For more information about the feature, see Rate limit.

What data gets stored

The rate limiter stores information for limiting requests in the backing database, including the following information. For an example of how to check the data that gets stored, see Review data in Redis.

  • The generated unique key for the request
  • The associated count against the rate limit

The configuration data of the Gloo custom resources are stored by the management server in its backing database.

Backing storage options

Review the following options for setting up backing storage.

OptionUse caseBenefitsDrawbacks
Default: Built-in local RedisProof of concept and staging environments in single clusters
  • The Redis instance is deployed for you as part of the default Gloo Mesh Enterprise installation
  • Fast read/write speed as the database is local to the management server
  • Updatable via Gloo Platform Helm chart
  • Redis GUI- and CLI-based tools help you monitor data
  • Only as highly available as your cluster setup
  • Has the same disaster recovery as your cluster setup
  • Might not meet your organization’s compliance requirements
Bring your own RedisProduction-level, multicluster environments
  • Enhanced high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR)
  • Service level agreement (SLA) from your provider
  • Meet your organization’s compliance requirements
  • Redis GUI- and CLI-based tools help you monitor data
  • More complicated setup
  • Not covered by Solo support (contact your external Redis provider)

Default local Redis

When you install Gloo Mesh Enterprise, a local Redis instance redis is set up in the gloo-mesh-addons namespace of the workload cluster. The rate limiting server automatically reads and writes to this Redis instance.

The default setup is equivalent to setting the rateLimiter.redis.enabled Helm value to true.

Bring your own Redis

Instead of using the built-in local Redis instance, you can achieve higher availability, disaster recovery, and enhanced control and security by bringing your own Redis cluster. You can choose between a local or externally hosted instance. For a local instance, you can install the Redis cluster within the Gloo management cluster and run it alongside the rate limiter. For an external instance, you can create an instance outside your cluster environment, such as Redis Enterprise or a cloud provider service like AWS ElastiCache. Then, you include the settings for your local or external Redis instance when you install or upgrade your Gloo Helm chart.

When you bring your own Redis cluster, you can customize the following aspects:

  • Authentication: To authenticate with your Redis instance, you can configure Gloo Mesh Enterprise to use a username and password when connecting to Redis. Depending on your Redis provider, you might only need to specify a password to authenticate with Redis. You store these credentials in a Kubernetes secret on the management cluster.
  • TLS certificates: For enhanced security, you can use TLS certificates to authenticate with your Redis cluster. Note that your Redis instance must be configured to accept TLS connections. You store the certificate that you want to use in a Kubernetes secret on the management cluster.
  • Connection: You can optionally set connection parameters, such as the maximum number of active connections, retries, or number of idle connections.
  • Database: You can optionally specify the database instance within your Redis cluster that you want to connect to.
  1. Create or use an existing Redis cluster, such as AWS ElastiCache or Google Cloud Memorystore.

  2. Make sure that you can connect to your instance from the Gloo management cluster. For example, your cloud provider might require for the cluster and Redis instance to share the same virtual private network (VPC). For more information, consult your cloud provider documentation, such as AWS ElastiCache or Google Cloud Memorystore.

  3. Choose how to authenticate with your Redis cluster. Depending on your Redis provider, you might be required to use a specific authentication method, such as TLS certificates or a username and password.

  4. Create a Kubernetes secret to store your Redis authentication credentials. If you apply a YAML configuration file, make sure to encode the values in base64.

    • Username and password: If your Redis auth doesn’t have an explicit username, specify default. For the password, specify your auth string.

    • TLS certificates:

        kubectl apply -f- <<EOF
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
      type: Opaque
        name: redis-certs-keys
        namespace: gloo-mesh-addons
        redis.crt: "<TLS_certificate>"
  5. Follow the Upgrade guide to get your Gloo Platform Helm installation configuration file.

  6. In your Helm values file, add the following information. For more information, see the Helm reference docs.

    Helm settingDescription
    extAuthService.enabledEnable this value to deploy the external auth server alongside the rate limiter server. For more backing database options, see External auth server
    rateLimiter.enabledEnable this value to deploy the rate limiter server.
    rateLimiter.redis.enabledSet this option to false to disable the built-in local Redis deployment.
    rateLimiter.redis.hostnameReplace $REDIS_HOST with the host that the Redis instance is available on. This host might need to be on the same virtual private network as your cluster or need to have a VPN connection.
    • An example Amazon ElastiCache host might look like For more information, see the Amazon ElastiCache docs.
    • An example Google Cloud Memorystore host might look like in the same VPC as your cluster. Note: If you use an IP address, do not include the port 6379, which is appended for you. For more information, see the Google Cloud Memorystore docs.
    rateLimiter.redis.auth.enabledAdd this section if you want to authenticate with your Redis cluster by using a username and password. For the password, specify your auth string. To authenticate by using TLS certificates, remove this section and configure redis.certs instead.
    rateLimiter.redis.certs.enabledAdd this section if you want to authenticate with your Redis cluster by using TLS certificates. To authenticate by using a username and password, remove this section and configure redis.auth instead.
    rateLimiter.redis.service.socketIf you enable authentication via TLS certificates, set this value to tls.
  7. Continue with the Upgrade guide to reinstall the Gloo rate limiter add-on with your own Redis instance.

  8. Optional: Verify that the rate limiter server is configured with your external Redis database details.

    1. Verify that the secrets are created.
        kubectl get secrets -n gloo-mesh-addons
    2. Apply a basic rate limit policy and send a test request that gets rate limited.
    3. Review the rate limiting data in Redis.