These sample apps are used throughout the documentation to help test connectivity, such as in the traffic management, security, and resiliency policies guides.


To test out microservice traffic management, deploy different versions of the Bookinfo sample app to both of the workload clusters. cluster1 runs the app with versions 1 and 2 of the reviews service (reviews-v1 and reviews-v2), and cluster2 runs version 3 of the reviews service (reviews-v3).

  1. Get the revision that you used for your installation. Typically, this is main for a Helm installation, or gloo for a Gloo operator installation.

      export REVISION=$(kubectl get pod -L app=istiod -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.istio\.io/rev}')      
    echo ${REVISION}
  2. Create the bookinfo namespace in each workload cluster, and label the namespaces for Istio injection so that the services become part of the service mesh.

      kubectl create ns bookinfo --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl label ns bookinfo${REVISION} --overwrite --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl create ns bookinfo --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
    kubectl label ns bookinfo${REVISION} --overwrite --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
  3. Deploy Bookinfo with the details, productpage, ratings, reviews-v1, and reviews-v2 services in the first cluster.

      # deploy bookinfo application components for all versions less than v3
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app,version notin (v3)' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    # deploy an updated product page with extra container utilities such as 'curl' and 'netcat'
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f
    # deploy all bookinfo service accounts
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'account' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
  4. Deploy Bookinfo with the ratings and reviews-v3 services in the second cluster.

      # deploy reviews and ratings services
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'service in (reviews)' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
    # deploy reviews-v3
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app in (reviews),version in (v3)' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
    # deploy ratings
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'app in (ratings)' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
    # deploy reviews and ratings service accounts
    kubectl -n bookinfo apply -f -l 'account in (reviews, ratings)' --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
  5. Verify that the Bookinfo app deployed successfully.

      kubectl get pods,svc -n bookinfo --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl get pods,svc -n bookinfo --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}


The httpbin sample app is a simple tool to test HTTP requests and responses. Unlike curl, you can see not only the response headers, but also the request headers.

  1. Create an httpbin namespace in cluster1, and label the namespace for Istio injection so that the services in the namespace become part of the service mesh.

      kubectl create ns httpbin --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl label ns httpbin --overwrite=true --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
  2. Deploy the httpbin app.

      kubectl -n httpbin apply -f --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
  3. Verify that the httpbin app is running.

      kubectl -n httpbin get pods --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}

hello world

The hello world sample app is a simple way to test responses for different app versions. The following examples install two versions of hello world in one cluster, and two versions in the other workload cluster.

  1. Create the helloworld namespace in each workload cluster, and label the namespaces for Istio injection so that the services become part of the service mesh.

      kubectl create ns helloworld --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl label ns helloworld --overwrite=true --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl create ns helloworld --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
    kubectl label ns helloworld --overwrite=true --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}
  2. Deploy hello world v1 and v2 to cluster1.

      kubectl -n helloworld apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} -l 'service=helloworld' -f 
    kubectl -n helloworld apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} -l 'app=helloworld,version in (v1, v2)' -f 
  3. Deploy hello world v3 and v4 to cluster2.

      kubectl -n helloworld apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2} -l 'service=helloworld' -f 
    kubectl -n helloworld apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2} -l 'app=helloworld,version in (v3, v4)' -f 
  4. Verify that the hello world apps are running.

      kubectl -n helloworld get pods --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
    kubectl -n helloworld get pods --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT2}

Other service namespaces

For any other namespaces that you want to deploy apps to, be sure to follow these steps to include your services in the service mesh.

Now that Istio is up and running, you can create service namespaces for your teams to run app workloads in. For any namespaces that you want to deploy apps to, be sure to follow these steps to include your services in the service mesh.

  1. Get the revision that you used for your installation. Typically, this is main for a Helm installation, or gloo for a Gloo operator installation.

      export REVISION=$(kubectl get pod -L app=istiod -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.labels.istio\.io/rev}')      
    echo ${REVISION}
  2. Label the service namespace for Istio sidecar injection with the revision label.

      kubectl label namespace <namespace>${REVISION} --overwrite
  3. If you already deployed app pods to the namespace, restart the workloads so that sidecars are injected into the pods. For example, you might roll out a restart to each deployment by using a command similar to the following.

      kubectl rollout restart deployment -n <namespace> <deployment>


Set up multicluster routing for the sample apps.