Integrate with Vault
Use the Gloo Mesh direct Vault integration to instruct the istiod-agent to obtain intermediate CA certificates from your Vault instance and to store the intermediate CA private in memory.
Vault is a popular open source secret management tool that you can use to set up a secure, private key infrastructure (PKI) and manage TLS certificates. In this setup, you install a Vault instance in the Gloo management cluster that serves as the root certificate authority. The root CA certificate and private key that are stored in Vault are used to sign and issue Istio intermediate CA certificates.
To enable Gloo Mesh to automatically derive intermediate CA certificates from the root CA in Vault, istiod is injected with the istiod-agent sidecar that authenticates and sends certificate signing requests to Vault. Instead of writing the intermediate CA certificate and key to the cacerts
Kubernetes secret, the istiod-agent stores the credentials in memory, which adds an additional security layer to this approach. When the istiod-agent sidecar is deleted, the private key is also deleted. Istiod reads the intermediate CA key from the istiod-agent memory directly when signing leaf certificates for the workloads in the service mesh.
For more information about this approach, see Option 4: Integrate with Vault.
The instructions in this guide are also provided as an example script that you can review and adapt for your own use. Note that this script was written for Kubernetes version 1.21 and might need to be adjusted for other Kubernetes versions.
Before you begin
This guide assumes that you use the same names for components like clusters, workspaces, and namespaces as in the getting started. If you have different names, make sure to update the sample configuration files in this guide.
Complete the multicluster getting started guide to set up the following testing environment.
- Three clusters along with environment variables for the clusters and their Kubernetes contexts.
- The Gloo
CLI, along with other CLI tools such askubectl
. - The Gloo management server in the management cluster, and the Gloo agents in the workload clusters.
- Istio installed in the workload clusters.
- A simple Gloo workspace setup.
- Install Bookinfo and other sample apps.
- TheThe default
version that is included in macOS is LibreSSL, which does not work with these instructions. Make sure that you have the OpenSSL version ofopenssl
, not LibreSSL.openssl
version must be at least 1.1.- Check your
version. If you see LibreSSL in the output, continue to the next step.openssl version
- Install the OpenSSL version (not LibreSSL). For example, you might use Homebrew.
brew install openssl
- Review the output of the OpenSSL installation for the path of the binary file. You can choose to export the binary to your path, or call the entire path whenever the following steps use an
command.- For example,
might be installed along the following path:/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/bin/
- To run commands, you can append the path so that your terminal uses this installed version of OpenSSL, and not the default LibreSSL.
/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/bin/openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 3650...
- For example,
- Check your
- Save the kubeconfig contexts for your clusters. Run
kubectl config get-contexts
, look for your cluster in theCLUSTER
column, and get the context name in theNAME
column. Note: Do not use context names with underscores. The generated certificate that connects workload clusters to the management cluster uses the context name as a SAN specification, and underscores in SAN are not FQDN compliant. You can rename a context by runningkubectl config rename-context "<oldcontext>" <newcontext>
.export MGMT_CLUSTER=<mgmt-cluster-name> export REMOTE_CLUSTER=<remote-cluster-name> export MGMT_CONTEXT=<management-cluster-context> export REMOTE_CONTEXT=<remote-cluster-context>
Install and set up Vault
If you already have Vault installed, you can use your existing deployment.
If not added already, add the HashiCorp Helm repository to your management cluster.
helm repo add hashicorp --kube-context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} helm repo update
Generate a root CA certificate and key for Vault. You can update the
field to your domain.openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 \ -days 3650 -nodes -out root-cert.pem -keyout root-key.pem \ -subj "/"
In the management cluster, install Vault in dev mode and enable debugging logs. For more information about setting up Vault in Kubernetes, see the Vault docs.
helm install -n vault vault hashicorp/vault --set "injector.enabled=false" --set "server.logLevel=debug" --set "" --set "server.service.type=LoadBalancer" --kube-context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" --create-namespace kubectl --context $MGMT_CONTEXT wait --for condition=Ready -n vault pod/vault-0
Example output:
pod/vault-0 condition met
Enable Vault userpass.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault auth enable userpass' kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault write auth/userpass/users/admin password=admin policies=admins'
Example output:
Success! Enabled userpass auth method at: userpass/ Success! Data written to: auth/userpass/users/admin
Enable Vault authentication along a path for the workload cluster.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault auth enable -path=kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh-auth kubernetes" kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault auth enable -path=kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh-auth kubernetes"
Example output:
Success! Enabled kubernetes auth method at: kube-cluster1-mesh-auth/
Get the API token for the
. Note that depending on your Kubernetes version, the token is automatically created for you or must be created manually.Get the CA certificate for the service account.
SA_CA_CRT_C1=$(kubectl config view --raw -o json | jq -r --arg wc $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 '. as $c | $c.contexts[] | select(.name == $wc) as $context | $c.clusters[] | select(.name == $context.context.cluster) | .cluster."certificate-authority-data"'| base64 -d) SA_CA_CRT_C2=$(kubectl config view --raw -o json | jq -r --arg wc $REMOTE_CONTEXT2 '. as $c | $c.contexts[] | select(.name == $wc) as $context | $c.clusters[] | select(.name == $context.context.cluster) | .cluster."certificate-authority-data"'| base64 -d) echo $SA_CA_CRT_C1 echo $SA_CA_CRT_C2
Example output:
Get the address of your cluster.
K8S_ADDR_C1=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg wc $REMOTE_CONTEXT1 '. as $c | $c.contexts[] | select(.name == $wc) as $context | $c.clusters[] | select(.name == $context.context.cluster) | .cluster.server ') K8S_ADDR_C2=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg wc $REMOTE_CONTEXT2 '. as $c | $c.contexts[] | select(.name == $wc) as $context | $c.clusters[] | select(.name == $context.context.cluster) | .cluster.server ') echo $K8S_ADDR_C1 echo $K8S_ADDR_C2
Example output:
Set the Kubernetes auth config for Vault to the mounted service account token.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault write auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh-auth/config \ token_reviewer_jwt="$SA_TOKEN_C1" \ kubernetes_host="$K8S_ADDR_C1" \ kubernetes_ca_cert='$SA_CA_CRT_C1' \ disable_local_ca_jwt="true" \ issuer='https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local'"
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault write auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh-auth/config \ token_reviewer_jwt="$SA_TOKEN_C2" \ kubernetes_host="$K8S_ADDR_C2" \ kubernetes_ca_cert='$SA_CA_CRT_C2' \ disable_local_ca_jwt="true" \ issuer='https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local'"
Example output:
Success! Data written to: auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER}-mesh-auth/config Success! Data written to: auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER}-mesh-auth/config
Bind the istiod service account to the Vault PKI policy.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault write \ auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh-auth/role/gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh \ bound_service_account_names=istiod-service-account \ bound_service_account_namespaces=istio-system \ policies=gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh \ ttl=720h"
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault write \ auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh-auth/role/gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh \ bound_service_account_names=istiod-service-account \ bound_service_account_namespaces=istio-system \ policies=gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh \ ttl=720h"
Example output:
Success! Data written to: auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh-auth/role/gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh Success! Data written to: auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh-auth/role/gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh
Initialize the Vault PKI.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault secrets enable pki'
Example output:
Success! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki/
Set the Vault CA to the pem_bundle.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault write -format=json pki/config/ca pem_bundle=\"$(cat root-key.pem root-cert.pem)\""
Example output:
{ "request_id": "2aa29fd6-9fa3-3edd-2f8b-2a0e4c007e8c", "lease_id": "", "lease_duration": 0, "renewable": false, "data": { "imported_issuers": null, "imported_keys": null, "mapping": { "aa877391-b4f2-045d-63da-33521c91dc68": "8257875c-4016-f28e-288b-ecca33065097" } }, "warnings": null }
Enable the Vault intermediate cert path. Replace
with your cluster’s name.kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault secrets enable -path=pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER1} pki" kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault secrets enable -path=pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER2} pki"
Example output:
Success! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}/ Success! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}/
Set the policy for the intermediate cert path. Replace
with your cluster names.kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault policy write gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh - <<EOF path "pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"] } path "pki/cert/ca" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "pki/root/sign-intermediate" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "list"] } EOF'
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'vault policy write gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh - <<EOF path "pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"] } path "pki/cert/ca" { capabilities = ["read"] } path "pki/root/sign-intermediate" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "list"] } EOF'
Example output:
Success! Uploaded policy: gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER1}-mesh Success! Uploaded policy: gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER2}-mesh
Now that Vault is set up in your clusters, you can use Vault as an intermediate CA provider. If you see any errors, review the troubleshooting section.
Update Gloo RBAC permissions
The istio-agent
sidecar in each cluster needs to read and modify Gloo resources. To enable the necessary RBAC permissions, update the gloo-agent
Helm release. You can update the Helm release by adding the following snippet to the YAML configuration file in your GitOps pipeline or directly with the helm upgrade
Follow the steps to Get your Helm chart values for the Gloo agent deployment.
Add the following code to your Helm values file.
Set the Gloo Mesh Enterprise version. This example uses the latest version. You can find other versions in the Changelog documentation. Append
for a FIPS-compliant image, such as2.5.13-fips
. Do not includev
before the version number.export GLOO_VERSION=2.5.13
Make sure that you have the Helm repo for the Gloo agent. Note that you might have a different name for the Helm repo, such as
.helm repo add gloo-agent --kube-context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1} helm repo update --kube-context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}
Upgrade the Gloo agent Helm chart with the required RBAC permissions. Note that you might have a different name for the Helm repo, such as
.helm upgrade -n gloo-mesh gloo-agent gloo-mesh-agent/gloo-mesh-agent --kube-context="${REMOTE_CONTEXT1}" --version=$GLOO_VERSION -f values-data-plane-env.yaml
Repeat these steps for each workload cluster.
Modify istiod
So far, you set up the Gloo agent on each cluster to use Vault to obtain the intermediate CA. Now, you can modify your Istio installation to support fetching and dynamically reloading the intermediate CA from Vault.
These steps vary based on your Istio installation method.
Enable Vault as an intermediate CA provider
Now, federate the two meshes together by using Gloo with Vault to establish trusted communication across the service meshes.
- Get the endpoint for the Vault service in the management cluster.Example output:
export VAULT_ENDPOINT="http://$(kubectl get svc/vault -n vault -o wide --context $MGMT_CONTEXT -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}')" echo $VAULT_ENDPOINT
- Get the name of your Istio mesh.
export MESH=$(kubectl get meshes -n gloo-mesh --context $REMOTE_CONTEXT -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}') echo $MESH
- Create a root trust policy for the workload cluster so that the istiod agent on the workload cluster knows how to communicate with Vault on the management cluster. For more information about root trust policies, see the API docs.
kubectl apply --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} -f - << EOF apiVersion: kind: RootTrustPolicy metadata: name: ${REMOTE_CLUSTER} namespace: gloo-mesh spec: applyToMeshes: - istio: clusterSelector: mesh: ${MESH} namespace: istio-system selector: app: istiod vault: ${REMOTE_CLUSTER} config: agentCa: vault: caPath: pki/root/sign-intermediate csrPath: pki_int_${REMOTE_CLUSTER}/intermediate/generate/exported server: $VAULT_ENDPOINT:8200 kubernetesAuth: mountPath: /v1/auth/kube-${REMOTE_CLUSTER}-mesh-auth role: gen-int-ca-istio-${REMOTE_CLUSTER}-mesh EOF
- Restart the istiod deployment. Note that you cannot update Istio resources until istiod is running again.
kubectl rollout restart deployment -l app=istiod -n istio-system --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
- Repeat the previous steps for each workload cluster with Istio.
Verify traffic uses the root CA
Now that the Istio control plane is patched with the gloo-mesh-istiod-agent
sidecar, you can verify that all of the service mesh traffic is secured by using the root CA that you generated for Vault in the previous section.
To verify, you can check the root-cert.pem
in the istio-ca-root-cert
config map that Istio propagates for the initial TLS connection. The following example checks the propagated root-cert.pem
against the local certificate that you supplied to Vault in the previous section.
Check the Vault version that the management cluster runs.
kubectl --context="${MGMT_CONTEXT}" exec -n vault vault-0 -- /bin/sh -c "vault version"
Example output:
Vault v1.11.3 (17250b25303c6418c283c95b1d5a9c9f16174fe8), built 2022-08-26T10:27:10Z
Check the root trust policy for errors.
kubectl describe RootTrustPolicy ${REMOTE_CLUSTER} -n gloo-mesh --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
Check the mesh for errors.
kubectl describe mesh ${MESH} -n gloo-mesh --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
From your terminal, navigate to the same directory as the
file that you previously created. Or, if you are using an existing Vault deployment, save the root certificate asroot-cert.pem
.Check the difference between the root certificate that istiod uses and the Vault root certificate. If installed correctly, the files are the same.
kubectl --context=$REMOTE_CONTEXT get cm -n bookinfo istio-ca-root-cert -ojson | jq -r '.data["root-cert.pem"]' | diff -q root-cert.pem -
If you see that the files differ, check the istiod logs.
kubectl logs -n istio-system --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} $(kubectl get pods -n istio-system -l app=istiod --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT} | cut -d" " -f1 | tail -1) > istiod-logs.txt
Check the issued certificates for errors.
kubectl describe issuedcertificates -n istio-system --context ${REMOTE_CONTEXT}
For more troubleshooting steps, see Troubleshoot errors with the Vault setup or Debug Istio.
Rotating certificates for Istio workloads
When certificates are issued, pods that are managed by Istio must be restarted to ensure they pick up the new certificates. The certificate issuer creates a PodBounceDirective, which contains the namespaces and labels of the pods that must be restarted. For more information about how certificate rotation works in Istio, review the video series in this blog post.
Note: To avoid potential downtime for your apps in production, disable the PodBounceDirective feature by setting autoRestartPods
to false
. Then, control pod restarts in another way, such as a rolling update.
Get your root trust policies.
kubectl get roottrustpolicy --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} -A
Verify that you do not have the
setting. If the setting istrue
, change the value tofalse
.kubectl edit roottrustpolicy --context ${MGMT_CONTEXT} -n <namespace> <root-trust-policy>
Example output:
apiVersion: kind: RootTrustPolicy metadata: name: istio-ingressgateway namespace: gloo-mesh spec: config: autoRestartPods: false ...
If you updated the
field:- Ensure the pods pick up the new certificates by restarting the
pod in each remote cluster.
kubectl --context {$REMOTE_CONTEXT} -n istio-system patch deployment istiod \ -p "{\"spec\":{\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"date\":\"`date +'%s'`\"}}}}}"
- Restart your app pods that are managed by Istio, such as by using a rolling update strategy.
- Ensure the pods pick up the new certificates by restarting the
Troubleshoot errors with the Vault setup
If you have errors with the steps to install Vault, review the following table.
Error | Description |
Error from server (NotFound): pods “vault-0” not found. Error from server (BadRequest): pod vault-0 does not have a host assigned. | The Vault pod might not be running. Check the pod status, troubleshoot any issues, wait for the pod to start, and try again. |
* path is already in use | You already have set up that path. If you already ran the script, you can ignore this message. |
Error writing data to pki/config/ca: Error making API request. Code: 400. Errors: * the given certificate is not marked for CA use and cannot be used with this backend command terminated with exit code 2 | If you are using macOS, you might have the default LibreSSL version. Set up OpenSSL instead. For more information see Before you begin. |
Example script
You can review or adapt the following example script for your own use.
Environment details:
- 3 cluster setup: 1 management cluster and 2 workload clusters
- Gloo installed on all clusters
- Istio installed on the workload clusters, including the httpbin sample app
The script organizes the functions into the following commands that you can run.
Copy the GitHub Gist, also rendered after these steps.
Make sure to update the environment variables at the beginning of the script for the Gloo version, management, and workload cluster contexts that you want to use.
Read and execute the Vault script.
source ~/Downloads/
Execute the Vault functions in order. If you notice errors, try running them one at a time, or refer to the troubleshooting section.
- Run all functions at once:
- Run functions separately, one at a time:
- Install Vault on the management cluster.
- Enable Vault authentication for Kubernetes.
- Set up the CA in Vault.
- Run all functions at once:
Verify Vault. Note that this verification assumes you have
on each workload cluster in thehttpbin