following example, the external IP addresses are as follows:

    • istio-eastwestgateway gateway for traffic between cluster or in a service mesh:
    • istio-ingressgateway gateway for traffic from outside the cluster:
      NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                                                      AGE
    istio-eastwestgateway   LoadBalancer   15021:30974/TCP,15443:30522/TCP                              5d18h
    istio-ingressgateway    LoadBalancer   15021:31225/TCP,80:30381/TCP,443:31078/TCP,15443:30649/TCP   5d18h
  5. If you are sending the request to a host, check your Gloo virtual gateway resource. Look for the information in the following table.

      kubectl get virtualgateways -A -o yaml

    Example output:

    kind: VirtualGateway
      annotations: ""
      name: istio-ingressgateway
      namespace: bookinfo
      - allowedRouteTables:
        - host:
        http: {}
          number: 443
          mode: SIMPLE
          secretName: example-secret
      - selector:
            istio: ingressgateway
    Review the following table to understand this configuration.
    namespaceMake sure that the gateway’s namespace is in the same workspace as the route’s app. Or, the gateway workspace must import the route’s app.
    allowedRouteTablesMake sure that the host that you call is allowed. Common errors include a mismatch such as vs. in the configuration files or in the request path.
    portCheck that the port matches the port that you call. For example, if you sent a request along an https:// URL, but the port is 80 (for HTTP), the request fails.
    tlsCheck the TLS details. If the gateway listens on port 443 for HTTPS traffic, this section is required.
    workloadsMake sure that the virtual gateway selects the gateway workload that you checked earlier.
  6. If you are sending the request to a host, check your Gloo route table resource. Look for the information in the following table.

      kubectl get routetables -A -o yaml

    Example output:

    kind: RouteTable
      annotations: ""
      name: www-example-com
      namespace: bookinfo
          number: 9080
          name: ratings
          namespace: bookinfo
      - forwardTo: {}
          "no": auth
        - headers:
          - name: noauth
            value: "true"
        name: ratings-ingress-no-auth
      - forwardTo: {}
          route: ratings
        name: ratings-ingress
      - name: istio-ingressgateway
    Review the following table to understand this configuration.
    namespaceMake sure that the route table’s namespace is in the same workspace as the route’s app. Or, the route table’s workspace must import the route’s app.
    defaultDestinationMake sure that the details for your app are correct, such as the port and reference.
    hostVerify that the host you call is included in the route table. Common errors include a mismatch such as vs. in the configuration files or in the request path.
    forwardToCheck the forward to details. For example, the route table might be set up to forward requests with certain headers or labels to a different service.
    virtualGatewaysMake sure that the route table selects the virtual gateway that you checked earlier.
  7. Check for other Gloo policies that might be applied to the destination or route.

      kubectl get ratelimitserverconfigs,RatelimitConfigs,ratelimitserversettings,ratelimitclientconfigs,ratelimitpolicies,wasmdeploymentpolicies,externalendpoints,externalservices,accesslogpolicies,failoverpolicies,faultinjectionpolicies,outlierdetectionpolicies,jwtpolicies,wafpolicies,retrytimeoutpolicies,accesspolicies,corspolicies,csrfpolicies,extauthpolicies,mirrorpolicies,transformationpolicies,authorizationpolicies,extauthserver,headermanipulationpolicies -A
  8. Check that the underlying Istio resources are working properly. For example, your gateway might be missing a secret.

      istioctl analyze -n istio-system