The Gloo agent reports the state of Istio and other resources in the workload cluster to the management server. It also applies configuration updates from the management server.

  1. Verify that the Gloo agent pod is running.

      kubectl get pods -n gloo-mesh --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}

    If not, describe the pod and look for error messages.

      kubectl describe pod -n gloo-mesh -l app=gloo-mesh-agent --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
  2. Check the logs of the Gloo agent in your workload cluster. To view logs recorded since a relative duration such as 5s, 2m, or 3h, you can specify the --since <duration> flag.

      meshctl logs agent -l error --kubecontext ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} [--since DURATION]

    Optionally, you can format the output with jq or save it in a local file so that you can read and analyze the output more easily.

      meshctl logs agent -l error --kubecontext ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} | jq > agent-logs.json
  3. In the logs, look for "err", Err:, or Error messages. For example, you might see a message similar to the following.

    MessageDescriptionSteps to resolve
    Err: connection error: desc = \"transport: Error while dialing dial tcp: missing address\"The Gloo agent does not have the correct address set for the management server.In your Helm settings file for the agent Helm chart, compare the value for the serverAddress setting with the IP address and port of the management server. If necessary, upgrade your agent installation with the correct address, such as helm upgrade gloo-mesh-agent gloo-mesh-agent/gloo-mesh-agent --namespace gloo-mesh --kube-context=${REMOTE_CONTEXT} --version ${GLOO_VERSION} --set serverAddress=<mgmt_server_address>.
    "err": " \"bookinfo\" not found",Gloo expected to find a resource such as a route table named bookinfo. You can check the resource field to see which namespace the resource was expected in.If you recently deleted the resource, wait to see if the error resolves itself. If not, try debugging the resource.
    "err": "Operation cannot be fulfilled on \"istio-ingressgateway\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try againGloo is trying to reconcile your changes to the resource, such as updating a virtual gateway to listen on a different port.If you recently updated the resource, wait to see if the error resolves itself. If not, try debugging the resource.
    Waited for <time> due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, requestGloo experienced a timeout when sending a request to the Kubernetes API server. For example, the Kubernetes etcd might be overloaded by the number of resources in the cluster.Wait to see if the error resolves as your Kubernetes cluster load reduces.
  4. You can also check the logs for other all other log levels, such as warn, debug, or info.

      meshctl logs agent --kubecontext ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} [--since DURATION]
  5. If you continue to see error messages that indicate state reconciliation issues, such as errors about resources being in a loop of re-creating or moving from healthy to unhealthy states, try debugging the resource.